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Dustwallow Marsh&TheremoreIsle(町)*終了

2005年01月15日 16時13分59秒 | Quest
Dustwallow Marsh
エリア名:Dustwallow Marsh グリ町:TheremoreIsle(MHから船)
Pavel Reethe[42.48]
Firemane Scort[42.65]
baros Jacken 35.54

□[1]Oops, We Killed Them Again. --- Captain Garran Vimes
□[40]Cleansing of the Orb of Orahil(Elite/WarlockOnly) --- Tabetha
□[30]Highperch Venom - Fiora Longears@INN[66.45]
  The Barrensのさらに南、ThousandNeedlesの[11.36]辺りにいるHighperch Patriarchのvenom集める。近くには25前後のHordeが出没。
□[36]Hungry! --- Mudcrush Durtfeet[35.38]
□[40]Items of Power(MageOnly) - Tabetha
□[20]Journey to Astranaar - Fiora Longears@INN(行くだけ)
□[40]Lieutenant Paval Reethe - Reethe's Badge
  [29.48]the shady rest innのboardから
 □[40]Lieutenant Paval Reethe - Captain Garran Vimes
  □[38]Daelin's Men --- Adjutant Tesoran
   □[38]The Deserters --- Captain Garran Vimes
    □[38]The Deserters Durotar A 38 Balos Jacken
□[45]Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme - Nat Pagle[58.60]島.Tidefuly Cove
  FishingQ、[66.45]あたり fishing155では受けられず?
□[40]Returning the Cleansed Orb(Class:WarlockOnly) - Tabetha
□[42]Shadowshard Fragmenst - Archmage Tervosh[66.49]町中心Tower内てっぺん
□[35]Soothing Spices Dustwallow Marsh B 35 "Swamp Eye" Jarl[55.26]
 □[35]Jarl Needs Eyes Dustwallow Marsh B 35 "Swamp Eye" Jarl
  □[35]Jarl Needs a Blade - "Swamp Eye" Jarl
    Bring a Moonsteel Broadsword(AHで1~2G、Smithで作成).
□[37]Stinky's Escape - "Stinky" Ignatz[46.17]
□[35]Suspicious Hoofprints - uspicious Hoofprints
  Shady Rest Inn(廃墟)[29.48]でThe suspicious printsを調べてCaptain Garran Vimes@Theramoreに報告
□[35]The Black Shield(Part1) --- Black Shield[29.48]
  Shady Rest INN(廃墟)[29.48]の暖炉にかかっている盾を調べてQゲット。TheremoreのCitadel、大広間のCaptain Garran Vimes[68.48]へ届ける。
 □[35]The Black Shield(Part2) - Captain Garran Vimes[68.48]
   町の中の鍛冶屋、Caz Twosprocket[64.50]に届ける。
  □[35]The Black Shield Dustwallow Marsh A 35 Caz Twosprocket
    Captain Garran Vimes[68.48]へ。
□[35]The Orc Report Dustwallow Marsh A 35 Orc Report
  Dropかな。ITEM:Spy's ReportをTheramore Lieutenantに届けるだけ
 □[35]Captain Vimes Dustwallow Marsh A 35 Theramore Lieutenant
   Captain Garran Vimesに持ってく
□[35]They Call Him Smiling Jim - Guard Byron[66.46]INN脇
  Speak with Captain Garran Vimes in Theramore. 

