


2011-08-20 01:26:54 | 日記
01:43 from Keitai Web
It reflects on the success and the failure it knows the thing that advancement and the leap approach
01:43 from Keitai Web
the birth target from the idea that asks How should you do? and it goes forward on provisions to the future.
08:01 from Keitai Web
The excuse and cheating lose me and the extension losing sight ahead and the buckpassing lose hope and my future…Starting afresh.
08:38 from Keitai Web
人は何も考えず実行しなければ悪い習慣を愛してしまう。夢と明確な目標を持っている人は良い習慣に変える「力と運」がある→悪習慣脱皮のステップ…悪習慣となっている事が無意識的状態→意識的にそれを取り除く→意識的に改善策を取り入れる→繰り返し実践する事でいいのでは…Good Luck
10:53 from Keitai Web
The sun always shines on a cloud on the rainy day.
23:23 from Keitai Web
戦後最高値 1ドル75円90銭
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