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KARA goes back and forth between being an adult and a girl.

KARA goes back and forth between being an adult and a girl.

KARA's Goo Hara's transformation into a short-haired girl is attracting attention online.

On the 11th of this month, Hara posted a photo of her long hair cut along with a tweet saying, "First short hair since debut... not too long, not too short!"

In the photo, Hara looks great with neat short hair, a complete change from her previous long hair.

Hara's cute hat, which seems to match her hairstyle, is also eye-catching.

Various reactions have been posted online, such as "cute," "sexy and cute," "young but feels like she's gone back to her youth," "but I wonder why she cut it," "she looks much younger than before," and "is she tired of just showing off her sexiness? Anyway, she's successfully transformed."

KARA, the group Hara is in, is actively promoting "Pandora," which was released in August this year. Since then, she has become the first Korean female artist to perform at the Tokyo Dome, and the music video for "Pandora" has already been viewed 10 million times on YouTube.

(From Entertainment News)

Hara boasts a cute face and a smart appearance.

Whenever her appearance changes, she always becomes the center of attention.

She has had a strong image of a mature woman recently, but with her short hair, she seems to have returned to her baby-faced girl image.

She is able to freely move between adult and girlish roles, and now is her best season.

Her brilliance is of course influencing the other members.

They (KARA) will perform at the Tokyo Dome early next year (January 6, 2013).

The music video for "Pandora" has already been viewed 10 million times on YouTube.

This is inferior to PSY's "Gangnam Style," which boasts millions of views in a single day.

But it's still amazing that this is not a passing fad but the result of their (KARA's) popularity.

Anyone who has had the opportunity to visit YouTube often will understand how amazing 10 million views is.

If you continue to watch, you will find that many videos have views that stop at a few thousand or tens of thousands.

This shows how difficult it is to reach a number over 10 million.

Many IDs are needed to increase the number.
Strict checks are also carried out during the process.
If numbers were so easily manipulated, there would not be so many videos with 1,000 or 3,000 views.

K-pop girls are fighting a fierce battle every day to survive.

KARA is still firmly at the forefront of popularity.

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