10月30日(火)のつぶやき その2

2012-10-31 04:30:03 | Gooメンテナンス

?! オスプレイ:森本防衛相が自衛隊導入含みの発言 bit.ly/YgSMG4 【毎日新聞】 #maiaapp_mai

秋のソナタ(スウェーデン): 監督:イングマール・ベルイマン出演:イングリッド・バーグマン/リブ・ウルマン内容:牧師館で暮らす女性エバは、歳の離れた夫とともに平穏な毎日を送っていた。そんなある日、エバは著名なピアニストで... bit.ly/SZYKaZ

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Parents are losing child benefit, the young are struggling while the elderly prosper. For how much longer? thetim.es/WXjCVB

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10/30/1944: The last transport of Jews from the camp-ghetto Theresienstadt arrives at Auschwitz. ow.ly/73W4p

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Pres. Obama has issued disaster declarations so far for NY and NY - authorizing federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts.

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A Portsmouth D-Day museum entrance is damaged ahead of its opening ceremony and Poppy Appeal charity money is stolen bbc.in/SZYVmI

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Police suspect boys in shooting of anti-#Taliban activist #Malala. She wants her schoolbooks, Ashley Fantz reports: on.cnn.com/Sb5fXM

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ほっとする。 東京ガス:東京電力の火力発電所建て替え計画に参加へ bit.ly/SdtO7e 【毎日新聞】 #maiaapp_mai

(??д?) RT @yknk_ARS: @halu1224 パンフレットが終売になってましたーーーー!ショック(;_;)

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.@kfc_colonel did you hear about this tragedy? goo.gl/RTwCe How serious must things get before you ditch deforestation? #kfcnogood

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Greek journalists strike over suspension of presenters reut.rs/PEzFFW

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10月30日(火)のつぶやき その1

2012-10-31 04:30:02 | Gooメンテナンス

NBC News told 84 Heathrow - US flights canceled today, 21 Frankfurt Airport flights canceled, American Airlines warning it may last 2 days.

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News of the day 7thclouds冨田麻里MariT 紙が更新されました! bit.ly/Ix8ngU

 世界のお巡りさんコンサート:5隊が演奏、フィナーレ bit.ly/TleyTG 【毎日新聞】 #maiaapp_mai

NEWS WEB24です。アップル、故ジョブズ氏の“腹心”フォーストール上級副社長が退任へ、引責か。 nhk.jp/N44J5VA5 番組で紹介してよいツイートには #nhk24 をつけてください。

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WATCH: Raw video of patients moved as NYC hospital loses power: usat.ly/WXLkl7

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BP returned to profitability with a better-than-expected Q3 profit and raised its dividend. nyti.ms/Srl3ZR

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Pres Obama has begun to issue disaster declarations for hardest hit areas. Gov Christie says he urged the pres to accelerate the process.

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RT @ggrant_rspca: Met new Animal Welfare Minister Lord de Mauley. Underlined urgent action: dogs, horses, live export & tougher penalties

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Massive tanker run aground by superstorm in Staten Island, NYC: abcn.ws/TSWVBn

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On MSNBC this morning, Gov Christie was full of praise for Pres Obama's response to the storm. Unexpected praise from the GOP governor.

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Sandy leaves 145,000 Canadians without power, one dead reut.rs/WXL2dW

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Public Enemy Number One: Why Taliban Leader Rahman Is Berlin's Top Priority bit.ly/SZX6pV

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10月29日(月)のつぶやき その3

2012-10-30 04:36:28 | Gooメンテナンス

Nokia Launches Verizon Smartphone: Nokia unveiled an exclusive $99 smartphone for U.S.-based carrier Verizon Wir... on.wsj.com/YdZMDw

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There were floods in NYC this a.m., then a pause, but the deluge is yet to come: nyti.ms/SU77VI

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How Mitt Romney used the Mormon Church's tax-exempt status to defer taxes for more than 15 years | bloom.bg/STWnqd

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Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant to appear on new Primal Scream album dlvr.it/2PFvxx

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原発は再稼働せず廃炉に。  玄海原発はもう動かさないで! 9月議会で請願の賛成討論 bit.ly/QPUhbd

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Tony Blair: "Out of this European crisis can come the opportunity to achieve a model of European integration that is sustainable."

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WATCH: Shocking footage emerges of Romney making anti-gay statements huff.to/Rp07la

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international society must stop sending arms2far-right violence oriented fundamentalist armed gangs→@jordantimes Syria ow.ly/eQI66

AMAZING photo: Massive Hurricane #Sandy from Space - here it comes ...twitpic.com/b8hvy5

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Premier Foods complete sale of Hartley's jam, Sun-Pat peanut butter and Gale honey gu.com/p/3bech/tf

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[おすすめ記事]日の丸太陽電池の“優等生”パナソニックが投資凍結へ - inside Enterprise bit.ly/TMMxee

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Judge expected to rule on Zimmerman case gag order | bit.ly/PgmWrw

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NEWS WEB24です。前原氏、秘書宅を事務所として経費計上していたことについて“事務所としての実態がある” nhk.jp/N44I5Ugc 番組で紹介してよいツイートには #nhk24 をつけてください。

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Really odd to be in an empty city. Washington DC is closed for business. Unbelievable rain, but wind yet to arrive. updates on @BBCBreaking

