北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年11月02日 | 日記
21:57 from web
It was cloudy, sunny , and we have shower .
After the rain stopped, we could see a nice rainbow !!
We enjoyed many weather in a day.
21:58 from web
I was glad to see the rainbow.
It's been a long time since I saw it .
23:51 from web
We finished our dinner at 11:00pm.
Don't you think it's too late?? I waited for my hubby to come back.
What a sweet wife I am !<cont>
23:55 from web
....Although it's good for him, I feel like getting fat ! (haha)
Oh,no.... I hate it.
It's OK. I'll go on a diet starting tomorrow !
23:58 from web
It was really busy day.
I'm simply happy with my family.
by comadam on Twitter


2010年11月01日 | 日記
23:40 from web
It was rainy day.
Drizzle makes me sentimental....
I don't know why I feel sad for no reason when I watch the rain falling.
23:42 from web
I thought I was more cheerful person.
But today something wrong with me.
I feel blue a little bit.
23:48 from web
My hubby tell me that I've got E-mail addict.
It might be true to some extent.
Today I don't hear from anybody. I feel lonly !
23:53 from web
He tells me that I am crazy.
No E-mail , it's a peaceful day for him.
But I don't. Am I insecure??
23:56 from web
Tomorrow is Monday.
Another new week will start again !
I want to be positive.
23:57 from web
Whether life is better or bitter, it's totally up to you !
23:59 from web
Ok, Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter