GEDAN:blog@World of Warcraft

World of WarcraftのTIPs、攻略など。管理者:miomio@blackrock&GEDAN


2005年01月27日 15時59分04秒 | Quest
Stranglethorn Vale
◆ここで起こるQ T-Z
□[41]The Bloodsail Buccaneers(Part1) - First Mate Crazz ▲
 □[41]The Bloodsail Buccaneers(Part2) - First Mate Crazz ▲
  □[41]The Bloodsail Buccaneers(Part3) - First Mate Crazz ▲
    Fleet Master Seahorn[27.70](船のてっぺん、Baronの隣の牛)と話す ▲
   □[43]The Bloodsail Buccaneers(Part4) - Fleet Master Seahorn[27.70] ▲
     Bloodsail Swashbuckler10人殺す+Bloodsail ChartsとBloodsail Ordersとってくる
     1stCamp[29.80]にBloodsail Order(巻物)、2ndCamp[26.82]にBloodsail Chart(巻物)POP。
    □[45]The Bloodsail Buccaneers(Part5) - Fleet Master Seahorn[27.70] ◎
      kill Captain Stillwater, Captain Keelhaul,Fleet Master Firallon.

□[45]The Captain's Cutlass - Captain Hecklebury Smotts
□[45]The Captain's Chest (Elite) - Captain Hecklebury Smotts
□[40]The Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Barnil Stonepot
  下の4つのクエストをすることで、本のChapterI~IVまで集められる ▲
 □[40]Chapter I - Barnil Stonepot(page1,4,6,8)→ChapterI
 □[40]Chapter II - Barnil Stonepot(page10,11,14,16)
 □[40]Chapter III - Barnil Stonepot(page18,20,21,24)
 □[40]Chapter IV - Barnil Stonepot(page25,26,27)

□[37]The Haunted Isle - Krazek(Speak with Baron Revilgaz@BB、INNの上船のてっぺん) ▲
 □[37]The Stone of the Tides -Baron Revilgaz ▲
  Find the haunted island.ゾーン北西スミの島でComp.
  □[37]Water Elementals - Baron Revilgaz ▲
    6 Water Elemental Bracers.Lesser Water ElementalからDrop。北西の島2つにいる。
   □[37]Magical Analysis - Baron Revilgaz ▲
     渡されるITEM:Bag of water elemental bracersをArchmage Ansirem Runeweaver[18.78]@Dalaran,Alterac Mountainsへ持ってく。
     目的地はAlterac Mountainsの南西、ピンク色のドームのところにある町、南側[18.78]。
    □[37]Ansirem's Key - Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver[18.78]@Alterac Mountains ▲
      Talk to Catelyn the Blade@BB.INN2階の女性
     □[39]"Pretty Boy" Duncan - Catelyn the Blade ▲
       Get Catelyn's dagger from "Pretty Boy" Duncan.BBでてすぐ左の海岸にいる。
      □[40]The Curse of the Tides(Elite) - Catelyn the Blade
        The Altar of the TidesをCatelyn's Bladeで破壊して、Gazbanを殺して。
        ついでに(1)Stone of the Tides(2)Catelyn's Bladeを取ってきて。
        最初に島の海底にあるThe Altar of the Tidesをクリックすると、赤NameでGazban出てくる。息が続かないので、薬品なりWarlockなり用意すること。

□[45]The Monogrammed Sash - Monogrammed Sash
  町にいるCaptain Hecklebury Smottsに渡してComp。

□[33]The Second Rebellion - Sergeant Yohwa[38.3]RebelCamp ▲
  Kill 15 Kurzen Jungle Fighters.MAP右上スミ[43.10]辺り
 □[34]Bad Medicine - Sergeant Yohwa[38.3]RebelCamp ▲
   Jungle Remedy7個(Colonel Kurzenにある)、Venom Fern Extract1個(Kurzen Supplies[44.9]に入ってる)とってくる。
   JungleRemedyはMAP右上スミKurzen Headshrinker、Kurzen Medicine Man、Kurzen Witch DoctorからDrop。
  □[38]Special Forces - Sergeant Yohwa[38.3]RebelCamp  ▲
    Kurzen Headshrinker,Kurzen Command倒す
   □[40]Colonel Kurzen (Elite) - Lieutenant Doren ▲
  □[38]Kurzen's Mystery - Brother Nimetz[37.3]RebelCamp  ▲
    Item: The First Troll Legend-The Fourth Troll Legendを4つ集める
    1stはMoon Over the Vale
    2ndはGri'lek the Wanderer
    3rdはFall of Gurubashi
    4thはThe Emperor's Tomb
   □[40]Troll Witchery - Brother Nimetz ▲
     Bring 4 Skullsplitter Fetishes
     Skullsplitter Mystic、Skullsplitter Witch DoctorからDrop。
    □[46]Mai'Zoth (Elite) - Brother Nimetz
□[31]Tiger Mastery - Ajeck Rouack(Young Stranglethorn Tigers) ▲
 □[33]Tiger Mastery - Ajeck Rouack(kill 10 Stranglethorn Tigers) ▲
  □[35]Tiger Mastery - Ajeck Rouack(10 Elder Stranglethorn Tigers.) ▲
   □[37]Tiger Mastery - Ajeck Rouack ▲
     Ajeck Rouack of Nesingwary's Expedition wants you to kill Sin'Dall.
     Sin'Dall虎タイプLV37 [32.17]の岩の上、その周り。44Magソロ可

□[45]Tran'rek (Elite) - Krazek
 □[45]Scarab Shells (Elite) - Tran'rek@Tanaris
□[52]Trol'kalar (Elite) - ???@Arathi Highlands

□[41]Up to Snuff - Deeg@BB[] ▲
  Deeg in Booty Bay wants you to bring him 15 shares of Snuff.
  SnuffはBloodsail Deckhand、mageなどのHumタイプから出る 

□[30]Welcome to the Jungle - Barnil Stonepo?[35.11](話すだけ) ▲
 □[34]Raptor Mastery(Part1) - Hemet Nesingwary(StrangelRapterを10匹殺す) ▲
  □[36]Raptor Mastery(Part2) - Hemet Nesingwary ▲
   □[41]Raptor Mastery(Part3) - Hemet Nesingwary ▲
    □[43]Raptor Mastery(Part4/Elite) - Hemet Nesingwary ▲

□[50]Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog - Whiskey Slim
□[44]Zanzil's Secret - Crank Fizzlebub ▲


2005年01月25日 16時18分14秒 | Quest
Stranglethorn Vale 2005/2/5Update
□[43]Akiris by the Bundle(Part1) - Privateer Bloads[27.76]INNの前、海沿いの一番下の階層
 □[43]Akiris by the Bundle(Part2) - Privateer Bloads ▲済
   渡されるITEM:Bundle of Akiris ReedsをPrivateer Groy[68.53]@Theramore Isleに持ってく。グリ乗り場そばか、港。

□[43]Big Game Hunter(Elite) - Hemet Nesingwary ◎
  ※Q発生は、Masteryシリーズ2つはCOMPすること? [40]Panther Mastery(Elite)クリアー後発生。
  King Bangalash, the great white tiger(LV41-43 Elite/Beast)の頭とってきて。
  King Bangalash、MAP真ん中辺り

□[35]Bloodscalp Ears - Kebok[28.76]海沿い一番下の階層、町真ん中辺り ▲済
  Bloodscalp Ear15個集める。Bloodscalp trollsからDrop。Ruinsにいっぱいいる。
 □[42]Skullsplitter Tusks - Kebok ◎
   Skullsplitter Tusksを18個集める。Skullsplitter~~からDrop.MAP東はじ[47.29]辺りのRuinsにいる
□[43]Cortello's Riddle(Part1) - ITEM:Cortello's Riddle
  Q終わらせるのはSwamp og Sorrows[22,48]
  it leads you to swamp of sorrows, entering from the west side, the clue is under the first wooden bridge, next it leads you to a cavern southwest in duskwallow marsh.

