What US has killed is not #ISIS or similar Vikinggang quasi-political-opposition #FSA>ISIS leader raped American i100.io/0w5OaIX
What #ISIS done to Ms Mueller is what #muslimbrotherhood did to women against Morsi. #US won't stop #FSA ISIS #MB ..>i100.io/0w5OaIX
Confirms?Not condemnation? Chemical weapon usage normally being deemed as conduct exposed to punish from countries twitter.com/rconflictnews/…
#US #Turkey aim to build canned area where #ISIS #FSA #AlQaeda #Muskimbrotherhood #Hamas kill Kurds Syrians Iraqis twitter.com/rconflictnews/…
how far #FSA goes when it comes2 "war on" #ISIS!FSA,coalition of ISIS&AlQaeda,"attacks"ISIS VEHCLE by using4M?perday>twitter.com/rconflictnews/…
#US lost legitimacy in protection4 #Soros #Trump gang #FSA #ISIS #Alqaeda killing #Syria #Israel #Saudi #Lebanon &any>thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/world…
#Ted #soros #trump proposed #FSA"patrolarea"where #US #Turkey officially allow massacre of #Christians Alawait &any>twitter.com/rconflictnews/…
Antireligion #Ted #soros #trump proposed #FSA(#ISIS)"patrolarea"where #Turkey officially"allow"massacre/abuse of any>twitter.com/rconflictnews/…
#U.S. spends 4M? per a day to attack #Assad #SyriaRoyals #Kurds against #ISIS,
not ISIS #FSA Alqaeda vikinggang killing many #Americans &any
#FSA,killed many Christians, coalition of #ISIS which had raped/killed Americans&any. Now #FSA attacked ISISvehicle! twitter.com/northernstork/…
Still #US aids #FSA #ISIS rape/kill of Americans, attack #Syria #Assad Forces, #Iraqis, #Kurds, Hezbohla & #Libya twitter.com/javed_kayani/s…
No "canned area" where #ISIS coalition #FSA officially"allowed" to kill Alawaite Americans or any twitter.com/rconflictnews/…
"日本を代表するイルカになりました。"【えのすいトリーター日誌】?bit.ly/1WoAhhO?携帯bit.ly/1J47yVC pic.twitter.com/UrBFEsHULl
Japan's Emperor Expresses 'Deep Remorse' For War Past n.pr/1J7b15B
#ISIS #FSA recruit white Islam Jewish youths as WallStreetOccupy did by sliding meaning of individual violence mobile.nytimes.com/2015/08/14/opi…
In Japan, young MPTarouYamamoto&IchiroOzawa&DJP close to #soros expressed their "positive"impression to #ISIS #FSA mobile.nytimes.com/2015/08/14/opi…
Some of antiCommu antiWest MPs support the idea to see violence as nation& individual org. mobile.nytimes.com/2015/08/14/opi…