

Telefonica accelerates 3G site in Germany

2021-11-03 18:11:16 | 日記

The company began closing the 3G network in individual regions on July 1 this year, including Lower Saxony, Bavaria, Meclenburg - Mecnburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Saxony (Saxony) and North Rhine-Westphalia (especially in Ruhr).

This process has been implemented in a one-third of the total of approximately 16,000 3G sites in Germany so that the released frequency is available at a higher speed 4G service. The company originally planned to complete most of the 3G sites before the end of this year, and now the plan will be completed before mid-September, including the North Sea and Baltic Coast, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia (Thuringia Baden-Wurttemberg, Brandenburg and North Rhine-Westphalia part of the 3G site.


The company will carry out the last large-scale 3G signal in mid-November, mainly affecting Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse (HESse), the last site will complete the transformation before the end of the year .


Mallik Rao, CEO of Telefonica Deutschland, said that with 3G to 4G comprehensive conversion, Telefonica is paving on the road to the more powerful O2 network and a better customer experience, and he added: "4G has been a digital connection for a long time. The pillar. We offer 4G services for more than 99% of the population, and this scale is still expanding. At the same time, we will focus on 5G launch to ignite Germany's digital wave. We are increasing to all regions The more customers provide 5G services and provide them with two high-speed mobile data usage standards, namely 4G and 5G. "
