My Diary

Brogging in English!!


2013-01-29 03:10:44 | 日記

Listening to 21st Century Breakdown, fucking love this album.

Greeny Armstrongさんがリツイート | 13 RT

G'morning!! Social study's exam seems to be tough to memorize... wow I have to do it after school. #twinglish #EngPls

I've arrived at hooomeeee. whew I'm a little tired. I'll study social study harder. no... #twinglish #EngPls

@TweetinEng Oh really?? so I need to acquire oral ability in Chinese, too :D

@TweetinEng Yeah... I don't have to go to school after I finish taking my exam. so I must do my best...

help me... I don't know what world history. I should only know about the world war 2. yes it's the unforgetable history of Japan. #EngPls

I can't memorize so!! gosh!! I may get under 30 points with it. Give me a lot of times. #twinglish #EngPls

Ah... kotatsu is mean to me. he gives me super drowsy and I fall asleep everyday... lol

@ayuse2 @_Takayan_37 簡単に言えば、他人の間違いに寛容になるということですね。するべきではないわけではありません。学習者同士添削しあうのはいいことですが、それだとなんだか競い合っているみたいじゃないですか?"優越感"というものは本来感じてはいけないと 続く