 □[43]Cortello's Riddle(Part2) - A Soggy Scroll
   Swamp of Sorrowsで受けるQ。The scroll is found under the bridge in the water.
   This scroll is found inside the cave in Bloodfen Burrow
   was ona barrel on one of the barrles in one of the ships south of BB, it was under the deck, and on the opposite side of the captain,
  □[52]Cortello's Riddle(Part3) - ???
    Dustwallow Marshで受けるQ。The Hinterlands(LV45-55のエリア)、 north of Agol Wathaで
    海岸にある滝からジャンプして、底にあるthe chestを調べる。14SlotBagGET。

□[45]Enticing Negolash - ???@Stranglethorn Vale
□[44]Fool's Stout - Crank Fizzlebub(TousandNeedlesのGet The Gnomes Drink,Report Back to--などやってないと出ないかも)
  Bring 12 of Zanzil's Mixture.GurubashiArenaの東辺りのRuinsにいるZanzil HunterなどがDrop

□[36]Hostile Takeover - Kebok
  Tumbled Crystals8個とってきて。Venture Co. GeologistからDrop
□[32]Investigate the Camp - Krazek
  Hunter's Campを探す。Nesingwary's Expeditionの川沿い、動物系Qもらえるとこ。

□[33]Jungle Secrets - Private Thorsen@
  Speak with Lieutenant Doren at the Rebel Camp.
 □[35]Bookie Herod - Lieutenant Doren
   Find Bookie Herod's Records. Kurzen's campの、2階建ての家の上の階にある
  □[37]The Hidden Key - Bookie Herod's Records
    Use the Small Brass Key to open Bookie Herod's Strongbox.
    i found it in the cave clote to the kurzen quest there is so many stak off box there
   □[37]The Spy Revealed! - Bookie Herod's Strongbox
     Take the Muddy Note to Lieutenant Doren at the Rebel Camp.
    □[37]Patrol Schedules - Lieutenant Doren
      Speak with Corporal Sethman(Rebel Camp内).
     □[37]Report to Doren - Corporal Sethman@Rebel Camp
       Speak with Lieutenant Doren.

□[42]Keep An Eye Out - Dizzy One-Eye[28.75]
  Item: Dizzy's EyeをBloodsail Buccaneersから取り返す.

□[37]Krazek's Cookery - Corporal Kaleb
  渡されるITEM、Krazek's Crock PotをKrazek the goblinに持っていって
 □[37]Favor for Krazek - Krazek
   4 loads of Lesser Bloodstone Ore持っていって.Arathi Highlands の右上スミ、
   コボルドのいる洞窟にあるLesser Bloodstone Depositに入ってる
  □[37]Return to Corporal Kaleb - Krazek
    渡されるITEM、Bring Krazek's Fixed Pot to Corporal Kaleb at the Rebel Camp.

□[45]Message in a Bottle - 海岸で拾うビン
    Princess Poobah[38.80]は街の東にある島にいる。岡の上。
 □[55]Message in a Bottle - Princess Poobah
   King Mukla(LV54-55 Elite/Beast) 倒して、姫を助ける為の鍵を手に入れる。同じ島にいる

□[31]Panther Mastery(Part1) - Sir S. J. Erlgadin@Nesingwary's Expedition(Young Panther10殺して)
 □[33]Panther Mastery(Part2) -Sir S. J. Erlgadin(Panther10殺して)
  □[38]Panther Mastery(Part3) - Sir S. J. Erlgadin
    Shadowmaw Panther10殺して。[46.28] 次のQのNamed周辺にいっぱいいるのでオススメ
   □[40]Panther Mastery(Elite) - Sir S. J. Erlgadin
     Fang of Bhag'thera(Elite)とってきて。[46.29]辺りうろうろ。44MagソロOK

□[41]Scaring Shaky - "Sea Wolf" MacKinley
 □[41]Return to MacKinley - "Shaky" Phillipe
   Sea Wolfはすぐ隣の建物。
  □[44]Voodoo Dues - "Sea Wolf" MacKinley
    (1)Maury's Clubbed Foot(Maury "Club Foot" Wilkins からDrop)
    (2)Jon-Jon's Golden Spyglass(Jon-Jon the CrowからDrop.GurubashiArenaの向かいの遺跡)
    (3)Chucky's Huge Ring(Chucky "Ten Thumbs"からDrop.Ruins of Aborazにいる)
    を取って来い。Ruins of Aboraz、Ruins of Jubuwalが該当エリア。
   □[44]Cracking Maury's Foot (Elite) - "Sea Wolf" MacKinley
     Maury's Keyとってきて。OgreのMosh'Ogg Lord、Mosh'Ogg Spellcrafter、Mosh'Ogg Warmonger 辺りからDrop

□[35]Singing Blue Shards - Crank Fizzlebub
 □[41]Venture Company Mining - Crank Fizzlebub
□[45]Stoley's Debt - "Sea Wolf" MacKinley
 □[45]Stoley's Shipment - Stoley@Tanaris
  □[45]Deliver to MacKinley - Stoley@Tanaris
□[45]Stranglethorn Fever - Fin Fizracket
 □[35]Stranglethorn Fever - ???@Stranglethorn Vale
□[32]Supplies to Private Thorsen - Krazek
□[31]Supply and Demand - Drizzlik
 □[36]Some Assembly Required - Drizzlik
  □[38]Excelsior (Elite) - Drizzlik


2005年01月24日 13時58分26秒 | Incetance

□[47]The Platinum Discs - The Platinum Discs
  StoneWatcherと話してからDiscs of Norgannonを動かす
  Diskはtreasure chamber(宝物庫)に? ホログラフの出るDisk。MAP右上、LastBoss終わった後の部屋にある。DiskクリックでQもらい、幽霊と話す。話し終わってまたDiskクリック

 □[47]The Platinum Discs - The Platinum Discs
   IFのExplorers' LeagueにMiniature Platinum Discsを持っていく。
  □[47]The Platinum Discs - Explorers' League@IF
    Take your reward voucher to Dinita Stonemantle in the Vault of Ironforge.
    お宝引換券をIFのDinita Stonemantleに持っていく。

