

24/1/26(金) バイト

2024-01-26 09:54:07 | 日記

起床 4:50

天気 晴れ(起床時の気温 1℃)

日の出 6:45/日の入り 17:02




Today, I went to my usual part-time job this afternoon. The moon was full today and the weather was good, so I could see it clearly.



Today is the full moon










24/1/24(水) バイト

2024-01-26 09:25:40 | 日記

起床 4:50

天気 晴れ(起床時の気温 5℃)

日の出 6:46/日の入り 17:00









Today, I visited financial institutions and went to training in the morning. Usual part-time job in the afternoon. A kerosene stove was installed in the classroom.
From today, the sunset has changed from 16:00 to 17:00. By the way, today is 17:00.







expired gift


At night, I went to pick up my family from the station.




24/1/23(火) プールと買い物

2024-01-26 09:10:06 | 日記

起床 5:50

天気 晴れ(起床時の気温 12℃)

日の出 6:46/日の入り 16:59








Today I went to the pool for the first time this year. I used a car (an electric car) to go to the dry cleaners before the pool and to buy pants after the pool. That's unusual for me.
At night, I went to pick up my family from the station.



24/1/22(月) バイト

2024-01-26 08:59:36 | 日記

起床 5:45

天気 曇り、夜一時雨(起床時の気温 8℃)

日の出 6:46/日の入り 16:58








Today was my usual part-time job. A kerosene stove will be installed in the classroom tomorrow. Connecting heating equipment until next month's air conditioner construction.


At night, I went to pick up my family from the station.