Synchronicity Life

A strange story

Synchronicity Girls 102

2014-10-31 00:29:43 | 小説
‘Is that so? Then let's go. How hungry we are, aren't we?’Emily said.
‘Yes,’Jessica said in a flash.
It was 5 minutes' drive to the restaurant. The sign showed a Nordic cooking.
Emily ordered a spicy gravadlax and a potato salad from a waitress with a heavy makeup. Jessica wanted the same dishes after she gazed at the menu carefully.
‘Though it's hot, all right?’Emily asked. Jessica looked at Emily blankly.
‘Are you OK with spicy food?’Emily asked solemnly again. Jessica showed an uneasy
expression on her face. At that moment Emily couldn't repress laughter. She changed
an order from a spicy gravadlax to an ordinary one.
Jessica looked after the waitress leaving while chuckling and turned to Emily.
‘Oh, thank you. Um...well, actually, I have something to tell you,’jessica said.
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Synchronicity Girls 101

2014-10-30 00:57:59 | 小説
Emily disguised Jessica handily. It took less than 15 minutes. Jessica had her eyebrows thinned and wore false eyelashes and shoulder length wig. She seemed like a
different girl.
‘How's this? Is anything still unsatisfactory?’Emily asked Jessica who sat on the
sofa, watching a hand mirror.
‘No, I'm really surprised,’Jessica said. She gazed her ownface with her round eyes.
‘Our office has an expert in disguising. This is, you know, a mere makeup,’Emily
‘I see. A detective is cool,’Jessica said.
‘Uh, not really. It's a low profile. Oh, how about clothes? I think you look good in
a red dress,’Emily said.
‘Um...I, I don't feel like wearing such clothes. Sorry,’Jessica said. Although she
couldn't recollect herself or who she was, she was able to say her preference.
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Synchronicity Girls 100

2014-10-29 01:28:14 | 小説
‘I explained your circumstances to the president as well as my boss. So it's all right now. Instead they are worried about you,’Emily said.
‘Oh, so good! I was worried,’Jessica said and heaved a great sigh of relief. Emily
laughed uproariously.
‘OK, that's the way. Talk carelessly, thinking me a friend or a sister,’Emily said.
‘Ah, um, roger!’Jessica said as she imitated a salute by touching her forehead. Emily returned a salute with her back straight.
‘You know what? You wanna go out of the apartment in disguise, I think,’Emily said.
‘Really?’Jessica was a little confused.
‘Yeah, you're gonna put on makeup. Don't be surprised even if you become awfully good-looking,’Emily said.
‘Wow, I'm looking forward to the makeup,’Jessica accepted her words obediently. She
recalled the feeling of the time she had looked in the mirror of the fitting room.
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Synchronicity Girls 99

2014-10-28 02:09:29 | 小説
The telephone rang at just 6:00 p.m. It's a call from Emily.
‘How's it going? Did you eat lunch?’she said.
‘Yes, Um, I ate potato chips,’Jessica said.
‘What? That's all? You're not satisfied, are you? Did you not look in the fridge?’
Emily asked.
‘I'm OK,’Jessica said.
‘Really? Say, why don't we go out for dinner? Anything you want?’Emily asked.
‘Well, anything is OK,’Jessica said.
‘So we'll go to the new restaurant. I'm to pick you up by 6:40 at the latest,’Emily
‘All right. Please be careful,’Jessica said.
Emily came over in a compact blue car 30 minutes later.
‘I talked to my boss about you and the camera and men in question. He said,“ Jessica shouldn't go out alone for the time being,”’Emily said as soon as she saw
Jessica's face.
‘About my trespassing?’Jessica asked in a small voice. She grew slightly uneasy to hear that Emily talked to her boss.
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Synchronicity Girls 98

2014-10-27 02:34:56 | 小説
She felt nostalgic for a volleyball court and cheers of supporters. She had a urge to stand and jump to hit the ball with all her might before the net. (Oh, yeah, surely I must have been playing volleyball before. I was a spiker? I'm tall for a woman.) She couldn't move from there until the end of the game. She was absorbed in
the game while watching it. Then she thought it's very good that she was able to have
an important thing to tell Emily. She wanted to tell Emily immediately but didn't
know her smart phone number.
As might be expected, she was getting hungry at past 5:00 p.m. She failed to have
lunch. She went to the kitchen and saw the refrigerator. But she was hesitant to open it. This was not her house. She gazed at it and gave up.
She looked around the kitchen. There was a bag of potato chips beside the microwave
oven. She stretched out her hand without hesitation this time. She had a late lunch
of potato chips.
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