□[41]The Shattered Necklace (Elite) - Shattered Necklace ▲済
  DropITEM:Shattered NecklaceからのQ。 壊れたネックレスを作った人を探す。
  Talvash del Kissel@IFはIFの北、Mageエリアの家の前にいる
 □[41]Lore for a Price (Elite) - Talvash del Kissel@IF  ▲済
  □[42]Back to Uldaman (Elite) - Talvash del Kissel@IF
    Talvash's necklaceの手掛かりをUldamanで探す。倒れてるPalの死体見つければOK
   □[43]Find the Gems (Elite) - Talvash del Kissel@IF
     Palの死体orTalvash del Kissel@IFからGet。3種類の宝石集める
     なんかBowlもらってTalvash del Kissel@IFと連絡とるぽい。
     *Shattered Necklace Ruby:Shadowforge Cache(Shadowforge areaバリケード内)
     *Shattered Necklace Topaz:Conspicuous Urn(Trogg areas, near some Alliance dwarvesのつぼの中)
     *Shattered Necklace Sapphire:正面入ってすぐのNamed Trogg,GrimlokがDrop。確率3割くらい。
    □[44]Restoring the Necklace (Elite) - Talvash del Kissel
      Archaedas <Ancient Stone Watcher>を倒してShattered Necklace Power Sourceを手に入れる。

□[36]Power Stones (Elite) - Rigglefuzz@Badlands
  Dentrium Power Stones8個、An'Alleum Power Stones8個集める。

□[43]Reclaimed Treasures (Elite) - Krom Stoutarm@IF
  UldamanのNorth Common HallにあるChestからKrom Stoutarm's treasure持って来て

□[40]Power in Uldaman(Elite/MageOnly) B 40 Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
  Obsidan Power Source 1個とってくる。Obsidan Sentinel、ロボットが落とす。
  Obsidan Sentinelから生み出される子ロボは魔法効かないので注意。
 □[40]Mana Surges(MageOnly) - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
   Kill 12 Mana Surges in the allowed time limit.
  □[40]Celestial Power(MageOnly) Zone: Unset

□[40]Solution to Doom(Elite) - Theldurin the Lost@Badlands[]
  Bring the Tablet of Ryun'eh to Theldurin the Lost.Ancient Chestから拾う。
 □[40]To Ironforge for Yagyin's Digest - Theldurin the Lost
   今渡すSigil of the HammerをGerrig Bonegripに持っていって。
  □[44]The Star, the Hand and the Heart(Elite) - Gerrig Bonegrip@IF
    Return the items on the Bonegrip's Note to Gerrig Bonegrip in Ironforge.
    1)Star of Xil'yeh(Grel'borg the Miser@Alterac MountainsからDrop)
    2)Hand of Dagun(Dagun the Ravenous@Dustwallow MarshからDrop)
    3)The Legacy Heart(Mogh the Undying@Stranglethorn ValeからDrop)
   □[40]Forbidden Knowledge - Keeper Bel'dugur@Badlands
     Bring Yagyin's Digest to Theldurin.
□[40]The Lost Dwarves(Elite) - Prospector Stormpike@IF
  Find Baelog in Uldaman.
 □[40]The Hidden Chamber (Elite) - Baelog@Uldaman

Thousand Needles
□[30]Salt Flat Venom - Fizzle Brassbolts ▲済
 □[35]Martek the Exiled - Fizzle Brassbolts ▲済
   BadlandのMartek the Exiled[42.52]に手紙(ITEM)持ってく
  □[35]Indurium - Martek the Exiled@Badland[42.52] ◎
    Uldaman@BadlandsでIndurium Flake10個とってきて。
    Stonevault TroggsからDrop。外にもいる
   □[38]News for Fizzle - Martek the Exiled@Badlands



2005年01月24日 13時42分05秒 | Quest
Martek the Exiled[42.52]、Rigglefuzz[42.52]、Garek[61.55]、Theldrin the Lost[51.76]
□[35]A Dwarf and His Tools - Prospector Ryedol[53.43]ちょい登った上
  Find Ryedol's Lucky Pick and return it to Prospector Ryedol south of Hammertoe's Dig Site.
  すぐ北にあるCAMP[52.35]、Shadowforge DarkweaverからDrop

□[35]A Sign of Hope(Part1) - Crumpled Map
 □[35]A Sign of Hope(Part2/Elite) - Prospector Ryedol
  □[40]Amulet of Secrets (Elite) - Hammertoe Grez
   □[40]Prospect of Faith(Part1) - Hammertoe Grez
    □[40]Prospect of Faith(Part2) - Prospector Ryedol
□[40]Barbecued Buzzard Wings - Rigglefuzz(料理Q)
□[37]Coolant Heads Prevail - Lotwil Veriatus
 □[37]Gyro... What? - Lotwil Veriatus
  □[42]This Is Going to Be Hard(Part1) - Lotwil Veriatus
   □[42]This Is Going to Be Hard(Part2) - Lucien Tosselwrench
    □[45]This Is Going to Be Hard(Part3) - Lotwil Veriatus

□[45]Fiery Enchantments (Elite) - Sigrun Ironhew[53.43]
  Black Drake's Heart取ってくる。
  Scalding Whelp、Scorched GuardianのDragonタイプのMobからDrop Drop率悪し
□[38]Mirages - Ironhew[53.43] ▲済
  エリアCamp Kosh。OrgeCamp[66.23]の地面にある木の箱とってくる。
□[40]Scrounging - Sigrun Ironhew[53.43] ▲済
   Get 7 pieces of Scrap Metal for Sigrun.Dustbelcher Brute(Ogre)系がDrop。

□[40]Passing Word of a Threat Badlands A 40 Historian Karnik
□[40]Passing Word of a Threat Badlands A 40 Advisor Belgrum
□[44]An Ambassador of Evil (Elite) Badlands A 44 Historian Karnik
□[37]Pearl Diving (Elite) - Rigglefuzz
□[36]Power Stones (Elite) - Rigglefuzz
□[50]Seal of the Earth - ???

□[40]Solution to Doom (Elite) - Theldurin the Lost
 □[40]To Ironforge for Yagyin's Digest - Theldurin the Lost
  □[44]The Star, the Hand and the Heart(Elite) - Gerrig Bonegrip@IF
    (1)Item: Star of Xil'yeh(Grel'borg the Miser@Alterac MountainsからDrop)
     I found him in front of the castle door in Alterac Ruins.MAP真ん中山の西側。
    (2)Item: Hand of Dagun(Dagun the Ravenous@Dustwallow MarshからDrop)
     まず島にいるMirefin Oracles(MurlockタイプLV36くらい)をkillして、Drop品のenchanted sea kelpをGet。
     それをSeaworn Altarに使うとDagun the RavenousがPOP.事前に回り掃除しておくこと
    (3)Item: The Legacy Heart(Mogh the Undying <Skullsplitter Clan Witchdoctor>@Stranglethorn ValeからDrop)

   □[40]Forbidden Knowledge Badlands B 40 Keeper Bel'dugur
     渡されるITEM:Yagyin's DigestをTheldurin the Lostに持っていって。

