My Diary

Brogging in English!!

1月14日(月)のつぶやき その3

2013-01-15 03:07:39 | 日記

@zuiqwy Okay! lol you have to eat from its head!! it's kinda exiting!! lol of course it's joking :D

@zuiqwy I always do!! lol you must try it!! I think it's the best way how to eat!! lol

@zuiqwy Yeah. of course!! it's kinda Japanese joke!! okay stop it! sorry.

I didn't expect to fall a lot of snow today. but I could skip my work thanks to it!! #twinglish #EngPls

@WoAiGuixian Okay! you should come Hokkaido in Japan!! there is always cold!! lol

@WoAiGuixian Okay When you come Japan, then let me know!!haha! Why do you think so? it's surely fun though! lol

ちょっとSoftbank行ってくる!! RT @stray_heart_xx: え、もうiPhone買ったら絶対ケースこんなかから選ぶし

Getting married at the age of 22-23 is like leaving a night party at 8:30 !!

Greeny Armstrongさんがリツイート | 1 RT

ソフトバンク、TOEIC900点で100万円 社員に報奨金  :日本経済新聞…

Greeny Armstrongさんがリツイート | 2 RT

I should enter Softbank instead of enterning Genki Sushi! lol #EngPls Amazing that gives worker a million who acquires 900 points of TOEIC.

@ayuse2 @irfanichiro529 @gd_dp あ、やば、don't 見逃したwww ごめんなさい。

Did I make a fool of myself...... misunderstanding is more stupid than any others mistakes. #twinglish #EngPls

1月14日(月)のつぶやき その2

2013-01-15 03:07:38 | 日記

@zuiqwy Oh... it's secret!! murmur( Micky is not one... he is in all over the world...)

Animal Hamaguchi is just crazy. I hate him. he's one of a kind. it's another meaning. #twinglish #EngPls

@TheDjLoopacabra Yes. it's incorrect!! I should say "what would you say??" right?

@TheDjLoopacabra Thank you!! I don't still understand how to use "would and could"!! lol

I will have a hamster when I start to work. I would name him/her Billie. #twinglish #EngPls

I have a good idea!! have 3 hamsters and I name them Billie, Joe and Armstrong each!! how's this? #twinglish #EngPls

@TheDjLoopacabra Oh that's confusing problem!! Okay I make a sentence. ex. I could drink this juice, if you didn't make it. RIGHT?

@TheDjLoopacabra oh... okay next. I could go to school, but I'm so lazy. how's this?

@spankybruno HAHA!! Yeah! murmur( Micky is not one cause I eat him...) lol I'm the onl guy who is lives on Micky!! lol

@TheDjLoopacabra It's strange?? okay forget this! lol I would vote for Obama, If I were an American. how's this??

@TheDjLoopacabra Wow difficult...! ummm... I'm confused...:( well Can't I use maybe or might instead of would??

@TheDjLoopacabra Ummm... Maybe I saw a ghost, I might run away with screaming = If I met..., I would... not correct??

@zuiqwy Hahaha!! I ate all Micky in my house!! Mission complete!!lol

1月14日(月)のつぶやき その1

2013-01-15 03:07:37 | 日記

@irfanichiro529 そうなんで?You mean そうなんです。?? I can't remember :(

@irfanichiro529 We don't say そうなんで at all!! we say そうなんです though. it means that's right.

WOW Give you something good. つ【MEDICINE】 RT @GreenDayFreak19: Now I have a headache -.-

Drowsy. I'm just drowsy. I gotta get up. I miss my warming bed...orz #twinglish #EngPls

I feel so miserable when I see a person who can speak Eng better than me. ヽ(`Д´)ノ But, instead, I can get lots of motivation. #EngPls

Can you hear?? the boy laughing in my house is my brother. loud and gross. #twinglish #EngPls

My friends seem to have a party. but don't still decide where to have. #twinglish #EngPls

GOSH. Snowing!! stop snowing, it's a serious trouble what hard to go to my work place. #twinglish #EngPls

@TheDjLoopacabra Amazing!! yeah. I need more vocabularies!! the Effort never doesn't let us down!!

WOW Shouldn't I say "doesn't"? RT @GD_DP: @TheDjLoopacabra Amazing!! yeah. I need more vocabularies!! the Effort never doesn't let us down!!

I think American Eng speakers speaking is so faster than british. #twinglish #EngPls

@Sanne_Hellyeah Wow haha Hokkaido in Japan was fucking -20゜C!! CAN YOU IMAGINE?? LOL

@Sanne_Hellyeah yeah! surely!! lol you shouldn't visit Hokkaido if you have the chance to visit Japan!! lol