
Why Should Patients With Prostatitis Avoid Drinking Alcohol?

Prostatitis refers to the condition that prostate gland has inflammation. It usually causes some urinary and genital problems to men, and some of the symptoms such as painful urination and painful ejaculation are unbearable for men.

As it is one of the most common diseases that occur in men, especially among these whose age is over 35 years old? Men who are over 35, have to deal with their business on dining-table, thus they will have many chance to drink alcohol. However, for the prostatitis, whether you can drink the alcohol or not is a big problem.

Recently there are growing numbers of evidences showing that drinking has great harm to prostatitis. Studies that have shown in many book say that wine will worsen prostatitis symptoms. So when patients face a situation that they have to drink the wine, whether to drink it or not become a problem. Since some of them still doubt the opinion that drinking is harmful for prostatitis. They are wondering why drinking wine could worsen the prostatitis symptoms, and how does alcohol affect the prostatitis.

Regarding to this question, the answer is yes. Of course, drinking is harmful for prostatitis. Firstly, prostatitis will lead to congestion in prostate tissue. As the alcohol has the function of promote the blood circulation, drinking wine will worsen the situation. Secondly, under the stimulation of alcohol, the capillaries will expand and congestion. Interstitial fluid increase in leakage, and the prostate will enlarge, thus it will occupy urethral space, and then urethra will be squished.

As a consequence, it will lead to more difficult urination. And alcohol could stimulate all the symptoms of prostatitis through this way. It is better for the this disease sufferers keep away from alcohol. What's more, if you want to get recovery soon, smoking, seafood and spicy food should also be avoided.
In a word, patients with prostatitis should not drink alcohol. But it could not be cured only be stop drinking wine, you should combine the diet with the treatment. There is an herbal medicine which is named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. It is rich in the ingredient of plantain seed and have the same effective of diuretic and anti-inflammatory. Besides, Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is not only to relieve the symptoms of it, but also to treat the disease from the root and completely eradicate the recurrence of prostatitis. So patients can count on it.




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