□[42]Stone Is Better than Cloth Badlands B 42 Lucien Tosselwrench
□[37]Study of the Elements: Rock Badlands B 37 Lotwil Veriatus
 □[39]Study of the Elements: Rock Badlands B 39 Lotwil Veriatus
  □[42]Study of the Elements: Rock Badlands B 42 Lotwil Veriatus
□[40]The Black Box - Corroded Black Box
□[54]The Rise of the Machines - ???
□[43]Tremors of the Earth(Part1) - - Garek
 (PreQ:[38]Mirages - Ironhew[53.43]>[40]Scrounging - Sigrun Ironhew[53.43])
  Item: Sign of the Earthとってくる。Boss Tho'grunがDrop。エリア内うろうろ、お付多い
 □[50]Tremors of the Earth(Elite/Part2) - Garek
   その3つを持った状態でSeal of the Earth[.](MAP東のEliteドラゴンいるとこ)を調べると、

□[39]Badlands Reagent Run - Ghak Healtouch@Loch Modan
  Buzzard Gizzard: 0/5 [15.61]にたくさんいる、ほかの鳥でも。
  Crag Coyote Fang: 0/10 どこでもいるコヨーテからDrop
  Rock Elemental Shard: 0/5 [5.81]辺りGreater Rock ElementalからDrop(lesserでない)
 □[39]Badlands Reagent Run - Ghak Healtouch@Loch Modan

□[38]Find Agmond - Prospector Ironban[50.62]@dLoch Modan(MAP南東の遺跡前)
  Agmondを探す。BadlandsのAgmond's End、Troggキャンプそばに死体がある
 □[38]Agmond's Fate (Elite) - Prospector Ironband@Loch Modan
   UldamanのQ。You can typically find 3 of these in South Common Hall inside of Uldaman sitting around the room.

□[42]Murdaloc - Battered Dwarven Skeleton ▲済
  [50.69]にTroggタイプBOSSのMurdaloc。ボスとその周りのStonevault Bonesnapperも12殺す。42Magソロ可能。
  Thousand Needlesの[35]Indrium持ってると、そのアイテムも落とす。

□[35]Martek the Exiled - Fizzle Brassbolts
   BadlandのMartek the Exiled[42.52]に手紙(ITEM)持ってく
 □[35]Indurium - Martek the Exiled@Badland[42.52]
□[35]Dwarf and His Tools - Prospector Ryedol
  □[38]News for Fizzle - Martek the Exiled
□[45]The Lost Tablets of Will(Elite) - Advisor Belgrum@IF
□[40]Theldurin the Lost - Gerrig Bonegrip@IF
 □[41]The Lost Fragments - Theldurin the Lost@Arathi Highlands
   (a)Torn Scroll Fragment (b)Crumpled Scroll Fragment (c)Singed Scroll Fragment
   いずれも、Q主の背後(山の中腹)にいるEnraged Rock ElementalがDrop 
  □[50]Summoning the Princess (Elite) - Theldurin the Lost@Arathi Highlands

Thousand Needles

2005年01月23日 13時34分34秒 | Quest
Thousand Needles
Dustwallow Marshの南。東のレース場、Shimmering FlatsがQの中心
Henrig Lonebrow's Journal in Thousand Needles[30.24]エレベータ降りてすぐ

□[33]A Bump in the Road - Trackmaster Zherin ▲済
  Kill 10 Saltstone Basilisks(LV30-31), 10 Saltstone Crystalhides and 6 Saltstone Gazers
□[35]Encrusted Tail Fins (Elite) - Wizzle Brassbolts
  Encrusted Tail Fins(エラ)を10個持ってきて。The Vile Reef(Stranglethorn Vale)にいるらしい
□[50]Gahz'rilla (Elite) - Wizzle Brassbolts
  Instance:Zul'FarrakにいるGahz'rilla's Electrified Scale(うろこ)とってきて。ゴジラ(LV 45-46(Elite) Beast)。
□[30]Hardened Shells - Wizzle Brassbolts
  周りにいるカメから、Hardened Tortoise Shellsを9個持ってきて。
  戦闘中Aegoするタイプいるので注意 [82.54]に亀だまり
□[31]Hemet Nesingwary - Kravel Koalbeard[77.7] ▲済
  Take Kravel's Crate to Hemet Nesingwary in Stranglethorn.
□[41]Keeping Pace - Pozzik
 □[41]Rizzle's Schematics - Rizzle's Plans
  PozzikにBring the Sample of Indurium Oreのサンプルを渡して。
□[30]Load Lightening - Pozzik ▲済
  Hollow Vulture Bonesを10個とってきて。鳥タイプ、Salt Flats Scavenger(LV30-32・59.36%)、Salt Flats Vulture(LV32-34・37.58%)、Shimmering Flatsの北半分に沸く
 □[37]Goblin Sponsorship - Pozzik ▲済
  Speak to Gazlowe in Ratchet.
  □[37]Goblin Sponsorship - Gazlowe ▲済
    Speak with Wharfmaster Lozgil[26.73]@Booty Bay.船着場のところ
   □[37]Goblin Sponsorship - Wharfmaster Lozgil@Stranglethorn Vale ▲済
     Baron Revilgaz@Booty Bay[27,76]と話す.町の南、INNのある船の中のてっぺん
    □[37]Goblin Sponsorship - Baron Revilgaz@Stranglethorn Vale ◎
      Fuel Injector Blueprints(ITEM)をBaron Revilgaz@Booty Bayに持っていって
      ITEMはCozzle's Footlocker@Stranglethorn Valeに。
    □[37]Goblin Sponsorship - Baron Revilgaz@Stranglethorn Vale
      ITEMをPozzik@Shimmering Flatsに持っていって。
    □[37]The Eighteenth Pilot - Pozzik
      Razzeric@Shimmering Flatsと話して
    □[41]Razzeric's Tweaking - Razzeric
      Retrieve the Seaforium Booster(ITEM) for Razzeric in the Shimmering Flats.
      ITEMはDustwallow MarshのGizmorium Shipping Crateに。Tabathaんちのちょい東。

    □[41]Safety First - Razzeric
      Seaforium BoosterをShreev@Tanaris,Gadgetzanに持っていって
    □[41]Safety First - Shreev@Tanaris
□[34]Lonebrow's Journal(Elite) - Henrig Lonebrow's Journal
 □[34]The Crone of the Kraul(Elite) - Falfindel Waywarder@Feralas

□[31]Rocket Car Parts - Kravel Koalbeard ▲済
□[30]Salt Flat Venom - Fizzle Brassbolts ▲済
 □[35]Martek the Exiled - Fizzle Brassbolts ▲済
   BadlandのMartek the Exiled[42.52]に手紙(ITEM)持ってく
  □[35]Indurium - Martek the Exiled@Badland[42.52] ◎
    Uldaman@BadlandsでIndurium Flake10個とってきて。
    Stonevault TroggsからDrop。外にもいる
   □[38]News for Fizzle - Martek the Exiled@Badlands

