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Having a lively conversation with Brad Pitt (Tiffany)

Having a lively conversation with Brad Pitt (Tiffany)

Brad Pitt, who came to Korea to promote the movie "World War Z," met Girls' Generation's Tiffany.

Brad Pitt, who came to Korea on the 11th, met Tiffany at Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul for an interview on SBS's "One Night TV Entertainment." Brad Pitt, who has always been interested in Korean culture, was interviewed by Tiffany at Gyeongbokgung Palace's Geunjeongjeon, national treasure number 233. This was the first time that a foreign star visiting Korea was interviewed at Gyeongbokgung Palace.

During the interview, Tiffany spoke with Brad Pitt in fluent English. People are also interested in what Tiffany from the popular girl group Girls' Generation talked about when she met with the global star Brad Pitt.

Brad Pitt, who came to Korea in 2011 to promote the movie Moneyball, visited Seoul for the first time in two years. He arrived at Gimpo International Airport with his son on a chartered plane at around 8 a.m. on the 11th.

World War Z is a blockbuster film that depicts an unknown phenomenon that strikes the entire world, the final disaster of humankind from which no one can survive. It has attracted attention for its suspenseful action, location shooting all over the world, and its huge scale.
(From Entertainment News)

Tiffany (Girls' Generation) is said to have interviewed Brad Pitt.

I would like to watch SBS's One Night of TV Entertainment to see what kind of conversation took place, but I wonder if someone will record it and upload it to YouTube.

I'm sure there will be many people who will be happy to access this like me.

If it had been an interview conducted by a female TV announcer, I wouldn't have been that interested. I'm not a big fan of Brad Pitt, so I probably wouldn't have wanted to watch it. However, it's a different story when Tiffany is the interviewer.

If a female star interviews a male star, it can make the place more lively. The opposite is also true.

Brad Pitt is a global star, but Tiffany also qualifies as a star. She is a member of Girls' Generation, a representative K-Pop singing group that attracts worldwide attention.

Tiffany has performed on many stages and has ample MC experience, was raised in America, and is also good at speaking. Just imagining the interaction between the two of them is enjoyable.

I hope they don't get too excited and Brad Pitt asks them, "Why aren't you married yet?"

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