5月8日(金)のつぶやき その6

2015-05-09 06:20:03 | Gooメンテナンス

Pakistan Taliban say they were behind crash of military helicopter which killed Norwegian and Philippine envoys bbc.in/1GT3S8d

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 649 RT

Nigel Farage “professionally disappointed” but personally relieved after losing Thanet South bbc.co.uk/electionlive pic.twitter.com/KPHefiLdAO

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 325 RT

Not because of Labour, but due to presence of SNP/Greens pledges intentionally designed2 be similar2Labour's pledges twitter.com/bbcpolitics/st…

I'm listening to Symphony No.5 in Bb major D.485 (4) by Franz Schubert on @classicfm classicfm.com #nowplaying

Marathons? Holidays? Working? What have the drivers been up to during the break? VIDEO >> f1.com/1JvoGFE #F1 pic.twitter.com/v1qpgk5wEa

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 48 RT

The 7th Principle of Fair Trade - #FairTrade means a safe and healthy working environment for producers! pic.twitter.com/cAxG6uphkY

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 3 RT


冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 14 RT

5月8日(金)のつぶやき その5

2015-05-09 06:20:02 | Gooメンテナンス

Just to clarify, YouGov haven't conducted an exit poll. They haven't changed figures since yesterday #GE2015

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 13 RT

Here's a @GuardianData piece from two weeks ago: Lib Dems could lose £26,000 in candidates' deposits, polls suggest gu.com/p/47k7x/stw

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 21 RT

Exit polls: U.K.’s Liberal Democrats set for steep losses in Parliament. on.wsj.com/1PsReS6

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 56 RT

Labour Party wins the first two official results in UK election but exit polls indicate they will endure a bad night. CNN.com/uk2015

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 70 RT

It’s not just about Scotland tonight. The sleeping lion of English nationalism has awoken too. Tories, UKIP got it. Lab didn't

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 53 RT

Looks like Lib Dems will be second party in Scotland in terms of seats - with one seat

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 89 RT

LAB Hold Derby South Margaret Beckett back #GE2015

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 15 RT

Britain's Conservatives will stay in power as the SNP wipes out Labour in Scotland theatln.tc/1ETPyyb pic.twitter.com/IkdCOlVOMU

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 69 RT

US operation kills Al Qaeda man who claimed Paris attacks: Sources ibnlive.in.com/news/us-operat…

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 5 RT

Tonight on @Nightline #ISIS is recruiting Americans using Western tools like video games and social media to lure them in-- and it's working

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 10 RT

"Scotland needs a strong Labour Party; our fightback starts tomorrow," Jim Murphy says bbc.co.uk/electionlive #GE2015 pic.twitter.com/Tzv6oFj2Kz

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 178 RT

Election 2015: Tories on course to be largest party amid SNP surge - ITV News itv.com/news/story/201…

朝日新聞デジタル: 英王室広報「サルにどんな名前つけようと動物園の自由」 smar.ws/RNofy #スマートニュース

どう考えたって英国じゅう欧米諸国で子供孫ぬいぐるみ犬猫ヤギ羊チンパンジー猿豚リスイルカ熱帯魚鳥可愛く愛らしい世界各国のペットというペットが「シャーロット」という名前をつけていると思われる。英国側でも「反対?!」の方が変ではてなでしょ twitter.com/kyodo_official…

5月8日(金)のつぶやき その4

2015-05-09 06:20:01 | Gooメンテナンス

Yes. Raised train fees 4dividends substantially limit workers choice:work neighbourhood or very rich&work4high wage>twitter.com/laboureoin/sta…

Simply because of fear from #SNP far right mob rise>Early 2015 slump for Scots commercial property sales - BBC News bbc.com/news/uk-scotla…

5 years it is time for all the people of UK all the labours everyone2celebrate with more #Labour seats and votes as possible UK ppl can vote

I'm voting #Labour today because it's the beginning, not the end, of a fightback against injustice theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 844 RT

I think voting #Labour is the common sense thing to do

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 29 RT

Bedroom Tax:
- 670000 affected
- 96% unable to downsize due to insufficient housing in their area
- 63% are disabled
#Labour will axe it.

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 96 RT

I grew up in Blackpool, I care about life here, we need a change Your vote does matter, please use it & #VoteLabour pic.twitter.com/3Oy3RHkfjg

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 4 RT

Today there is an important choice to make for yourself, your family and friends and for the NHS. I have chosen to #voteLabour. Please vote.