□[36]Wharfmaster Dizzywig - Kravel Koalbeard(RatchetのWharfmaster Dizzywigに注文票持っていって) ▲
 □[31]Parts for Kravel - Wharfmaster Dizzywig@The Barrens ▲
   Bring Kravel's Parts to Kravel Koalbeard in the Shimmering Flats.
  □[36]Delivery to the Gnomes - Kravel Koalbeard(パーツすぐ横のFizzle Brassboltsに渡す) ▲
   □[36]The Rumormonger - Kravel Koalbeard ▲
     Krazek@Stranglethorn Vale[26.77] 町の南、INNがある船型の建物、上のほう、と話す
    □[36]Dream Dust in the Swamp - Krazek@Stranglethorn Vale  ▲
      10 Specks of Dream Dust
     □[36]Rumors for Kravel - Krazek@Stranglethorn Vale ▲
      □[43]Back to Booty Bay - Kravel Koalbeard ▲
        INN1階、Crank Fizzlebubのところに戻る。
       □[44]Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's Stout - Crank Fizzlebub ▲
         □[44]Get the Gnomes Drunk - Kravel Koalbeard ▲
           2時間以内にGnome Pit Boss[77.66]にもっていく
          □[44]Report Back to Fizzlebub - Kravel Koalbeard ▲
            INN1階、Crank Fizzlebubのところに戻る。
           □[44]Get the Goblins Drunk - Kravel Koalbeard
             BUG中のため、Fool's StoutのQになり、アイテムは該当Mobから出ない。

□[47]An Orphan Looking For a Home - Jer'kai Moonweaver@Feralas
 □[47]A Short Incubation - Quentin@Thousand Needles
  □[47]The Newest Member of the Family - Quentin
   □[47]Food for Baby The Hinterlands - Agnar Beastamer
    □[48]Becoming a Parent - Agnar Beastamer@The Hinterlands
□[38]Hidden Secrets(MageOnly) - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
  □[30]Get the Scoop(MageOnly) - Magus Tirth
   □[40]Rituals of Power(Elite/MageOnly) - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
     □[40]Mage's Wand(MageOnly) - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
□[30]Highperch Venom - Fiora Longears@Dustwallow Marsh
□[27]Reclaiming the Charred Vale - Keeper Albagorm@Stonetalon Mountains
□[30]The Brassbolts Brothers - Pilot Longbeard@IF
□[46]The Brassbolts Brothers (Elite) - Klockmort Spannerspan@IF

Incetance:Blackfathom Deeps@Ashenvale

2005年01月23日 10時36分08秒 | Quest
Blackfathom Deeps

□[24]In Search of Thaelrid (Elite) - Dawnwatcher Shaedlass@Darnassus
  Q主はDarnassus の北の緑のエリア
  Argent Guard Thaelridを見つける。Deep内奥に倒れてる
 □[27]Blackfathom Villainy (Elite) - Argent Guard Thaelrid@Blackfathom Deeps
   Twilight Lord Kelrisの頭をDawnwatcher Selgorm[56.24]に持っていって。

□[23]Knowledge in the Deeps (Elite) - Gerrig Bonegrip@IF

□[24]Researching the Corruption (Elite) - Argos Nightwhisper@Darkshore

□[25]The Orb of Soran'ruk (Elite) - Doan Karhan@Zone: Unset

□[22]The Test of Righteousness (Elite) - Jordan Stilwell@Zone: Unset

 □[22]Bailor's Ore Shipment (Elite) - Bailor Stonehand@Loch Modan

□[25]Twilight Falls (Elite) - Argent Guard Manados@Darnassus
 Q主はDarnassus の北の緑のエリア[55.23]

Incetance:Scarlet Monastery@Tirisfal Glades

2005年01月18日 17時28分41秒 | Quest
Scarlet Monastery
・the Scarlet Champion ・Houndmaster Lokseyが確かこっち。
正面左の扉がCathedral。・High Inquisitor Whitemane ・Scarlet Commander Mograineがこっちかな。大ボス、Clothの良い装備落とす。

□[39]Down the Scarlet Path(Part1) - Brother Anton
  30 Undead RavagersKILL
 □[39]Down the Scarlet Path(Part2) - Brother Anton
   Take Brother Anton's Letter of Commendation to Raleigh the Devout in Southshore.
  □[40]In the Name of the Light (Elite) - Raleigh the Devout@Southshore、Hillsbrad Foothills
   以下の5名を殺してRaleigh the Devout@Southshoreに報告。
   ・High Inquisitor Whitemane ・Scarlet Commander Mograine ・Herod
   ・the Scarlet Champion ・Houndmaster Loksey
□[38]Mythology of the Titans (Elite) - Librarian Mae Paledust@IF
  MonasteryからMythology of the Titans(本)を取り返してもってきて。

□[40]Rituals of Power (Elite) - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
  book Rituals of Power(本)をタバサに持っていく。
 □[40]Mage's Wand - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
   Speak with Tabetha after her ritual.ワンドを作り終わったあと、タバサに話しかけて報酬Get.

Desolace,Nijel's Point(町)

2005年01月18日 16時35分26秒 | Quest
Desolace 2005/02/11Update
Nijel's Point TheremoreIsleからGri

□[32]Assault on the Kolkar - Warug@the Magram Village
  Q主、MAP南東、湖の所。セントールのFacQ。Magram Clan CentaurのFacが上がるQ
  Maintain your reputation with the Magram.
  Kolkar Centaurs12, Kolkar Scouts12,Kolkar Maulers6を殺して。
 □[33]Broken Tears - Warug
   Broken Tearsを3つ持ってきて。Gelkis Rumbler(LV29-30)からDrop。MAP北西
  □[35]Gizmo for Warug - Warug
   □[37]Khan Shaka - Warug
    □[42]Khan Hratha (Elite) - Warug
□[35]Bodyguard for Hire - Cork Gizelton
  Gizelton Caravanをエスコート。報酬はSmeed@Scrabblescrew's Campからもらう。
□[39]Bone Collector - Bibbly F'utzbuckle[62.40]@the Orc Hut(MAP真ん中辺り) ▲済
  Kodo GraveyardでKodo Bones10個拾ってきて。
□[39]Brother Anton - ???  ▲済
  Speak with Brother Anton in Desolace.
□[35]Brutal Politics - Captain Pentigast
  Magramで名声を得る為にWarugと話せ。([32]Assault on the Kolkar のリードQ)
□[31]Centaur Bounty - Corporal Melkins ▲済
  Bring 15 Centaur Ears to Corporal Melkins at Nijel's Point in Desolace.
□[36]Claim Rackmore's Treasure! - ???
  Find Rackmore's Silver Key(海辺にいるDrysnap Crawler、Drysnap PincerからDrop). Find Rackmore's Golden Key(北端の海辺にいるSlitherblade MyrmidonなどがDrop). Find and open Rackmore's Chest.
  The Gold Key and Chest are on the big island.
  The chest is near the building on the second island west of Desolace
□[39]Down the Scarlet Path(Part1) - Brother Anton ▲済
  30 Undead RavagersKILL
 □[39]Down the Scarlet Path(Part2) - Brother Anton ▲済
   Take Brother Anton's Letter of Commendation to Raleigh the Devout in Southshore.
  □[40]In the Name of the Light (Elite) - Raleigh the Devout@Southshore ◎
    incetance:Scarlet MonasteryのQ。Herod、High Inquisitor Whitemane、Houndmaster Loksey、Scarlet Champion、Scarlet Commander Mograineの5人を殺す。

