

Lloyd Austin to General Smith: Release My Men or Else!

By Michael Baxter -August 11, 2023


United States Marines have detained a U.S. Army National Guard captain who arrived at Camp Pendleton’s gates claiming to hold an urgent message for General Eric M. Smith’s eyes only, a source in the general’s office told Real Raw News.



The Tuesday incident occurred at 4:30 p.m., when the captain, wearing his Class A uniform, approached Pendleton’s Las Pulgas gate in a black sedan and told sentries that he had “come for General Smith,” a poor choice of words. The vigilant Marine sentinels recognized the captain’s insignia as belonging to the 40th Infantry Division at Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base, California, a facility plagued with malefic officers loyal to the criminal Biden regime.



The Marines yanked the dapper captain from the vehicle, hurled him to the pavement, stood him up, handcuffed him behind his back, and meticulously frisked him. One marine slid a circular mirror affixed to an aluminum pole under the sedan, looking for explosives. Having diligently searched the captain and his car and found only a manilla envelope marked ‘for General Eric M. Smith’s eyes only,’ the Marines phoned in the intrusion and awaited the arrival of military police.



As the MPs interrogated the shaken and bruised captain at a security building, the envelope and letter were screened for harmful substances such as fentanyl, anthrax, and ricin—no toxins were found.



The captain said he was a messenger tasked with ensuring that Gen. Smith received the letter and that he had no ill will for “the Good Marines at Pendleton,” adding that his garrison commander, Lt. Col. Manju Vig, ordered him to hand-deliver the envelope and return to base.



However, Vig had not written the letter. It was authored by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who forwarded it to Vig, who then delegated the captain to bring it to Pendleton. He wanted to leave in peace but was told he wasn’t going anywhere until Gen. Smith read the letter and decided what to do with him. An MP inquired about the captain’s allegiances, asking who he considered to be commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He responded, “President Joseph R. Biden,” footnoting his answer with, “We may have disagreements over who’s calling the shots, but we wear similar uniforms and took the same oath.”



Our source said that General Smith received the letter approximately two hours later as he was preparing to retire for the evening. The missive was another of Austin’s endless and unenforceable ultimatums, this time commanding Gen. Smith to immediately release Cpt. David Dunbar and CSM Nema Mobarakzadeh, the 10th Mountain Division’s staff officer and senior NCO, respectively, whom U.S. Marines apprehended on July 30.



“Dunbar and Mobarrka—I can’t pronounce his damn name. They’re at Camp Blaz now,” our source said.



Interestingly, the letter did not mention the 165 soldiers in custody or the four officers arrested by Special Forces in Germany.



Austin referred to Dubar and Mobarakzadeh as “hostages” and Gen. Smith as a “terrorist betraying his constitutional oath.” He wrote, “Your alliance with former President Trump puts the men you command in greater danger daily. When you fall, they will too. It’s inevitable. But in the meantime, you can do yourself a favor by setting free Captain Dunbar and Command Sergeant Major Mobarakzadeh. Heed this command, or we’ll come for them and for you. Your fate is ordained; the outcomes of those serving you are still to be seen.”



Our source said Gen. Smith put the letter in a shredder and ordered Pendleton MPs to detain its deliverer until further notice. He said Deep State panjandrums once again failed to intimidate Gen. Smith.



Asked whether anyone at Pendleton knew why Austin chose such a circuitous delivery route—instead of sending the letter by email or post—he said, “Only Austin’s demented mind knows why. The coward sure wasn’t going to drop it off himself. And Captain [name withheld] clamped up the second we told him he wasn’t going home.”



Note: We have withheld the captain’s name at the request of Gen. Smith’s office.



【[賊軍国防長官ロイド・オースティンからスミス将軍へ: 私の部下を釈放せよ、さもなくば]RRN

マイケル・バクスター著 -2023年8月11日



















































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