7月25日(金)のつぶやき その3

2014-07-26 06:07:42 | Gooメンテナンス

安倍首相は政権発足から初の内閣改造を9月の第1週に行う意向を固めた。自民党役員人事と同時に実施。 bit.ly/17n4iz

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Prevention of Muslimbrotherhood/AlQaeda looting/brutal killing/heavy arms from everywhere >@Jerusalem_Post: #Gaza bit.ly/1rD3ir6

Arabsupremacy antiWestantiIsraelfundamentalismGreen"NGOs" incite Iranians2be manipulated byMB> #gaza
@Jerusalem_Post: bit.ly/1pRdWaA

Muslimbrotherhood/AlQaeda/ISIS/FSA"greenrevolution"Nazis violence supremacy designed2kill ANY JewishChristiansArabsWestsAsiansBeduins #gaza

Muslimbrotherhood/AlQaeda/ISISFSAMaiden"greenrevolution"Nazis violencesupremacy designed2kill ANY JewishChristiansArabsWestsAsians #ukraine

The WD/UN must stand still in fight against AlQaeda/Muslimbrotherhood/Hamas/Palestinegovt/FSA/ISIS banned byArableague/union #gaza #ukraine

it is NOT because of difference in religious faiths/economic methods but simply because of violence robbery gang supremacy&energy

Zero tolerance must be implemented to AlQaeda/Muslimbrotherhood/Hamas/ISIS/FSA to stop no more one single terrorism rocket attack #gaza

Voicesjustifying brutal killing of anarchism by MB Hamas ISIS FSA exploiting/demolishing Arab&Any lives is NOT alternative>@bbcworldservice

Remember?SaddamHussein aided by GreenNeoNazisAlQaedaMuslimbrotherhood gangsupremacy hadused schools&hospitals2hide mustard gas2rob oilfields

Again, every race/ppl will win over violence supremacy of NazisNeonazisMuslimbrotherhood/AlQaeda/ISIS/FSA/Hamas/Maiden etc. <WWII @ABC News

Problem is NOT from specific race, religion, nation but NGOs/NPOsincitingANY2befacsinated by violencesupremacy2kill2demolish own nation/race

Problem is NOT from specific race, religion,nation but
quasiNGONPO2inciteANY2commitviolencesupremacy2kill2demolish own nation/race/WD #gaza

UN/WD must create legalscheme2ban GRNNGOs inciting violence&supplying money&arm4violence supremacy gangs damaging lives/rights/freedom/peace

7月25日(金)のつぶやき その2

2014-07-26 06:07:41 | Gooメンテナンス

See how @RamadanTent Project tries to bring together London communities by inviting them to join in breaking fast bbc.in/1pRqxdP

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

公的資金、前倒し完済へ=1960億円返済―りそな - 時事通信 headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140725-… りそなホールディングスは25日、預金保険法に基づいて優先株の形で投入された公的資金1960億円を返済すると発表した。預金保険機構が保有するりそなの優先株全てを30日に買…

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賛否?食料品医薬介護福祉非課税前提だ>“@nhk_news: 消費税率を本来の水準より低く抑える「軽減税率」。今月から業界団体へのヒアリングが始まりました。導入を巡る賛否は分かれていて、調整は難航も予想されます。
www3.nhk.or.jp/news/business_… #nhk_news


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Ppl mustn't forget: a war against Muslumbrotherhood >@ndtv: In #Gaza war, Egypt taking hard line over border NDTV ndtv.com/article/world/…

The world must fight against Hamas/Muslimbrotherhood Palestine govt's nasty hit&run&cry4more hit against Israel Tel Aviv Natural Gas #Gaza

[カジノはなぜ悪い?-ヤクザギャングのマネーロンダリング違法行為の潜脱名目事業化合法化日本自滅地上げ] nomado7th.exblog.jp/22157212/

Arab/Israel/Egypt/UAE/Iran/Russia/US/EU/Oseania/Asia must fight against HamasMuslimbrotherhoodPalestinegovt's nasty hit&run terrorism #Gaza

Arab union/Arab league have been setting strong banning on Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood/Hamas/ISIS/FSA which all exploit&kill Arabppls'slives

WD must appreciate Israel principle2stopMuslimbrotherhood/Hamas/AlQaeda exploiting&killing Arabppls'slives>@nytimes: nyti.ms/1nGdPBI

The world mustn't forget MB terrorism intentionally exploiting ppl's lives2hide what exactly PalestineGovtMB r everyday doing2theWD>@nytimes

David Byrne and Fatboy Slim's musical to open in London in September dlvr.it/6Qcvtp

