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The tour of beauty that wipes away mishaps (Girls' Generation)

The tour of beauty that wipes away mishaps (Girls' Generation)

A member of Girls' Generation was involved in an incident that seemed like an April Fool's Day incident.

According to Yonhap News on the 1st, Girls' Generation member A and male B were messing around on the second floor of a friend's house in Seobinggo-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul at 12:30 a.m. on the 30th of last month.

While A was shaking off B's hand, A's finger hit her eye, and B called the police.

At the time, A was playing a prank on B, saying that she would fall to the first floor, and it was revealed that A hit B when she shook off B's hand that tried to stop her.

Angered by A's behavior, B reported A to the nearby police station for assault, and the two were investigated at Yongsan Police Station twice, on the day of the incident and the day after.

Regarding this, B reportedly stated to the police, "I reported that I was playing around and he hit me, but thinking about it carefully, I don't think he hit me on purpose."

A police source said, "There were no obvious injuries on the man," and, "We were notified once and have filed charges, but as the incident itself is merely a mishap, it will likely end with 'no charges' and 'no right to appeal.'"

(From Entertainment News)

What! What is this?

The incident occurred on the 30th, so surely Yonhap News is not broadcasting it on the 1st as an April Fool's joke?

First of all, I'm worried about B's eyes, but since there are no visible injuries, it's a good thing that A didn't fall from the second floor.

If he had fallen and been injured, that would have been a big problem. With an important tour coming up, they were in a difficult situation.

By the way, who is this A? If we go by a process of elimination, we can get a vague idea of what they might be, but this is just speculation so we won't go any further.

However, it is clear that each of them is relaxed and at ease, recharging their energy before setting off.

Once they begin the tour, the eyes of fans and the media will be on them and each member will be under stress every day.

In any case, at this age and in full bloom of beauty, we hope to see a wonderful tour without any accidents or incidents.

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