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Photo of the day: A fishing boat sails in the Arabian sea at sunset in Mumbai bitly.com/VyIBt8

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10月29日(月)のつぶやき その2

2012-10-30 04:36:27 | Gooメンテナンス

NEWS WEB24です。ハリケーン接近、アメリカ・ ニューヨークは厳戒態勢。 nhk.jp/N44I5UO8 番組で紹介してよいツイートには #nhk24 をつけてください。

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Who says digital can't be natural? Get inspired by the #naturalcircuits of the #rainroom and see your twitter poem projected at #bweekender

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トム・クルーズ「ミッション:インポッシブル5」についてコメント #映画 #eiga eiga.com/l/43Ja5 via @eigacom

森林とキャンプ場は、糸島市の責任で、多くの市民が利用できるように。自然を守って! bit.ly/QNSe7o

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☆拡散☆ 審議たったの1カ月-再稼働のためのお手軽防災指針に待った!★残り15時間、現在1,928筆。10月30日(火)正午まで 【オンライン署名】 hinan-kenri.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/10/1… 30km圏のUPZは狭すぎる。避難政策の見直しを!7日100mSvなんてトンデモナイ!

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No point in riots which uses your tax that is/was supposed to be used for u/ur friends/family..@DJ_Moderne: Riot in SF youtu.be/Q0tKl0WLGYQ

速報:中央大は、中央大学横浜山手中学校の不正入試問題を理由に、久野修慈理事長を解任することを決定。 bit.ly/17n4iz

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See this link for the latest #river observations & #flooding forecasts during #Sandy: 1.usa.gov/j4rEyH Via @usNWSgov

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【地域】 「命のゆりかご」感謝の集い bit.ly/XKvhpx

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Pres. Obama now skipping his campaign rally this morning in Orlando and heading back to DC to oversee federal response to Sandy.

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Issues like land acquisition, water, jungles are important-who owns them? That decision should be made by the people: Ex-Army chief VK Singh

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News: Westminster Abbey service commemorates Battle of El Alamein bit.ly/VY0NT1

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Berlin - Tony Blair calls for a "Grand Bargain" to rescue #Europe. Read his keynote speech in full: bit.ly/UZvB4j #EU #euro

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こんにちは沼上常生です: 湘南マラソン10キロ完走への道、練習、練習…! bit.ly/Q1KUbi

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WATCH: Sandy impact could last several days aol.it/UX7rr2 via @aolon #Sandy

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New data from the Hurricane Hunters (945mb) confirms #Sandy is now the most intense hurricane ever north of NC, beating LI Express of 1938.

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Live video: How Hurricane Sandy is hitting business and the economy. nyti.ms/SnwUbe

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Penguin, Random House Ink a Deal: Pearson and Bertelsmann, two of the world's biggest media groups, plan to comb... on.wsj.com/VWVWkO

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10月29日(月)のつぶやき その1

2012-10-30 04:36:26 | Gooメンテナンス

News of the day 7thclouds冨田麻里MariT 紙が更新されました! bit.ly/Ix8ngU

NHK Eテレ 19:30 ろうを生きる 難聴を生きる「魚の魅力を伝えたい」<字幕スーパー> nhk.jp/chokaku #nhketv

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I spent Saturday scribbling about steering wheels & how sometimes drivers need to change them during the GP. Rock n roll eh?

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Button tries to address the Grosjean problem but can't make a DRS move stick around the outside. #F1

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Labour MP and ex-Para Dan Jarvis writes in The Sun on Sunday about Remembrance Day - and why morale is so low in the armed forces today.

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NHK BSプレミアム 19:30 歌よ響け!笑顔の未来へ「虹の架け橋 まごころ募金コンサート」 nhk.jp/H444H8pa #nhkbsp

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If you are in the path of Hurricane #Sandy send us your pictures, but please make sure you do so safely abcn.ws/TjtTUP

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Humor in preparing for a big storm →NYTimes: Hurricane Sandy Approaches East Coast nyti.ms/SkHfF0

At least, homeless in NYC have places to be evacuated→NYTimes: Hurricane Sandy Approaches East Coast nyti.ms/SkHfF0

NYTimes: With Less Time for Voting, Black Churches Redouble Their Efforts nyti.ms/Sreg1f

Indeed. Respect and never fail to exersise the right to vote!→NYTimes: With Less Time for Voting, ...nyti.ms/Sreg1f

世界の雑記帳:マドリード市内を羊が大行列、移動放牧の伝統的権利訴える mainichi.jp/feature/news/2…

田中一村:福岡市の所有者遺族、奄美の記念美術館に作品寄贈--公開始まる /鹿児島 mainichi.jp/feature/news/2…

At #nuszones12 for the Welfare Conference and loving it! Signed up for Responsible Drinking, Student Finance and Hate Speech. @LancasterSU

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Staff bring their own mugs to ensure adequate tea in-take at #nuszones12 #behindthescenes pic.twitter.com/VJGcHo38

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米大統領選:選挙人数、オバマ氏優勢…投開票まで1週間 bit.ly/Tq1gtB

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Toyota shrugs off sales plunge in China, sees record year ahead for global sales: apne.ws/ST0rXN -BW

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