7月23日(水)のつぶやき その3

2014-07-24 06:05:35 | Gooメンテナンス

【最新ニュース】23日夜、台湾の離島、澎湖島にある空港の滑走路近くで旅客機が着陸に失敗して炎上し、台湾のメディアは47人が死亡したと伝えています。 NHKニュース&スポーツ nhknews.jp/p/ #nhk #news

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

Another humid day it really was!
Good night night pic.twitter.com/OEzecBD4MB
夏の夜に扇風機とアイスノン pic.twitter.com/RHmPKC9WaG

Dutch king and queen present at Eindhoven airport as first victims of #MH17 arrive in Holland itv.co/1wYUifw pic.twitter.com/hhNY5xJpiz

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John Kerry takes his truce mission to Israel as airlines suspend flights over rocket fears u.afp.com/s9L pic.twitter.com/c3MOyKbejm

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

Another humid day it really was!
Good night night pic.twitter.com/OEzecBD4MB
おやすみなさい pic.twitter.com/dRndtD7lWb

7月23日(水)のつぶやき その2

2014-07-24 06:05:34 | Gooメンテナンス

It is Gaza Palestinegovt responsibility2provide places of safe2be evacuated whilst Gaza has continued attacks against Israel>@Independent:

It is because of Al-Qaeda/Muslimbrotherhood/Hamas/ISIS/FSA and Palestine govt but Israel>@Independent: Gazans search for a place of safety

Due2Rocket attacks from Gaza, Israelis live in shelters because rocket frontline from Gaza r everywhere only with own sirens >@Independent:

UN must provide aide for such unfortunate Gazans not having choices but2live with terrorattack launched from areas they live>@Independent

公立保育園認可保育園補助増額実施も消費税増税の立法根拠で実施必須>@kyodo_official: 来年度から5歳児の教育無償化 3閣僚合意、財源が課題 - 47NEWS(よんななニュース) 47news.jp/CN/201407/CN20…

Israel must also use political pressures2be set on Palestine govt Al-Qaeda MBHamas2build proper HM law&order4palestine/Israel>@crispiandjb:

ISIS FSA Muslimbrotherhood Hamas Al-Qaeda have never been4Islamic people but Islam self-kill in tribe/violence gang supremacy @Independent:

I'm proud of media/national satellites that eye witnessed and tell what happened2MH17contained ppl inconvinient2Ukraine riot-led "govt"&shot


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もしかして口封じ?MH17撃ち落とした軍機だったり?ウクライナ政府軍内には「ロシアは旅客機を撃ち落とせるような武器をウクライナに運び込んでいない」と証言するものもいた>@nhk_news: ウクライナ軍機2機 nhk.jp/N4EU5YQO #nhk_news

1 件 リツイートされました

「本当の兄弟みたい」=朴市長と意気投合-舛添都知事 i.jiji.jp/jc/forward?g=p…

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日中首脳会談、11月APECで開催を=内外情勢調査会で丹羽前大使が表明 i.jiji.jp/jc/forward?g=p…

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軽減税率食料品医薬教育介護光熱費非課税と給付付検討実施法文義務「イの再分配に関する総合「ロ 低所得者に配慮する観点から、複数税率の導入について、財源の問題、対象範囲の限定、中小事業者の事務負担等を含め様々な角度から総合的に検討する。」 shugiin.go.jp/internet/itdb_…

少子化に対する費用だ「消費税の使途の明確化 (消費税の収入については、地方交付税法に定めるところによるほか、毎年度、制度として確立された年金、医療及ひ?介護の社会保障給付並ひ?に 少子化に対処するための施策に要する経費に充てる、、)」

@FlashNewsJP: 幼児教育無償化27年度から段階的に
headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140723-… 3~5歳児幼児教育無償化

特に以下はまさに言い得ている pic.twitter.com/CJnfz5v8U2

1 件 リツイートされました


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White House Adviser: Cease-Fire Should Include Demilitarization Of Gaza n.pr/1nfcuAM

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A second blast is reported in Kaduna, northern Nigeria, just hours after a suicide attack killed 25 people.

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相模原市の川で泳いでいた高2少年が溺れ死亡 cgi.tbs.co.jp/n/9TGg

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Live video: House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on US response to terrorism in Iraq - @NBCNews breakingnews.com/t/Gz

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

Another humid day it really was!
Good night night pic.twitter.com/OEzecBD4MB
夏の夜は扇風機とアイスノン pic.twitter.com/dePA4MOf0y

According to Israeli police spox, a total of 3 civilians were killed from rockets fired at Israel since start of operation.

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

7月23日(水)のつぶやき その1

2014-07-24 06:05:33 | Gooメンテナンス

UN @secgen Ban said he condemns use of civilian sites, incl schools, for military purposes. Why he silent on rockets found at @UNRWA school?

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

Delta suspended service until further notice between NYC & Tel Aviv: "Doing so to ensure safety & security of customers & employees" #Gaza

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Powerful images on @NYTimes front page: 2 faces of human suffering - in #Gaza & #Israel. Families united by grief. pic.twitter.com/3wC96pxLSs

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他方 #自民党 #安倍政権 以下の言質自民党政権でよかったと心底思える「自民党:もし戦闘が行われれば、自衛隊はただちに引き揚げる」「自民党:我が国の憲法のもと徴兵制とりえない」> mainichi.jp/select/news/20…

not because of Obama or US/Qatar/Saudi but VikingGangs called AlQaeda/MB/Hamas/FSA/Nazis ISIS/Maiden etc robbing almost all EuropeMiddleEast

President Obama is visiting the Dutch Embassy in D.C. to sign a condolence book for the victims of MH17.

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | RT

If minority MPs riot topples Netherlands' democratic majority govt&parlt, an airplane with scientists aided by majoritygovt was shot by SA11

If minority MPs riot topples #Netherland democratic majority govt, an airplane with scientists aided by majoritygovt was shot? #Ukraine

Al-Qaeda MB FSA ISIS Hamas exploit children as shields by letting them goout after evacuationalarms>Children paying a terrible price in Gaza

1 Gaza let Palestinians go out after alert
2 Gaza exploits humanshields2justify Gazarockets against Israel who has been victim> @Independent

Al-Qaeda Muslimbritherhood Hamas FSA ISIS AlShabub have been exploiting Palestinians/their difficulties to increase deaths/hate/violence

BREAKING: FAA orders US airlines not to fly to or from Israel's Ben Gurion Airport "for a period of up to 24 hours" - @ABCaviation

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US uses same old tired excuse to hide truth about #MH17 : US won't reveal satellite images to protect "secret US capabilities"

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30,000 people attend funeral of American-Israeli soldier killed in Gaza haaretz.com/1.606735

No. Pls Ms. Albright order Palestinegovt to arrest and bring terrorists and rocket and heavy arms to IDF immediately haaretz.com/news/diplomacy…

Pls Ms.Albright order Palestinegovt stop exploit lives2shield arm/armmanufacturingfirms2continue attack all the way haaretz.com/news/diplomacy…

Palestine govt appeals its recognition as "nation" whereas it just let AlQaeda/MB exploit lives of Palestinians no place2go>@Independent

TV レイソルcsサンフレッチェ
Jリーグ久しぶり pic.twitter.com/uP0SDh6Yxy

Pls Ms.Albright order Palestinegovt2stop exploitation of lives2shield arm/armmanufacturingfirms2continue Gazarockets