Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

America's Need for Greater Tolerance of National Diversity

America has become like a "prophet" forcibly spreading the values of "freedom and democracy" that only the Western countries can share, and should be more tolerant of "national diversity.”

Looking at Russia's invasion of Ukraine, I had a thought.

Perhaps Western countries, including Japan, who uphold "freedom and democracy," are actually in the minority.

America vehemently condemns Russia as a "war criminal state" and is pushing for economic sanctions. However, it seems that only Western countries, including Japan, actively endorse these sanctions.

Until now, Western countries may have thought of themselves as the gods or leaders guiding this world.

Therefore, if Western countries proceed with sanctions against Russia, they expect other countries around the world to follow suit.

However, the world doesn't always conform to the desires of Western countries.

So far, Western countries have created organizations like "G7" and "G20" as exclusive clubs and have been manipulating the world. It may be an exaggeration, but that's how it appears.

This so-called "G-something" has been promoting the idea that the world is becoming a borderless realm of "freedom and democracy" due to the rise of globalization. But in the end, it seems to be just an internal conversation.

This "G-something" seems to be disliked by the world.

There are countless reasons for this dislike, but here's one example.

They are selfish individuals who have used and destroyed the limited resources of this planet, enjoying "founder's profits," and yet have the audacity to scold newcomers, saying, "Don't pollute this Earth."

The Middle East, Asia, and African countries are probably fed up with the selfish behavior of Western countries, this "G-something."

Moreover, this "G-something" has been condemning those who dare to oppose them as "terrorists."

Presumably, Russia and China also expected to be treated with respect and positioned as senior members of this "G-something," following America.

However, America has been trying to exclude Russia and China from this "G-something" because they pose a threat to their own country.

On the other hand, they have been desperately trying to bring India into the Western fold, but India remains noncommittal.

America is truly a great nation.

However, recently, it has become like a "prophet" forcibly spreading the values of "freedom and democracy" that only America and we Western countries can share.

In the first place, nations are established on various sets of values through long histories.

Isn't it questionable for America, whose values have not even reached 250 years (shorter than the Tokugawa shogunate), to impose its values on the entire world?

However, no country can say to America, "Isn't it questionable?" anymore.

"Freedom and democracy" are wonderful values.

However, America also has a problem when it tries to exclude countries like China and Russia because they don't accept these values.

Present-day America is like an "annoying top student," completely unaware that it is disliked.

In this world, besides the limited number of countries like the US, Europe, and Japan, "freedom and democracy" may not yet be necessary for other countries.

America's idea of making every country in the world a "nation of freedom and democracy" might be akin to the "world revolution theory" that sought to make the world communist. It may be an exaggeration.

Since America is the "leader of freedom and democracy," it must be more tolerant of the diversity of nations. Otherwise, conflicts and wars will never disappear from this world.

First and foremost, this should be said to Russia.






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