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 80 RT

The choice today:
Tories → a decade where only the privileged few do well
Labour → a government that puts working people first

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 2067 RT

YouGov has not done an exit poll. A re-contact survey today simply gave us no reason to change our final numbers from yesterday.

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 2637 RT

5月8日(金)のつぶやき その2

2015-05-09 06:19:59 | Gooメンテナンス

We're working right throughout the day for a Labour government. Play your part - vote Labour today! pic.twitter.com/N4rWj8rntk

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 74 RT

We have a fully funded rescue plan for the NHS. We can save the NHS but we need to vote for it today → labour.org.uk/blog/entry/nhs…

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 596 RT

Election Day! Please use your vote today and here's a little message from me - remember #NoVoteNoVoice whosay.com/l/cVGawPj

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 326 RT

@nickrock01 And we're happy to have your vote. Thanks for your support! Why not take the next step & join Labour? labour.tw/1KlVgtZ

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 5 RT

People who rent deserve better than this Tory government. I have a better plan to help → pic.twitter.com/KoH8DA5G77

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 813 RT

Just been to vote - don't forget you've got until 10pm to get to your polling station! #IVoted pic.twitter.com/U0avvlhQBG

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 83 RT

@karavengeance @LisaForbes_ try giving the local Labour team a call on 01733 746519 - they might be able to arrange a lift.

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 2 RT

Today is the day. Here's everything you need to know about casting your vote: pic.twitter.com/cPWswsUdvg

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 410 RT

@ChristineKeanex Thanks for helping stand up for a fairer Britain! We hope so too.

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 7 RT

@Rhi_Parsons Even better to hear! Thanks for all your support as a voter and as a member!

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 6 RT

Nasty intimidation. But selling properties with tenants is too risky4landlords then such threats r not realistic. >twitter.com/guardian/statu…

Charlize Theron on unequal pay: 'We need to put our foot down' trib.al/JRFmzrT

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 27 RT

Burundian refugees flee to Rwanda amid violence before polls ? in pictures gu.com/p/485bt/tw pic.twitter.com/ybxZ9GmBqy

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 53 RT

HMS Bulwark was involved in its first migrant rescue mission today in the Mediterranean, says the Italian coastguard. Rescuing 100 migrants

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 72 RT

5月8日(金)のつぶやき その1

2015-05-09 06:19:58 | Gooメンテナンス

讀賣新聞: がん細胞だけ光で死滅…日本人ら開発、試験へ : 科学 : 読売新聞(YOMIURI ONLINE) smar.ws/QiFcx #スマートニュース

ギズモード: アップルでもサムスンでもなく、ソニーがシェア1位のものって? smar.ws/TrIf0 #スマートニュース

独露外相会談:旧激戦地で献花へ ボルゴグラード - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/select/news/20…

大阪都構想:橋下市長「住民投票、1回限りだ」 - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/select/news/20…

自民党:若手「ハト派」が初の勉強会 約20人出席 - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/select/news/20…

人身売買容疑:ポルノ映像撮影で中3女子が被害 2人逮捕 - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/select/news/20…

サッカー:代表候補合宿参加の28選手 大久保も招集 - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/sports/news/20…

ロシア:モスクワの日本庭園で桜見ごろ 入園30分待ち - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/select/news/20…

This zoo named its baby monkey after Japanese diva's first son, Yutarou(son of Ms.MomoeYamaguchi),Soccer player Kazu japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/05/0…

Good luck today to @TulipSiddiq in Hampstead & Kilburn and to @MichaelFosterCR in Camborne & Redruth Vote #Labour

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 140 RT

Polls close in five hours' time. RT this to remind everyone you know what's at stake. pic.twitter.com/Jn9qVAxO4F

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 828 RT

We’ll make life better for the next generation for mums like Emma. pic.twitter.com/NHH9nxWkDr

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 103 RT

Already voted Labour today? THANK YOU! Today is also a good day to become a member! labour.tw/1Ijh4ZP

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 150 RT

Proudly tell everyone #IVoted for change, #ivoted to end the housing crisis, #IVoted for affordable education, #ivoted for Labour

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 412 RT

Already been to vote? That’s great! Now we need your help to get other voters to the polls: labour.tw/1JtpElR #VoteLabour

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 116 RT