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U.S. increased + than $500 million in subsidies for the fight against #HIV #AIDS in the world: goo.gl/VcpJc2

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'Extreme solar storm' could have pulled the plug on Earth. It's fine though, because it didn't gu.com/p/4v8qc/tw pic.twitter.com/BfDvMElnoa

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PalestineGovtHamasMuslimbritherhoid'sresponsibility2offersafeshelter before Gaza rockets and kill Palestines/Israelis/Beduins>

>@ExciteJapan: 暑中見舞いは、涼しいこんなペンで
exci.to/1rCjnNK pic.twitter.com/TjatHXblVN

Arab supremacy antiWest antiIsrael fundamentalism Green"NGOs" hide&accelerate criminality of Muslimbrotherhood/AlQaeda/Hamas/FSA/ISIS #gaza

Oh no crèche. Palestine govt by Muslimbritherhood/Hamas/AlQaeda exploits Arab lives&UN facilities2hide rocket terrorism>“@ahramonline:

@tbs_newsi: 日韓首脳会談、菅官房長官「前提条件つけずに」 cgi.tbs.co.jp/n/9Tkr

The story of two boys - one Arab and one Jewish - who once shared oranges and hope for peace trib.in/1pgzcHW pic.twitter.com/StFaSZXYTH

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Due to Muslimbrotherhood violence supremacy
the Arab/west/Asia/Israel world must fight and win! >@chicagotribune: pic.twitter.com/e7qTafrmRk

1 件 リツイートされました

Nigeria: @UN_UNOWA envoy condemns renewal of heinous Boko Haram attacks on civilians ow.ly/zxVbt pic.twitter.com/2p9mm0XdqI

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7月25日(金)のつぶやき その1

2014-07-26 06:07:40 | Gooメンテナンス

Fidel Castro's Niece Reportedly Aboard Missing Air Algerie Plane - @ABC News abcn.ws/1x5w3fw

But what needs to be done is also let Donetsk alone,,>Two Ukrainian Jets Shot Down, Defense Ministry Says - @ABC News abcn.ws/1nTSC1k

The federal minimum wage is insultingly low, in 12 charts huff.to/1AbomZQ

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.@BarackObama is pushing to retroactively strip tax advantages away from many of 2014’s biggest M&A deals nyti.ms/1nXaqbS

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[カジノはなぜ悪い?-ヤクザギャングのマネーロンダリング違法行為の潜脱名目事業化合法化日本自滅地上げ] nomado7th.exblog.jp/22157212/

鳥肉の食感もなかなかで意外にさっぱり美味しかったです! pic.twitter.com/Jj6cxTxpmU


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福島県浪江町議会と懇談。浪江町は被害にふさわしい賠償を求め原子力損害賠償紛争解決センター(ADR)に集団申立て、ADRから和解案が提示された。ところが東電はこれを全面拒否した。政府は東電に和解案を全面受諾せよと強く指導すべきです! pic.twitter.com/48mBzHR3vA

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警備のレベルが経営利益の観点から定められる懸念大きく、大きな懸念が。>“@nhk_news: NW9より「関西空港と大阪空港の運営権が民間に売却される見通しです。経営の岐路に立つ“空の玄関口”は、民間の発想でどう変わるのでしょうか?」 #nhk_news

12年のJR江差線事故、積み荷偏りで脱線 運輸安全委が報告書 hokkaido-np.co.jp/news/donai/553…

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Watch @Ed_Miliband speak about the sort of leadership our country needs. Livestream here: bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi… @UKLabour

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.@Ed_Miliband offers Britain a new kind of leadership to solve our country’s problems based on having big ideas for the future @UKLabour

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No survivors after Air Algerie flight ‘crashed in Mali desert storm’ thetim.es/1no8m1r

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#BreakingNews Iron Dome downs 3 rockets over Ashkelon, Hof Ashkelon Regional Council dlvr.it/6QbnTS

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大分合同新聞ニュース: 大阪市職員アンケート不当確定へ:  橋下徹大阪市長は25日、2012年に自らの意向で実施した組合活動に関する職員アンケートを不当労働行為と認定した中央労働委員会の命令取り消しを求める提訴を断念する... bit.ly/1tJnEyj

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<STAP問題>「関係者処分を」…日本学術会議が声明 - 毎日新聞 headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140725-… STAP細胞論文の不正問題で、日本学術会議(大西隆会長)は25日、主要著者が所属する理化学研究所に対し、検証実験の結果に関わらず、保存されている試料の調査で不正の全…

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In case you missed it, listen to 15 tracks that could be feature on the new @radiohead album nmem.ag/zxeN0 pic.twitter.com/n4G7QtnGik

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