
When Prostatitis Doesn't Make You Want to Urine

Prostatitis can enlarge the prostate gland, compressing the posterior urethra and causing abnormal urination patterns such as frequent urination and urgency. In cases of bacterial infection, this condition can lead to congestion, edema, and increased sensitivity of the bladder mucosa, resulting in the absence of the urge to urinate.

Patients with acute prostatitis or acute exacerbations of chronic prostatitis often experience chills and fever, along with symptoms affecting the lower urinary tract, such as frequent urination, urgency, and pain during urination. As the disease progresses, it can impact multiple body systems and even lead to sepsis, further diminishing the urge to urinate.

The lack of urge to urinate can be attributed to several factors:

1. Disease Absence:
When prostatitis is triggered by inflammatory stimuli, the prostate swells and compresses the urethra, leading to urethral stricture and altered urinary sensation. However, if the disease is not actively present, the sensation to urinate may be absent. In such cases, patients are generally advised to take medications like amoxicillin or cefuroxime under medical supervision.

2. Improper Treatment:
If patients do not adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen, such as taking medications on time and in the correct dosage, or if they alter the dosage without consulting their doctor, the effectiveness of the treatment can be compromised. This can lead to recurrent symptoms and a lack of urge to urinate. It is crucial for patients to follow their doctor's instructions and avoid altering medication dosages independently.

3. Concurrent Cystitis:
When prostatitis is accompanied by cystitis, symptoms such as no urge to urinate, frequent urination, and urgency can occur due to the untreated condition. In this scenario, medications like levofloxacin hydrochloride or ceftriaxone sodium are recommended as per the doctor’s advice.

Solutions for Prostatitis-Related Urination Issues

1. Drug Treatment:
Under medical supervision, anti-inflammatory medications such as ciprofloxacin hydrochloride tablets and cefixime capsules can be used. If symptoms persist, the traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can help clear heat, detoxify, promote diuresis, and relieve gonorrhea.

2. Physical Therapy:
Techniques like warm water sitz baths or microwave therapy can promote local blood circulation, hasten the resolution of inflammation, and alleviate pain, congestion, and edema. These therapies should be administered by professional healthcare providers.

3. Surgical Treatment:
If other treatments are ineffective, surgical interventions such as prostate puncture and drainage may be necessary.

Prostate Maintenance Tips

1. Drink More Water and Urinate Frequently:
Regularly drinking adequate water can help alleviate prostatitis symptoms by diluting urine and reducing irritation.

2. Maintain Regular Sexual Activity:
Avoid unclean sexual practices, refrain from enduring ejaculation, and limit frequent masturbation.

3. Avoid Smoking, Alcohol, and Spicy Foods:
Smoking and alcohol can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to bacterial infections and recurrent inflammation.

4. Maintain a Positive Mood and Exercise Regularly:
Psychological factors such as anxiety or depression can affect normal urination. Engaging in physical exercise like jogging, walking, Tai Chi, or swimming can help maintain a positive mood. However, long-term cycling is not recommended as it may compress the prostate and worsen symptoms.





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