□[43]Akiris by the Bundle --- Privateer Bloads@Stranglethorn Vale
□[20]Fiora Longears --- Red Jack Flint@Wetlands
□[35]James Hyal --- Vincent Hyal@Wetlands
□[38]Journey to the Marsh --- Jennea Cannon@SW
□[38]Morgan Stern --- Angus Stern@SW
 □[38]Mudrock soup and Bugs by Morgan Stern(亀倒す。町からちょい北の海辺にいっぱい)
□[40]... and Bugs Durotar A 40 Morgan Stern
     Swamp of Sorrows東の海辺ののカニ、Silt CrawlerからPristine Crawler Leg12個とってくる
Razzeric's Tweaking Thousand Needles B 41 Razzeric
Safety First Thousand Needles B 41 Razzeric
Safety First Tanaris B 41 Shreev
Seal of Ascension (Elite) Blackrock Spire B 61
The Missing Diplomat Wetlands A 33 Mikhail
The Missing Diplomat Dustwallow Marsh A 35 Commander Samaul
The Missing Diplomat Dustwallow Marsh A 36 Archmage Tervosh
The Missing Diplomat Dustwallow Marsh A 38 Private Hendel
Return to the Marsh City of Ironforge A 40 Bink
The Infernal Orb Dustwallow Marsh B 40 Tabetha
The Exorcism (Elite) Dustwallow Marsh B 40 Tabetha
Hidden Secrets Dustwallow Marsh A 38 Tabetha
Get the Scoop Thousand Needles B 30 Magus Tirth
Rituals of Power (Elite) Dustwallow Marsh B 40 Tabetha
Mage's Wand Dustwallow Marsh B 40 Tabetha
Power in Uldaman (Elite) Dustwallow Marsh B 40 Tabetha

Tabetha's Task (Elite) Tanaris B 46 Bink
Tiara of the Deep (Elite) Dustwallow Marsh B 46 Tabetha


ここから西行って西行くと The Barrens [42.90] がInstance:Razorfen Kraul

City of Ironforge(LV50以上)

2005年01月15日 16時04分47秒 | Quest
City of Ironforge

Areas of Interest:
Hall of Explorers Military Ward Mystic Ward Old Ironforge
The Forlorn Cavern The Great Forge The High Seat Tinker Town
Connected Zones:
Dun Morogh

□[]A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands! City of Ironforge A 50 Courier Hammerfall
A Little Slime Goes a Long Way City of Ironforge A 52 Laris Geardawdle
 A Little Slime Goes a Long Way City of Ironforge A 54 Laris Geardawdle
  Choose: Hazecover Boots (1) or Brazen Gauntlets (1)
Passing the Burden City of Ironforge A 52 Historian Karnik
Arcane Runes City of Ironforge A 52 Mage Tymor
An Easy Pickup City of Ironforge A 52 Mage Tymor
Signal for Pickup City of Ironforge A 52 Xiggs Fuselighter
Return to Mage Tymor City of Ironforge A 52 Pilot Xiggs Fuselighter
    Choose: Steelsmith Greaves (1) or Skullspell Orb (1)
Portents of Uldum City of Ironforge A 50 High Explorer Magellas
Seeing What Happens (Elite) City of Ironforge A 50 Historian Karnik
Return to Ironforge (Elite) Tanaris A 50 Uldum Pedestal
A Future Task City of Ironforge A 50 Historian Karnik
A Future Task City of Ironforge A 50 Historian Karnik
The Reason for the Season City of Ironforge A 60
The Feast of Winter Veil City of Ironforge A 60 Historian Karnik
The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan City of Ironforge A 54 Royal Historian Archesonus
The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan City of Ironforge A 54 Royal Historian Archesonus


City of Ironforge(LV30~49) *攻略中

2005年01月15日 15時52分53秒 | Quest
City of Ironforge

[30]A King's Tribute by King Magni Bronzebeard
  Grand Mason Marblestenと話す。IF入って右手、建物前?
 □[31]A King's Tribute by Grand Mason Marblesten
   5 pieces of Alterac Graniteをとってきて。Hillsbrad Foothills、SSの北やや西より
  □[31]A King's Tribute by Grand Mason Marblesten(Kingに報告)
□[42]Bring the Light(Elite) - ArchBishop Benedictus[39.26]@Cathedral of Light

[37]Ironband Wants You! by Prospector Stormpike
  Loch ModanのIronband's Excavation SiteにいるProspector Ironbandと話す。
 □[38]Find Agmond by Prospector by Ironband@Loch Modan
   Badlandsのsouthernmost dig siteにいたProspector Agmondを探して。
   Loch Modanの南西。Angor Fortressのちょっといったとこ?
   Look for a 'Battered Dwarven Skeleton' near a Trogg camp at base of hillside.
   He can be found in Agmonds End, lying on the ground north of the Trogg Camp.

