


2011-08-31 04:00:00 | 日記
00:36 from Keitai Web
RT @88himajin88: @sr94gs 野田新代表は演説で抜けて居ました。海江田候補は影が黒過ぎた。前原前外務大臣は献金と黒影を拒否した時点で先がなくなった。何れにしろ、菅よりはマシでしょう。
01:04 from Keitai Web
99% of life is determined, in making friends. Would you team up with someone important. Who would want to be with you, first.
01:29 from Keitai Web
There is no unhappiness in the life. It's spiritual existence, and only a necessary thing occurs.
01:29 from Keitai Web
The setting is raised and the growth necessity of the soul.
05:56 from Keitai Web
06:26 from Keitai Web
07:30 from Keitai Web
It's cornered and both the luck and the way open out. Even if a certain faith person is cornered, I'm not destroyed. Practice.
15:30 from Keitai Web
19:19 from Keitai Web
I want to see world athletes raw … Is the next the London Olympics.
21:42 from Keitai Web
It's difficult to get off the fast track by the phase of "This 1st", and to demonstrate ability.
21:42 from Keitai Web
How is the effort to strengthen one's ability and to demonstrate made?
by superkoolman on Twitter