My Diary

Brogging in English!!

4月16日(火)のつぶやき その1

2013-04-17 03:22:12 | 日記

I'm looking for skype friends to improve my Eng conversation.This is my skype ID "greenyarmstrong". Plz send me a contact!! #Nihongo #skype

I'm an English learner who's 18yo Japanese boy. So I might use crazy English sometimes, then plz forgive me and plz correct me!! #EngPls

@kimiNiTod0ke Hehe yep it effects so!! I want many people to know Japanese Sushi culture through it :) especially foreigners!!

I couldn't find out the book what i looked for.

I think stamps already arrived. But i can't be relieved till telling me its results. #EngPls #Twinglish?

I'm looking for skype friends to improve my Eng conversation.This is my skype ID "greenyarmstrong". Plz send me a contact!! #Nihongo #skype

@YukiK3193 ありがとう!! 楽しみにしてるよー(*´ω`*)

@ayuse2 Oh so you can work at Uobei which is part of Genki Sushi group which's my company. Let's work together!! I live in Tochigi!!

@raspberry_tom Hehe i can't forgive this!! But actually, handsome guys catch the attention and get the popularity... that's unfair!! Lol

@YukiK3193 そーなんだ(´;ω;`)でもよかったじゃん(*´ω`*)

@ayuse2 Um it's Tochigi's company. And there is it in tokyo.

@ayuse2 Hehe i mean work together through feeling. Lol i can't explain in English!! Lol

@raspberry_tom Yeah i know that very well!! Fake is the stupidest. I hate the people who's make the fake (#`皿´)

@chrmm_w Where were you going?! :) And thanks for the follow back!!