[38]Mythology of the Titans (Elite) by Librarian Mae Paledust

[43]Reclaimed Treasures (Elite) by Krom Stoutarm ◎
  UldamanのQ.Krom Stoutarm's treasuredをとってくる。
  his chest in the North Common Hall of Uldaman
[33]Reclaimers' Business in Desolace by Roetten Stonehammer
 □[33]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. by Kreldig Ungor@Desolace
  □[35]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. by Kreldig Ungor
   □[40]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. by Kreldig Ungor
    □[40]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. by Kreldig Ungor

[40]Return to the Marshby Bink
 □[40]The Infernal Orb by Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
  □[40]The Exorcism (Elite) by Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
   □[38]Hidden Secrets by Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
     ※[40]Power in Uldaman (Elite)と同時発生?
    □[30]Get the Scoop by Magus Tirth@Thousand Needles
     □[40]Rituals of Power (Elite) by Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
      □[40]Mage's Wand by Tabetha
   □[40]Power in Uldaman (Elite) by Tabetha
     ※[38]Hidden Secretsと同時発生?

[35]Stolen Winter Veil Treats by Wulmort Jinglepocket
 □[35]You're a Mean One... (Elite) by??? @Alterac Mountains
  □[35]A Smokywood Pastures Thank You! by Wulmort Jinglepocket

[30]The Brassbolts Brothers by Pilot Longbeard
  Bring the crate of crash helmets to Wizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.
[46]The Brassbolts Brothers (Elite) by Klockmort Spannerspan
[35]The Grand Betrayal (Elite) by High Tinker Mekkatorque

[40]The Lost Dwarves (Elite) by Prospector Stormpike
 □[40]The Hidden Chamber (Elite) by Baelog[[Uldaman]]

[45]The Lost Tablets of Will (Elite) by Advisor Belgrum(見つかりません)

[40]The Way of the Weaponsmith by Ironus Coldsteel

[30]Tome of the Cabal by Krom Stoutarm
 □[30]Tome of the Cabal by Krom Stoutarm


City of Ironforge(LV29以下)

2005年01月15日 15時52分24秒 | Quest
City of Ironforge

[20]A Lack of Fear by High Priestess Laurena
[20]Arcane Feedback by High Priest Rohan
[10]Desperate Prayer by High Priest Rohan

[15]Find Bingles by Gnoarn
 □[15]Bingles' Missing Supplies by Bingles Blastenheimer@Loch Modan
[10]Gakin's Summons by Lago Blackwrench
 □[10]The Slaughtered Lamb by Lago Blackwrench
  □[10]Surena Caledon by Gakin the Darkbinder

[16]Gearing Redridge by Tormus Deepforge
[23]Knowledge in the Deeps (Elite) by Gerrig Bonegrip

[15]Report to Jennea by Dink
 □[16]Investigate the Blue Recluse by Jennea Cannon
  □[15]Gathering Materials by Jennea Cannon

[10]Simple Subterfugin' by Hulfdan Blackbeard

[15]Speak with Shoni by Gnoarn
 □[20]Underground Assault (Elite) by Shoni the Shilent@SW(Deadmine)
   Choose: Polar Gauntlets (1) or Sable Wand (1)

[12]Supplying the Front by Tormus Deepforge
[13]The Tome of Divinity by John Turner
[13]The Tome of Divinity by???