□[1?]Fish in a Bucket - ???
□[39]Get Me Out of Here! - Melizza Brimbuzzle ▲
  MAP西、Valley of Spearsの一番奥、[42]Khan Hratha (Elite) のちょっと南西テント。
  報酬は兄のCodoGrave南西にあるHornizz Brimbuzzle[47.61]からの受け取り。
□[39]Ghost-o-plasm Round Up - Hornizz Brimbuzzle[47.61] ▲
  南東のValley of BonesにいるMagram ghostsを倒す。
  crate of ghost magnetsは谷の2つの大きな骸骨の間、死んでいるGoliathsのところで使う。実体化した霊、Magram ghostsが出てくるので倒す。
□[38]Gizelton Caravan - ???
  Escort the Gizelton Caravan through Mannoroc Coven. Talk with Smeed at Scrabblescrew's Camp for your reward.
  This quests starts just west of Mannaroc Coven (north and slightly east of Gelkis Village) on the road.
□[34]Kodo Roundup - Smeed Scrabblescrew
□[33]Sceptre of Light - ???
  Get the Sceptre of Light and then return it to Azore Aldamort at the tower in Ethel Rethor.
  The seer is located at the very top of the watchtower located inside the Thunder Axe fortress.
 □[38]Book of the Ancients - Azore Aldamort
□[35]Strange Alliance - Captain Pentigast[66.10]町
  GelkisClanCentaurtと仲良くするQ。undead ravagersを殺してFuctionをあげる。
 □[32]Raid on the Kolkar - Uthek the Wise[36.79]
  □[35]Stealing Supplies - Uthek the Wise
   □[37]Ongeku - Uthek the Wise
    □[37]Khan Jehn - Uthek the Wise
      Magramの中央島[73.73テント内]、西の入り口の大きめテントにPOPするKhan Jehnの頭ととってくる。
     □[42]Khan Hratha (Elite) - Uthek the Wise
       Maraudine Key FragmentをKhan Hrathaから奪って来い。
       MAP西、Valley of Spearsの一番奥。まずは周辺ザコ掃除して、ホルンの吹き口Get。
       1波目ザコ2匹、2波目ザコ3匹。3波目にKhan Hrathaがいる。かなり強いがPoly可。
       ※逃げてリンクを切っても3波目は消えないので、3波目、Khan Hratha以外掃除してから

[39]The Karnitol Shipwreck - Kreldig Ungor[66.9]Desolace町 ▲
 □[39]The Karnitol Shipwreck - Karnitol's Chest
  □[39]The Karnitol Shipwreck - Kreldig Ungor
   MAP北西の島にいるSlitherblade Sea Witch/Slitherblade TidehunterからDropする
   Item: Karnitol's Satchelをとってくる。敵の数少ない&Drop率あまり良くない。気長に。
   □[39]The Karnitol Shipwreck - Kreldig Ungor
     Roetten Stonehammer@IF,[69.21]あたりうろうろ

□[48]The Pariah's Instructions - Centaur Pariah@Desolace[46.86]あたり

□[63]The Testament of Rexxar - ???
□[47]Twisted Evils - Willow[62.39]
□[47]Vyletongue Corruption (Elite) - 町のNE
  Incetance:MaraudonのQ.Item:渡される試験管で、orange crystal pool@Mauradonの水汲んでくる

□[33]Vahlarriel's Search - Vahlarriel Demonslayer
  いなくなった人の手がかり。[56,17] Thunder Axe Fortress(敵の町)とTethris Aranの間
 □[33]Vahlarriel's Search - Malem Chest
  Right, is in the middle of the big round house. loc 55,26
  □[33]Vahlarriel's Search - Vahlarriel Demonslayer
   □[33]Search for Tyranis - Dalinda Malem
    □[33]Return to Vahlarriel - Dalinda Malem
□[33]Reclaimers' Business in Desolace - Roetten Stonehammer@IF ▲済
 □[33]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.(Part1) - Kreldig Ungor[66.9]Desolace町 ▲済
   HatefuryCrawとHatefuryHorn10個づつ。Hatefury-- からDrop.[75.22]町出てすぐ北にCamp。
  □[33]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.(Part2) - Kreldig Ungor ▲済
   □[40]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.(Part3) - Kreldig Ungor ▲済
     10 Felhound Brains(Ley Hunter系), 10 Nether Wings(Nether Maiden:Demon系),10 vials of Doomwarder Blood(Doomwarder Captain系でっかい戦士Demon)
    □[40]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.(Part4) - Kreldig Ungor ▲済
      渡されたITEM:Leftwitch's PackageをRoetten Stonehammer[69.21]@Ironforgeへ持っていく

□[33]The Infernal Orb - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh ▲済
 □[33]The Exorcism (Elite) - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh ▲済
  □[33]Hidden Secrets - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh ▲済
   □[33]Get the Scoop - Magus Tirth@Thousand Needles ▲済
    □[33]Rituals of Power (Elite) - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
     □[33]Mage's Wand - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh

  □[33]Power in Uldaman (Elite) - Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh


Dustwallow Marsh&TheremoreIsle(町)*終了

2005年01月15日 16時13分59秒 | Quest
Dustwallow Marsh
エリア名:Dustwallow Marsh グリ町:TheremoreIsle(MHから船)
Pavel Reethe[42.48]
Firemane Scort[42.65]
baros Jacken 35.54

□[1]Oops, We Killed Them Again. --- Captain Garran Vimes
□[40]Cleansing of the Orb of Orahil(Elite/WarlockOnly) --- Tabetha
□[30]Highperch Venom - Fiora Longears@INN[66.45]
  The Barrensのさらに南、ThousandNeedlesの[11.36]辺りにいるHighperch Patriarchのvenom集める。近くには25前後のHordeが出没。
□[36]Hungry! --- Mudcrush Durtfeet[35.38]
□[40]Items of Power(MageOnly) - Tabetha
□[20]Journey to Astranaar - Fiora Longears@INN(行くだけ)
□[40]Lieutenant Paval Reethe - Reethe's Badge
  [29.48]the shady rest innのboardから
 □[40]Lieutenant Paval Reethe - Captain Garran Vimes
  □[38]Daelin's Men --- Adjutant Tesoran
   □[38]The Deserters --- Captain Garran Vimes
    □[38]The Deserters Durotar A 38 Balos Jacken
□[45]Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme - Nat Pagle[58.60]島.Tidefuly Cove
  FishingQ、[66.45]あたり fishing155では受けられず?
□[40]Returning the Cleansed Orb(Class:WarlockOnly) - Tabetha
□[42]Shadowshard Fragmenst - Archmage Tervosh[66.49]町中心Tower内てっぺん
□[35]Soothing Spices Dustwallow Marsh B 35 "Swamp Eye" Jarl[55.26]
 □[35]Jarl Needs Eyes Dustwallow Marsh B 35 "Swamp Eye" Jarl
  □[35]Jarl Needs a Blade - "Swamp Eye" Jarl
    Bring a Moonsteel Broadsword(AHで1~2G、Smithで作成).
□[37]Stinky's Escape - "Stinky" Ignatz[46.17]
□[35]Suspicious Hoofprints - uspicious Hoofprints
  Shady Rest Inn(廃墟)[29.48]でThe suspicious printsを調べてCaptain Garran Vimes@Theramoreに報告
□[35]The Black Shield(Part1) --- Black Shield[29.48]
  Shady Rest INN(廃墟)[29.48]の暖炉にかかっている盾を調べてQゲット。TheremoreのCitadel、大広間のCaptain Garran Vimes[68.48]へ届ける。
 □[35]The Black Shield(Part2) - Captain Garran Vimes[68.48]
   町の中の鍛冶屋、Caz Twosprocket[64.50]に届ける。
  □[35]The Black Shield Dustwallow Marsh A 35 Caz Twosprocket
    Captain Garran Vimes[68.48]へ。
□[35]The Orc Report Dustwallow Marsh A 35 Orc Report
  Dropかな。ITEM:Spy's ReportをTheramore Lieutenantに届けるだけ
 □[35]Captain Vimes Dustwallow Marsh A 35 Theramore Lieutenant
   Captain Garran Vimesに持ってく
□[35]They Call Him Smiling Jim - Guard Byron[66.46]INN脇
  Speak with Captain Garran Vimes in Theramore. 

