4月4日(土)のつぶやき その5

2015-04-05 06:24:31 | Gooメンテナンス

Iraqi government has set up checkpoints on the road to Baghdad to stop any militiamen from taking stolen goods from Tikrit #pt

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 27 RT

Latest from Tikrit today is that the looting appears to have receded in most areas apart from 1 or 2.

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 13 RT

This weekend it's the 2015 #HallOfFame on Classic FM. Will you be listening? instagram.com/p/1DUCN5lV1q/

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 4 RT

Tikritis remain pleased at the prospect of going home soon, but are seething at the criminal activity in their city following its liberation

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 17 RT

ISIS tried its best to hold on to TIkrit and failed. It had prepared for the fight as well as it could and was defeated. #pt

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 7 RT

ISIS defeat in Tikrit is a big deal, and seriously damages ISIS' reputation+prestige. Important to note how important this loss is 4ISIS

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 35 RT

#Assad Syria Egypt Iran Israel US Russia China fight against gang>Syria ‘welcomes’ Irannucleardeal toi.sr/1IvGLmk via @timesofisrael

百歳女性、世界初の千五百m完泳 短水路の自由形  - 47NEWS(よんななニュース) 47news.jp/smp/CN/201504/…

Privacy policy | Middle East Eye - focusing on the Middle East and North Africa middleeasteye.net/privacy-policy…

Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement condemns killing of four more Red Crescent workers

#Yemen #Syria via @ICRC

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 38 RT

#Syria: PHOTOS: Group Picture of Soqour Al-Sahara (Desert Hawks) Unit & an SAS member alongside a T-72. pic.twitter.com/Nq1wB4cgZs

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 22 RT

Putin wants "humanitarian pause" in fighting--for civilians not of Ukraine or Syria but Yemen. trib.al/boIDaMB pic.twitter.com/HgYgzeFQwO

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 66 RT

4月4日(土)のつぶやき その4

2015-04-05 06:24:30 | Gooメンテナンス

大学襲撃、死者147人に=軍突入時に犯人4人自爆―ケニア #excitenews excite.co.jp/News/world_g/2…

As Yemen situation deteriorates, Oxfam will continue & increase longstanding assistance huff.to/19LbyzW MT @Mark_Goldring1

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 26 RT

Early Saturday evening
>I'm listening to Violin Concerto Opus 14 (2) by Samuel Barber on @classicfm classicfm.com #nowplaying

第11管区海上保安本部によると、沖縄県・尖閣諸島周辺領海に侵入の中国海警局の船3隻が領海外側に出た。 bit.ly/17n4iz

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 8 RT

パナマで開催の米州首脳会議で、オバマ大統領とキューバのカストロ議長が接触の見通し。米国務次官補が示す。 bit.ly/17n4iz

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 26 RT

You've been choosing your iconic #F1 moments as we celebrate #65YearsOfF1. Here's the latest: youtu.be/2u-5wcuyMIA pic.twitter.com/xn5EYgCJYU

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 358 RT

I'm listening to Classic FM Hall of Fame 2015 with Tim Lihoreau on @classicfm classicfm.com

Is the announcement of a new world's tallest building a premonition for financial disaster? econ.st/1xyAEx5 pic.twitter.com/O0J1jHUGwn

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 483 RT

I'm listening to Impromptu in Ab major D.899 No.4 Opus 90 by Franz Schubert on @classicfm classicfm.com #nowplaying

Not only Rhino but also every life is a vital for its own as itself Every life is deserved to be well respected and well protected

.@BBC and @SussexUni collaborate on new website archive of BBC's election coverage since 1922
bbc.in/1yKHdYL pic.twitter.com/aGaG7Nrm05

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 47 RT

Reports of hundreds of homes being burned in Tikrit by militiamen on Thursday and Friday but that appears 2have mostly ended today #pt

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 40 RT