[20]The Powers Below by Book: The Powers Below@Darkshore(DropITEM)
  ※Rate+4 ドロップアイテムQ
  [23]Knowledge in the Deeps (Elite)の導入Qらしい
  Twilight Disciple (15 - 17) 0.95% (45) Twilight Thug (17 - 18) 0.85%
  Q内容:Bring the Book: The Powers Below to Gerrig Bonegrip in the Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge.

□[15]Treats for Greatfather Winter by Greatfather Winter


Alterac Mountains

2005年01月15日 14時20分03秒 | Quest
Alterac Mountains 40-55

[55]A Plague Upon Thee by Nathaniel Dumah
 □[55]A Plague Upon Thee by Nathaniel Dumah
  □[55]A Plague Upon Thee by Termite Barrel@Western Plaguelands
[56]All Along the Watchtowers (Elite) by Commander Ashlam Valorfist
[60]Barov Family Fortune (Elite) by Weldon Barov

[34]Foreboding Plans by Syndicate Documents[56.87]
  Foreboding PlansをMagistrate Maleb@Southshoreに届ける
 □[36]Noble Deaths by Magistrate Henry Maleb@Hillsbrad Foothills
   7 Alterac Signet RingsをMagistrate Maleb@Southshore,タウンホールに届ける。
   Alterac Signet RingsのDrop状況:
   Syndicate Spy (32-36) 10.01% (786) Syndicate Wizard (34-35) 8.26% (350)
   Syndicate Assassin (37-39) 0.99% (32) Syndicate Enforcer (38-40) 1.00% (24)
   Syndicate Saboteur (37-38) 3.00% (52) Syndicate Sentry (36-37) 3.16% (135)

[40]The Ensorcelled Parchment by Ensorcelled Parchment(ITEM)
  Worn Wooden Chestの中にある。
  Ensorcelled Parchment to Loremaster Dibbs@Southshoreに持っていって
 □[40]Stormpike's Deciphering by Loremaster Dibbs@Southshore
   これをProspector Stormpike@IFに持っていって IFの一番北東スミ

[62]The Last Barov by Weldon Barov

山のほうのmap Alterac Mountains[47.35]捕まってるエンジニア BronzeTube売ってる

A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands! Stormwind City A 50 Courier Hammerfall
A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands! Dun Morogh A 50 Courier Hammerfall
Baron's Demise Hillsbrad Foothills A 40 Magistrate Henry Maleb
Coolant Heads Prevail Badlands B 37 Lotwil Veriatus
Gyro... What? Badlands B 37 Lotwil Veriatus
Crushridge Bounty Hillsbrad Foothills A 36 Marshal Redpath
 □[40]Crushridge Warmongers(Elite) by Marshal Redpath
   Crushridge Warmongers15匹やっつけて。Alterac Mountainsの丸くなってる山脈の中、左半分下側。

Dark Council Hillsbrad Foothills A 40 Magistrate Henry Maleb
Magical Analysis Stranglethorn Vale A 37 Baron Revilgaz
Ansirem's Key Alterac Mountains A 37 Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver
"Pretty Boy" Duncan Stranglethorn Vale A 39 Catelyn the Blade
The Curse of the Tides (Elite) Stranglethorn Vale A 40 Catelyn the Blade
Preserving Knowledge (Elite) Hillsbrad Foothills A 38 Loremaster Dibbs
Return to Milton Hillsbrad Foothills A 38 Loremaster Dibbs
Stolen Winter Veil Treats City of Ironforge A 35 Wulmort Jinglepocket
You're a Mean One... (Elite) Alterac Mountains A 35
A Smokywood Pastures Thank You! City of Ironforge A 35 Wulmort Jinglepocket

Syndicate Assassins Hillsbrad Foothills A 33 Magistrate Henry Maleb
The Everlook Report Winterspring A 52 Gregor Greystone
The Perenolde Tiara (Elite) Stormwind City A 40 Count Remington Ridgewell

[38.51]Slain Warmonger