

Traditional Theatre Training(TTT) invites FIRT Participants

2011-07-31 23:36:40 | Conference

FIRT participants invited to observe training in Kyoto

August 7-10 (Aug 7 recommended) T.T.T.


Traditional Theatre Training is held in central Kyoto each summer

http://en.kac.or.jp/ We invite FIRT 2011 participants to visit the training, which is held nightly from 630-930 in the studies of the Kyoto Art Center. You may observe 20 participating students from five countries studying intensively noh dance-drama, kyogen comedy, and nihonbuyo classical dance in preparation for an August 12th recital. You may stay for a short or long time, in one practice hall or rotate to all three. We ask a donation of 1000 yen, which will go to the post-performance party. On Sunday, August 7th, Program director will be on hand to lead a group. For more information and reservations please contact Jonah Salz 080-4480-6627. jonah@world.ryukoku.ac.jp


Now Printing

2011-07-16 00:57:19 | 準備

Dear our guests.

We are delighted that we have reached the final stage of production processes of our congress goods.

Among others, our congress bag is a brilliant one, which perfectly embodies the main theme of the conference, "tradition, innovation, community."

This bag is made of canvas, the fabric with centuries-long tradition of usage.

It is printed by the innovative, state-of-the-art technology of pad printing.

The artwork is put into its final form with the aid of finest computer softwares, and sent from its designers to the printing house via e-mail, obviously the most influential innovation which have changed our way of communication completely.

The bag itself is made by MUJI, a world-famous, community-conscious retail company, selling a wide variety of household and consumer goods. MUJI is distinguished by its design minimalism, emphasis on recycling, avoidance of waste in production and packaging, and no-logo or "no-brand" policy.

With this bag and other quality goods, we will give you a hearty welcome, which is also one of the components of our centuries-long culture.