GEDAN:blog@World of Warcraft

World of WarcraftのTIPs、攻略など。管理者:miomio@blackrock&GEDAN


2005年01月03日 19時32分12秒 | Quest
ここで敵が落とすOparating ManualはHordeのみのQ Itemなので速攻売るべし。

□[21]Amongst the Ruins (Elite) Ashenvale 27
□[21]An Aggressive Defense Ashenvale A 24 Raene Wolfrunner
□[21]Bathran's Hair Ashenvale A 20 Orendil Broadleaf
 Orendil's Cure Ashenvale A 20 Orendil Broadleaf
  □[21]Elune's Tear Ashenvale A 22 Pelturas Whitemoon
   □[21]The Ruins of Stardust Ashenvale A 23 Pelturas Whitemoon
    □[21]Fallen Sky Lake Ashenvale A 30 Pelturas Whitemoon
□[25]Culling the Threat by Raene Wolfrunner
  Dal Bloodclawの頭蓋骨を持ってきて。Slainクエスト,[36.33]あたりにPOP。やや南のCAMPにRorgish Jowl(Elite)も沸く。

□[18]Journey to Stonetalon Peak by Faldreas Goeth'Shael

□[20]Bathran's Hair Ashenvale A 20 Orendil Broadleaf[26.38] ■済み
 □[20]Orendil's Cure Ashenvale A 20 Orendil Broadleaf
   Bring Orendil's Cure to Pelturas Whitemoon in Astranaar.
  □[22]Elune's Tear Ashenvale by Pelturas Whitemoon
    Bring Elune's Tear to Pelturas in Astranaar.
    On small island in center of Iris Lake. Groundspawn.
   □[23]The Ruins of Stardust by Pelturas Whitemoon
     Bring 5 Handfuls of Stardust to Pelturas in Astranaar.
     Fallen Sky LakeのStardust Covered Bush町の南
     The bushes with the Stardust on them are only on the island in the center of the small lake that's there.
     Be wary of the Shadethicket elementals there as they're highly aggro and add-on very frequently.

    □[30]Fallen Sky Lake by Pelturas Whitemoon
      Shadethicket OracleをやっつけてFallen Moonstoneを取り返して、Pelturasに持っていく。

[19]Trek to Ashenvale by Sentinel Selarin ■済み
 □続き[19]Raene's Cleansing(Part1) by Raene Wolfrunner ■済み
  □[21]Raene's Cleansing(Part2) by Raene Wolfrunner ■済み
    Dropped By:Saltspittle Muckdweller (20 - 21) 4.77% Saltspittle Oracle (20 - 21) 5.15%
    Saltspittle Puddlejumper (19 - 20) 4.38% Saltspittle Warrior (19 - 20) 4.14%
    死体のそばにいる Saltspittleからドロップ
   □[21]Raene's Cleansing(Part3) by Raene Wolfrunner  ■済み
     Shael'dryn[53.46]。山間 町から道なりに東に行き、52.56あたりで左折して北上。
    □[27]Raene's Cleansing(Part4) by Shael'dryn
      Wooden Key とDartol's Rod を見つける WoodenKeyはFelwoodのそばにいるトレント4,5匹でDrop。カギてに入れたあと、[54.35]WornChest調べてGet。
     □[28]Raene's Cleansing(Part5) by Shael'dryn
       Dartol's Rodの最後の部品、Iron Pommelを持ってきて。
       Rusty Chest
       □[28]Raene's Cleansing(Part6) by Shael'dryn
       □[28]Raene's Cleansing(Part7) by Hidden Shrine
       □[28]Raene's Cleansing(Part8) by Shael'dryn
         Get:Dartol's Rod of Transformation (40)
       □[28]Raene's Cleansing(Part9) by Raene Wolfrunner
         Dartol's Rod of Transformation (40)
□[30]Raene's Cleansing Ashenvale by Krolg Dartol's
           Rod of Transformation (8)
□[30]Raene's Cleansing Ashenvale A 30 Krolg
□[19]Naga at the Zoram Strand by Marukai
□[21]On Guard in Stonetalon by Sentinel Thenysil
  □[21]On Guard in Stonetalon Stonetalon Mountains by Kaela Shadowspear
   □[21]A Gnome's Respite Stonetalon Mountains by Gaxim Rustfizzle
     □[21]An Old Colleague Stonetalon Mountains by Gaxim Rustfizzle
      □[21]Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun Stonetalon Mountains by Lomac Gearstrip
        □[21]Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun City of Ironforge by Lomac Gearstrip
□[24]An Aggressive Defense by Raene Wolfrunner(asshenの町、メイン建物、虎が隣にいる)
  Kill 1 Den Watcher, 2 Ursas, 10 Totemics, and 12 Warriors of the Foulweald tribe,
  and then return to Raene Wolfrunner in Astranaar.

□[14]Trouble In Darkshore?@Darnassus の続き
 □[20]The Absent Minded Prospector by Archaeologist Hollee
Prospector Remtravel[35.83]の護衛Q
  □[20]The Absent Minded Prospector by Prospector Remtravel
   □[20]The Absent Minded Prospector by Archaeologist Hollee
    □[20]The Absent Minded Prospector by Chief Archaeologist Greywhisker
     □[24]The Absent Minded Prospector by Archaeologist Flagongut

□[21]Pridewings of Stonetalon by Shindrell Swiftfire
  Pridewing Venom Sac 12個

□[21]On Guard in Stonetalon by Sentinel Thenysil
  人探し。Stonetalonの[59.66]、 ちょうど道の分岐のところ、西側から登る。
On Guard in Stonetalon Stonetalon Mountains A 21 Kaela Shadowspear
A Gnome's Respite Stonetalon Mountains A 21 Gaxim Rustfizzle

An Old Colleague Stonetalon Mountains A 21 Gaxim Rustfizzle
Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun Stonetalon Mountains A 21 Lomac Gearstrip
Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun City of Ironforge A 21 Lomac Gearstrip

□[30]The Shrine of Aessina[22.52]
The Howling Vale[22.52]
□[32]Vile Satyr! Dryads in Danger![21.53]

Dun Morogh 20~Q

2005年01月03日 16時14分18秒 | Quest
・[19]Search for Incendicite
 Bring 6 loads of Incendicite Ore to Pilot Stonegear in Dun Morogh.
 WetlandsにいるCave Stalker (21 - 22) 0.20%からドロップ
The cavern is full of spiders level 20-22. Bring friends if your under 20 and move quickly. The repop on the spiders is fast and they will back spawn rapidly which can add grief if your in the cavern mining Tin and Incendicite. It's possible to skill mining to at least 130 in this cavern.
洞窟はクモのレベルで20-22にいっぱいです。 あなたの20未満と移動であるならすばやく友人を連れて来ます。 クモの上のrepopは速いです、そして、それらは急速に卵を支持するでしょう(あなたのコネであるなら深い悲しみを加えることができます)。TinとIncendiciteを採掘する洞窟。 それは少なくともこの洞窟の中の130への技能採掘に可能です。88以上でOKぽい

[3]A Refugee's Quandary
Felix's Box[20.76], Felix's Chest[22.79] and Felix's Bucket of Bolts[26.69]
to Felix Whindlebolt in Anvilmar.