Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

Zero Interest Rates: Heaven or Hell?

For workers who have no choice but to offer their labor in exchange for compensation, and unless they possess special abilities, increasing financial assets without risk is impossible.

The world of "zero interest rates" might be a living hell.

Most Japanese people, despite not being entrepreneurs or investors, adore zero interest rates. 

Despite claims that zero interest rates only exacerbate inequality, they remain entirely unconcerned. 
It's curious.

For capable entrepreneurs and investors, zero interest rates represent an unparalleled opportunity for success.

This is because they can secure business or investment capital at extremely low interest rates.

Such opportunities rarely present themselves in history, and that time is now.

Being able to earn abundantly with zero-cost capital makes it heaven for skilled entrepreneurs and investors.

On the other hand, for laborers who neither engage in business nor investments or lack the ability to do so, zero interest rates are hellish.

With no means of income beyond providing labor, they have no choice.

Moreover, even if they save and deposit surplus funds in banks, interest rates remain at zero.

Attempting to invest without the necessary skills leads to nothing but risks.

In any case, laborers must live their lives relying solely on the compensation for their work.

Furthermore, that work-related compensation, their salary, is on a declining trend.

Among such laborers, seizing fortune may require climbing the corporate ladder to become an executive.

However, in an economy on a downward trajectory, few can grasp that fortune.

It might even be more challenging than achieving success through business or investments.

For laborers who must rely on providing labor for compensation, unless they possess special skills, increasing assets without risk is nearly impossible.

The world of "zero interest rates" may indeed be a living hell.

However, there's no need to abandon hope.

By having dreams and goals, and persistently making efforts, the path to success can be found in any situation.

So, now is the time to explore new possibilities and take that courageous step forward.

The future is in our hands, after all.



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