My Diary

Brogging in English!!


2013-05-22 03:26:01 | 日記

I'm looking for skype friends to improve my Eng conversation.This is my skype ID "greenyarmstrong". Plz send me a contact!! #Nihongo #skype

I'm an English learner who's 18yo Japanese boy.
So I might use crazy English sometimes, then plz forgive me and plz correct me!! #EngPls

@AizadaAdilova おはよー(*^ー^)ノ♪ ひさしぶりだねー!

I can't stand that hot... wow it would Good thing that i wear a harf T shirts

The men who is sitting near me is fuckin bad boys!! I hate them

And screaming, are we we are, are we we are the waiting

Greeny Armstrongさんがリツイート | 4 RT

Not really!! But it seems to be hot this week... but summer is almost coming actually

I'm looking for skype friends to improve my Eng conversation.This is my skype ID "greenyarmstrong". Plz send me a contact!! #Nihongo #skype

I'm an English learner who's 18yo Japanese boy.
So I might use crazy English sometimes, then plz forgive me and plz correct me!! #EngPls

