ゴンチ先輩の  News Week


世界の注目ニュース World ver.

2017-11-25 07:14:23 | 日記

Hundres of soccer fans in Hong Kong defied
a new law by booing the Chinese national anthem
before an international match.

About 200 out of more than 1,000
in attendance took part in the heckling.
With some yelling “We are Hong Kong,not China.”
Many covered their faces to avoid being identified.
The match was the first since China extended an existing law
against disrespecting the anthem to Hong Kong.
The demonstration comes as young people raise concerns that china is threatening Hong Kong's autonomy.

世界の注目ニュース WORLD ver.

2017-11-25 07:14:06 | 日記

We head now to Zimbabwe.
where an apparent military coup
has President Robert Mugabe and
his family under house arrest.
While the military denies it is staging a coup.
It's currently in control of the African nation
and has deployed armored vehicle to streets.
On Wednesday.soldiers took over the headquarters of the state broadcaster
and announced the military had seized power.
Mugabe has been in power for nearly 40years
since Zimbabwe became independent.in 1980.
He has been criticized as a ruthless dictator by Western nations,
but is still seen as a freedom fighter
by many in country.
At 93,he is oldest national president in the world.
A power struggle appears to be intensifying
before next year's presidential election.
Observers Say military may have decided to act
after Mugabe sacked his vice president last week
who was expected to succeed him.
It is believed that Mugabe may have been trying
to pave the way for his wife Grace to take over.