5月14日(木)のつぶやき その2

2015-05-15 06:16:38 | Gooメンテナンス

#民主党 は 専守防衛廃止 米露中欧との開戦狙う 反米反共反大国反日アナーキズム暴力核テロ原理 日本アジア自滅地上げ の手先 だから最初から消費税35パーセント>海外共同軍事侵攻 「長く戦争をやるとなったら財政持たない」民主・岡田氏 smar.ws/YUN25

#民主党 #生活の党 #未来の党 #山本太郎 #嘉田由紀子 #憲法改正 消費税35% 控除全廃止 年金福祉生保全廃止 大国と戦争し破れるため #反米軍基地 #反自衛隊 #自衛軍 創設にNO>「長く戦争をやるとなったら財政持たない」岡田 smar.ws/gYXAD

5月14日(木)のつぶやき その1

2015-05-15 06:16:37 | Gooメンテナンス

#Greens accept it&kill camels&mountains "to reduce gas"from allnaturallives,"legalize"publiccanabisfacility2killppl>twitter.com/bbclouise/stat…

#Greens accept it&legally kill trees&camels "to reduce gas"from allnaturallives,"legalize"publiccocainefacility2kill>twitter.com/bbclouise/stat…

#Greens accept it&create benefit4every child incld of veryrich family,by raising tax on everyone, abolishingbenefits>twitter.com/bbclouise/stat…

#Greens accept it&create #benefit income incld4child of veryrich family,by raising tax,abolishing benefits&pensions>twitter.com/bbclouise/stat…

Sturgeon must explain how #SNP can manage UKbudget&public governance. Anyone even 5yrs old can "protest"against Tory twitter.com/heraldscotland…

#Sturgeon must explain how #SNP, which had failed in Scotland budget, manages UKpublic governance without #austerity #deficit with #welfare

#Sturgeon #SNP was condemned because it did not keep its pledges 2increase pension&welfare then it changed its pledge to"scotsvoiceheard" ha

While intentionally incapable #SNP damaging #Scotland economyeducationwelfare&made more #deficit, SNP gets 1million bbc.com/news/uk-politi…

#SNP only increases deficit&if condemned,places it upon #UK&wins election2get more money2promote #independence 2rob>bbc.com/news/uk-politi…

#SNP only made more deficit&if condemned,places it upon #UK&wins election2get 1million&promote #indy 2rob northseaoil>bbc.com/news/uk-politi…

#SNP only wins election by "accusing #austerity #tory" or "#welfare #labour #deficit" while never reduced deficits never increased welfare

#SNP never reduced deficits never increased welfare accuses #austerity #tory""#welfare #labour #deficit" gets1million2raise riot2damage UK

UK ppl gave 1million to #SNP which made Scotland deficit &mob&riot damaging Scotland& now UK economy
#AntiAusterity? #nomoreSNP #nomoremob

I don't support him but at least he wouldnot urge riots&mob2damage UKeconomy&safety or robshort money2robnorthseaoil twitter.com/argyllmanems/s…

If u did know its real intention of #SNP which has never intended2do any good2Scotland&UK but damage, u gave 1million from tax?! #nomoreSNP

it is only #Sturgeon can otherwise just another shortmoneyfraud who only makes deficit&places it upon UK,Tory,labour twitter.com/traquir/status…