□[43]Akiris by the Bundle --- Privateer Bloads@Stranglethorn Vale
□[20]Fiora Longears --- Red Jack Flint@Wetlands
□[35]James Hyal --- Vincent Hyal@Wetlands
□[38]Journey to the Marsh --- Jennea Cannon@SW
□[38]Morgan Stern --- Angus Stern@SW
 □[38]Mudrock soup and Bugs by Morgan Stern(亀倒す。町からちょい北の海辺にいっぱい)
□[40]... and Bugs Durotar A 40 Morgan Stern
     Swamp of Sorrows東の海辺ののカニ、Silt CrawlerからPristine Crawler Leg12個とってくる
Razzeric's Tweaking Thousand Needles B 41 Razzeric
Safety First Thousand Needles B 41 Razzeric
Safety First Tanaris B 41 Shreev
Seal of Ascension (Elite) Blackrock Spire B 61
The Missing Diplomat Wetlands A 33 Mikhail
The Missing Diplomat Dustwallow Marsh A 35 Commander Samaul
The Missing Diplomat Dustwallow Marsh A 36 Archmage Tervosh
The Missing Diplomat Dustwallow Marsh A 38 Private Hendel
Return to the Marsh City of Ironforge A 40 Bink
The Infernal Orb Dustwallow Marsh B 40 Tabetha
The Exorcism (Elite) Dustwallow Marsh B 40 Tabetha
Hidden Secrets Dustwallow Marsh A 38 Tabetha
Get the Scoop Thousand Needles B 30 Magus Tirth
Rituals of Power (Elite) Dustwallow Marsh B 40 Tabetha
Mage's Wand Dustwallow Marsh B 40 Tabetha
Power in Uldaman (Elite) Dustwallow Marsh B 40 Tabetha

Tabetha's Task (Elite) Tanaris B 46 Bink
Tiara of the Deep (Elite) Dustwallow Marsh B 46 Tabetha


ここから西行って西行くと The Barrens [42.90] がInstance:Razorfen Kraul

City of Ironforge(LV50以上)

2005年01月15日 16時04分47秒 | Quest
City of Ironforge

Areas of Interest:
Hall of Explorers Military Ward Mystic Ward Old Ironforge
The Forlorn Cavern The Great Forge The High Seat Tinker Town
Connected Zones:
Dun Morogh

□[]A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands! City of Ironforge A 50 Courier Hammerfall
A Little Slime Goes a Long Way City of Ironforge A 52 Laris Geardawdle
 A Little Slime Goes a Long Way City of Ironforge A 54 Laris Geardawdle
  Choose: Hazecover Boots (1) or Brazen Gauntlets (1)
Passing the Burden City of Ironforge A 52 Historian Karnik
Arcane Runes City of Ironforge A 52 Mage Tymor
An Easy Pickup City of Ironforge A 52 Mage Tymor
Signal for Pickup City of Ironforge A 52 Xiggs Fuselighter
Return to Mage Tymor City of Ironforge A 52 Pilot Xiggs Fuselighter
    Choose: Steelsmith Greaves (1) or Skullspell Orb (1)
Portents of Uldum City of Ironforge A 50 High Explorer Magellas
Seeing What Happens (Elite) City of Ironforge A 50 Historian Karnik
Return to Ironforge (Elite) Tanaris A 50 Uldum Pedestal
A Future Task City of Ironforge A 50 Historian Karnik
A Future Task City of Ironforge A 50 Historian Karnik
The Reason for the Season City of Ironforge A 60
The Feast of Winter Veil City of Ironforge A 60 Historian Karnik
The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan City of Ironforge A 54 Royal Historian Archesonus
The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan City of Ironforge A 54 Royal Historian Archesonus


City of Ironforge(LV30~49) *攻略中

2005年01月15日 15時52分53秒 | Quest
City of Ironforge

[30]A King's Tribute by King Magni Bronzebeard
  Grand Mason Marblestenと話す。IF入って右手、建物前?
 □[31]A King's Tribute by Grand Mason Marblesten
   5 pieces of Alterac Graniteをとってきて。Hillsbrad Foothills、SSの北やや西より
  □[31]A King's Tribute by Grand Mason Marblesten(Kingに報告)
□[42]Bring the Light(Elite) - ArchBishop Benedictus[39.26]@Cathedral of Light

[37]Ironband Wants You! by Prospector Stormpike
  Loch ModanのIronband's Excavation SiteにいるProspector Ironbandと話す。
 □[38]Find Agmond by Prospector by Ironband@Loch Modan
   Badlandsのsouthernmost dig siteにいたProspector Agmondを探して。
   Loch Modanの南西。Angor Fortressのちょっといったとこ?
   Look for a 'Battered Dwarven Skeleton' near a Trogg camp at base of hillside.
   He can be found in Agmonds End, lying on the ground north of the Trogg Camp.

[38]Mythology of the Titans (Elite) by Librarian Mae Paledust

[43]Reclaimed Treasures (Elite) by Krom Stoutarm ◎
  UldamanのQ.Krom Stoutarm's treasuredをとってくる。
  his chest in the North Common Hall of Uldaman
[33]Reclaimers' Business in Desolace by Roetten Stonehammer
 □[33]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. by Kreldig Ungor@Desolace
  □[35]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. by Kreldig Ungor
   □[40]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. by Kreldig Ungor
    □[40]Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. by Kreldig Ungor

[40]Return to the Marshby Bink
 □[40]The Infernal Orb by Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
  □[40]The Exorcism (Elite) by Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
   □[38]Hidden Secrets by Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
     ※[40]Power in Uldaman (Elite)と同時発生?
    □[30]Get the Scoop by Magus Tirth@Thousand Needles
     □[40]Rituals of Power (Elite) by Tabetha@Dustwallow Marsh
      □[40]Mage's Wand by Tabetha
   □[40]Power in Uldaman (Elite) by Tabetha
     ※[38]Hidden Secretsと同時発生?

