4月2日(木)のつぶやき その3

2015-04-03 06:19:16 | Gooメンテナンス

Al Qaeda taking advantage of Yemen chaos, storm prison and free prisoners wsj.com/articles/al-qa… by @HakimAlmasmari & @Abihabib

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Al-Qaeda group frees hundreds of inmates in Yemen ti.me/1EK4Bge

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Islamist militant group Al-Shabab attacks university in Kenya, killing at least 15 people. abcn.ws/1BTlU8o pic.twitter.com/hx5M6oigtQ

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Hundreds of girls hear #Afghan women talk empowerment at a #UN-backed conference bit.ly/1FcGdBm pic.twitter.com/UbY3366U3P via @_UNAMA_

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Unleash your inner Beethoven with @MusicjellyTour in their free installation during our @NYPhil Residency, 15-19 Apr youtube.com/watch?v=IMaub4…

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ー中田 有紀さん(フリーアナウンサー)

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“Al Qaeda needs to recruit... no better way to recruit from prison.” #AQAP #AQ #Yemen on.wsj.com/1yEZlDm

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AQ jail breaks in 2013 paved way for #ISIS success in #Iraq. #Yemen breakout huge boost to #AQAP - AQ franchise posing greatest threat to US

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University campus becomes war zone. Troops fighting Islamist gunmen, Christians taken hostage (Pic: @InteriorKE) pic.twitter.com/Hh9ckjZF5f

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On @GMA Islamist gunmen kill at least 15 people & take students hostage, holding Christians, freeing Muslims. @reenaninan with #Kenya latest

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#Yemen turning into US worst nightmare: 300 Jihadi prisoners freed including top #AQ leader. Classic AQ playbook. telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews…

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Tragedy of #Yarmouk: @UNRWA photo of starving refugees went round world. Now same #refugees targeted by #ISIS #Syria pic.twitter.com/jt1WMknaiW

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#Kenya : La France condamne l’attaque meurtrière lancée ce matin contre le campus universitaire de #Garissa fdip.fr/sfryq

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Nous présentons nos condoléances aux familles des victimes. La France se tient aux côtés du #Kenya dans la lutte contre le #terrorisme.

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4月2日(木)のつぶやき その2

2015-04-03 06:19:15 | Gooメンテナンス

Employment better& inflation lowest! Oh greens' dividend sink?! #Miliband goes with the people who can earn more & buy things>@TelegraphNews

着弾事実認め、謝罪=中国側に賠償約束―ミャンマー外相 #excitenews excite.co.jp/News/world_g/2…

チリ:水害死者23人に 2万人超被災、日本も支援 bit.ly/1P1DKPK

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中小企業賃上げへ環境整備を…政労使会議で合意 j.mp/1F5YPAA

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緊急入院したジョニ・ミッチェル、容態は快方に - 洋楽ニュース ro69.jp/news/detail/12…

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Russia and China's evacuation (citizens) operation seems underway in #Yemen

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Bush leads among Rs because of his strength among party moderates washingtonpost.com/politics/poll-… - in turn due to having that segment all to himself

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 3 RT

Body of young woman pulled from river in Minneapolis, near where UMN student disappeared: pipr.es/1akSV6U pic.twitter.com/8SRnhwdYzK

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【Toyota Is Not Talking about "Numbers" 】 President Toyoda appears on meeting for individua… bit.ly/1amzE4Y pic.twitter.com/eAsnoNg0qT

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エマ・ワトソンと語る "HeForShe": Part 2

2015年3月8日、エマ・ワトソン( Emma Watson ) UN Women... fb.me/2VjKvx1JZ

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Cinefamily salutes indie director Hal Hartley, new film 'Ned Rifle' lat.ms/1Fl1kl8

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【速報 JUST IN 】腹くう鏡手術 病院が新たな検証委設置へ nhk.jp/N4IZ4D6P #nhk_news

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トルコも力入ってますね RT @VillaVerde_Ant: エルトゥールル号海難事故から125年目を記念し、トルコ海軍所属のフリゲート艦ゲディス号が日本に向けマルマリスを出港したとのこと。122日の航海を予定。

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Militant attack in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula kills 11 soldiers lat.ms/1Fl1by0

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4月2日(木)のつぶやき その1

2015-04-03 06:19:14 | Gooメンテナンス

If you’re struggling on a zero-hours contract right now, here’s what Labour will do for you: pic.twitter.com/Ort41qvTux

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 388 RT

A cold night for rural parts of Scotland and E. England expect an early morning frost. Lou L pic.twitter.com/RL4z9AcZg4

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最年少優勝の伊藤、15位浮上 卓球の世界ランキング s.nikkei.com/19JOuBs

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Life Advice From @johnlegend & More of the Best Celebrity Commencement Speakers Ever: thr.cm/AwGpKv pic.twitter.com/xH3fs1H32P

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Two assailants shot, two policemen injured in attack on #Istanbul police headquarters: Doğan News Agency

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#BREAKING: Two armed people have entered the ruling AKP office building in Istanbul’s Kartal district bit.ly/6c4x4J

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Cynthia Lennon died with son Julian at her side after "short but brave battle with cancer" bbc.in/1G57kkV pic.twitter.com/ZhC3IGB7RK

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Second ward closed at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary following an outbreak of norovirus bbc.in/1BMw8qp pic.twitter.com/fknKGY02eh

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Breaking News: Gunshots reported heard in Vatan police station in Istanbul

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Kingsway Fire : now being declared a major incident : AVOID AREA COMPLETELY : #GSZ1

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シャルケDF内田篤人がFWにポジション変更!?4月1日に突然の発表 smar.ws/nW9HI #スマートニュース

マツダ、米国仕様の新型「ロードスター」にビルシュタイン製ダンパーやタンの内装を用意! - Autoblog 日本版 smar.ws/VSrz0 #スマートニュース

#ISIS と対峙していくしかない」と言ってはいけないと咎める政党ってどういう政党なの?=
#民族暴力核テロ原理 維新も民主も生活も未来も緑もNO

まとも #安倍政権
>「特別にとんがっていない」 首相、イスラム国対応で批判に反論 smar.ws/Godkl

#木の印鑑 いいですよー 木製 プラスティック製 何が嫌なのかわからない>#象牙 インターネット売買:一網打尽 届け出促進、立ち入り検査も 政府 - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/shimen/news/20…

One of 2 attackers on Istanbul Police HQ have shot dead in exchange of fire and the other one reported escaped the scene.

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Breaking: Istanbul Governor Vasip Şahin: A female terrorist has been killed and the other one escaped as wounded. #Istanbul #Turkey

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According to latest news, 1 attacker reported killed and 2 police officers wounded. (Turkish media) #Istanbul

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奇策テロ相次ぐが被害大きく陰惨で陰湿で社会の安定感を覆す政治的根拠のない暴力的反国家反政府テロを正当化し自滅暴動地上げ行うためならどんな奇策も行うギャング #民族暴力核テロ原理 に警戒を