

24/1/21(日) 義母誕生日(91歳) カジュアルコンサート鑑賞

2024-01-26 07:46:51 | 日記

起床 5:50

天気 雨、午後から曇り(起床時の気温 5℃)

日の出 6:47/日の入り 16:57




Today, in the morning, my daughter and I went to the Aeon Kurihama store to buy a cake for my mother-in-law's 91st birthday. In the afternoon, I went to Yokosuka Arts Theater to watch a casual concert. Live music is the best.

24/1/20(土) 眼科検診と散髪

2024-01-26 07:12:34 | 日記

起床 6:15

天気 雨(起床時の気温 7℃)

日の出 6:47/日の入り 16:56




Today, I went to an ophthalmologist in the morning for a regular eye checkup and was prescribed eye drops. In the afternoon, I went to the barber shop, did some shopping, and went home.
A practice photo of my grandson attending swimming class.


24/1/18(木) バイトと塾

2024-01-19 08:50:15 | 日記

起床 5:25

天気 晴れのち曇り(起床時の気温 4℃)

日の出 6:48/日の入り 16:54









Today, I worked part time in the afternoon and went to cram school in the evening. The third-year junior high school students are expected to take their high school entrance exams next month. Now is the time for the final push. I want everyone to do their best towards their goals.


Japanese sweets I received at cram school (Izumiya)





24/1/17(水) バイト

2024-01-17 12:46:21 | 日記

起床 4:50

天気 晴れ(起床時の気温 3℃)

日の出 6:49/日の入り 16:53





Today, I went out to my usual part-time job this afternoon. Half of the six-month contract has passed. Things are going well.


In the evening, I went to the station to pick up my family.I copied it because it contained strategies for the ``Tsumutsum'' game I play in my free time.