[35]Stolen Winter Veil Treats by Wulmort Jinglepocket
 □[35]You're a Mean One... (Elite) by??? @Alterac Mountains
  □[35]A Smokywood Pastures Thank You! by Wulmort Jinglepocket

[30]The Brassbolts Brothers by Pilot Longbeard
  Bring the crate of crash helmets to Wizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.
[46]The Brassbolts Brothers (Elite) by Klockmort Spannerspan
[35]The Grand Betrayal (Elite) by High Tinker Mekkatorque

[40]The Lost Dwarves (Elite) by Prospector Stormpike
 □[40]The Hidden Chamber (Elite) by Baelog[[Uldaman]]

[45]The Lost Tablets of Will (Elite) by Advisor Belgrum(見つかりません)

[40]The Way of the Weaponsmith by Ironus Coldsteel

[30]Tome of the Cabal by Krom Stoutarm
 □[30]Tome of the Cabal by Krom Stoutarm


City of Ironforge(LV29以下)

2005年01月15日 15時52分24秒 | Quest
City of Ironforge

[20]A Lack of Fear by High Priestess Laurena
[20]Arcane Feedback by High Priest Rohan
[10]Desperate Prayer by High Priest Rohan

[15]Find Bingles by Gnoarn
 □[15]Bingles' Missing Supplies by Bingles Blastenheimer@Loch Modan
[10]Gakin's Summons by Lago Blackwrench
 □[10]The Slaughtered Lamb by Lago Blackwrench
  □[10]Surena Caledon by Gakin the Darkbinder

[16]Gearing Redridge by Tormus Deepforge
[23]Knowledge in the Deeps (Elite) by Gerrig Bonegrip

[15]Report to Jennea by Dink
 □[16]Investigate the Blue Recluse by Jennea Cannon
  □[15]Gathering Materials by Jennea Cannon

[10]Simple Subterfugin' by Hulfdan Blackbeard

[15]Speak with Shoni by Gnoarn
 □[20]Underground Assault (Elite) by Shoni the Shilent@SW(Deadmine)
   Choose: Polar Gauntlets (1) or Sable Wand (1)

[12]Supplying the Front by Tormus Deepforge
[13]The Tome of Divinity by John Turner
[13]The Tome of Divinity by???

[20]The Powers Below by Book: The Powers Below@Darkshore(DropITEM)
  ※Rate+4 ドロップアイテムQ
  [23]Knowledge in the Deeps (Elite)の導入Qらしい
  Twilight Disciple (15 - 17) 0.95% (45) Twilight Thug (17 - 18) 0.85%
  Q内容:Bring the Book: The Powers Below to Gerrig Bonegrip in the Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge.

□[15]Treats for Greatfather Winter by Greatfather Winter


Alterac Mountains

2005年01月15日 14時20分03秒 | Quest
Alterac Mountains 40-55

[55]A Plague Upon Thee by Nathaniel Dumah
 □[55]A Plague Upon Thee by Nathaniel Dumah
  □[55]A Plague Upon Thee by Termite Barrel@Western Plaguelands
[56]All Along the Watchtowers (Elite) by Commander Ashlam Valorfist
[60]Barov Family Fortune (Elite) by Weldon Barov

[34]Foreboding Plans by Syndicate Documents[56.87]
  Foreboding PlansをMagistrate Maleb@Southshoreに届ける
 □[36]Noble Deaths by Magistrate Henry Maleb@Hillsbrad Foothills
   7 Alterac Signet RingsをMagistrate Maleb@Southshore,タウンホールに届ける。
   Alterac Signet RingsのDrop状況:
   Syndicate Spy (32-36) 10.01% (786) Syndicate Wizard (34-35) 8.26% (350)
   Syndicate Assassin (37-39) 0.99% (32) Syndicate Enforcer (38-40) 1.00% (24)
   Syndicate Saboteur (37-38) 3.00% (52) Syndicate Sentry (36-37) 3.16% (135)

[40]The Ensorcelled Parchment by Ensorcelled Parchment(ITEM)
  Worn Wooden Chestの中にある。
  Ensorcelled Parchment to Loremaster Dibbs@Southshoreに持っていって
 □[40]Stormpike's Deciphering by Loremaster Dibbs@Southshore
   これをProspector Stormpike@IFに持っていって IFの一番北東スミ

[62]The Last Barov by Weldon Barov

山のほうのmap Alterac Mountains[47.35]捕まってるエンジニア BronzeTube売ってる

A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands! Stormwind City A 50 Courier Hammerfall
A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands! Dun Morogh A 50 Courier Hammerfall
Baron's Demise Hillsbrad Foothills A 40 Magistrate Henry Maleb
Coolant Heads Prevail Badlands B 37 Lotwil Veriatus
Gyro... What? Badlands B 37 Lotwil Veriatus
Crushridge Bounty Hillsbrad Foothills A 36 Marshal Redpath
 □[40]Crushridge Warmongers(Elite) by Marshal Redpath
   Crushridge Warmongers15匹やっつけて。Alterac Mountainsの丸くなってる山脈の中、左半分下側。

Dark Council Hillsbrad Foothills A 40 Magistrate Henry Maleb
Magical Analysis Stranglethorn Vale A 37 Baron Revilgaz
Ansirem's Key Alterac Mountains A 37 Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver
"Pretty Boy" Duncan Stranglethorn Vale A 39 Catelyn the Blade
The Curse of the Tides (Elite) Stranglethorn Vale A 40 Catelyn the Blade
Preserving Knowledge (Elite) Hillsbrad Foothills A 38 Loremaster Dibbs
Return to Milton Hillsbrad Foothills A 38 Loremaster Dibbs
Stolen Winter Veil Treats City of Ironforge A 35 Wulmort Jinglepocket
You're a Mean One... (Elite) Alterac Mountains A 35
A Smokywood Pastures Thank You! City of Ironforge A 35 Wulmort Jinglepocket

Syndicate Assassins Hillsbrad Foothills A 33 Magistrate Henry Maleb
The Everlook Report Winterspring A 52 Gregor Greystone
The Perenolde Tiara (Elite) Stormwind City A 40 Count Remington Ridgewell

[38.51]Slain Warmonger


2005年01月13日 17時05分19秒 | TIPs
PST 1/13 AM4から16時間メンテ
JP 1/13 PM9-?
**定期メンテ:毎週、火曜のAM6:00(PST)~ **



GMT-8時間=CST  PST-1時間=MST 
PST-2時間=CST  PST-3時間=EST

JST-17時間 =PST

ETA【略語】 estimated time of arrival 本来は電車や飛行機の「到着時刻」を示すが、「予定終了時間」の意味で用いられる。サーバダウンの時に表示される ETA is 9:00a.m. は サーバアップ予定時間は 午前9時 ということになる。
[36] Norble Deaths
[40] Crushridge Warmongers(Elite)
[40] Dark Council

Arathi Highlands
[37] Stromgarde Badges(Elite)
[39] Wand over Fist
[39] Wanted! Marez Cowl
[39] Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest(Elite)

[21] Pridewings of Stonetalen 灰色
[29] Kayneth Stillwind

●Blackfathom Deep
[24] Researching the Corruption(Elite) 灰色

[28] The Tower of Althalaxx(5?)

●Dustwallow Marsh
[30] Hoghperch Venom
[38] Mudrock soup and Bugs

[30] Essential Artificials(Elite)
[30] The Only Cure is More Green Glow(Elite)

●Hillsbrad Foothills(@HOME)
[36] Hints of a New Plague?(手紙とって来る奴)

[38] journey to the Marsh

●Redridge Mountains
[22] Looking Further

[38] Preserving Knowledge(Elite)
[40] The Peresolde Tiara(Elite)

戦利品獲得のための「ロットインする」は cast a lot in (アイテム名)