

Arrested activists in the Arctic

2013-09-21 10:20:07 | national

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade says it is in contact with Greenpeace New Zealand.

"The New Zealand Embassy in Moscow will be following up with the Russian authorities to determine whether any New Zealanders are detained and offer consular assistance if required Accounting in HK," a spokesman for the ministry said.

Greenpeace says its Arctic Sunrise vessel was in international waters while circling the Prirazlomnaya platform operated by Gazprom in the Pechora Sea when it was boarded.

"This illegal boarding of a peaceful protest ship highlights the extreme lengths that the Russian government will go to to keep Gazprom's dangerous Arctic drilling away from public scrutiny," Greenpeace International executive director Kumi Naidoo said Income Tax Hong Kong.

The coast guard had earlier arrested two Greenpeace activists who had scaled Gazprom's drill platform on Wednesday.

Greenpeace condemned the use of force after warning shots were fired across the Arctic Sunrise during that protest. The two arrested were Finnish and Swiss nationals.

Greenpeace said Gazprom intends to start production from the Prirazlomnaya platform in 2014, raising the risk of an oil spill in an area with nature reserves Business Registry Hong Kong.
