大阪 南船場 眼'z スポーツグラストレーナー井上の喜怒哀楽


"The Smallest Voluntary Activity in the world"

2014年12月12日 | イベント





Special thanks to everyone joining us!

We succeeded our event "The Smallest Voluntary Activity in the world"

(Jan. 1st.) without any accident.

We're going to hold our 3nd event of "The Smallest Voluntary Activity

in the World"!

When: Around noon, January 1th. 2015 (Thursday)

Where: Anywhere you can pick litter

(We won't get together at one place.)

What we will do:

We invite you to a voluntary activity “Every one of us picks up one litter”

We are not making fun of you.

This is our civic campaign where we share a perception that we pick

but do not drop any litter.

Now, money donation is not enough.

We need action rather than words.

That is the same for all people regardless of age, sex, and ability

/ disability.

The only thing we have to do is picking just one litter up.

(Of course, picking a lot of litters is welcomed.)

No need for money / donation.

Picking up just one litter removes over one hundred million litters in Japan.

Doing so removes over seven billion litters on the globe.

This is not forced.

You can do it when you want to in your town.

Last time, More than 2,000 participants from Facebook and my friends

enjoyed this activity at lots of places at the same time.

People out of Japan joined us as well.

Problems of litter are not only for Japan but for the world.

We’ll be happy if we share our consciousness in the world.

We hope we share our activity with more people than than last time.

Thank you for your cooperation.

(英語訳 :第2回開催 松木雄介 様より少し変更しています。)


