Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (236)

2017-10-15 00:57:12 | 日記
15/10/2017, Sunday, 5:45 morning, cloudy

Miyuki got up at 5:00, and started her common service. Electric switch off and on, window opening, and royal milk serving for our president of emperors, namely, Dr.Miyuki SATOW herself.

At 5:15, Miyuki heard the voice of conversation from the broad way of YAOYA-CHOU. Probably SAKUMA and his inferiors. Low quiet male voices, they were. In this early morning, on Sunday?, Miyuki got in wonder. However, satans don't know hours, thus, they can do it, and they do it.

Some guy entered into the office, and it closed the windows all, except that of the office room and of the bath room, and the glass sliding door and the door of the bath room, excluding curtain beside the sliding door. All of these windows were semi-opened, and the doors were closed entirely.

The guy was quiet, and it didn't locked the door of the entrance. Who is the guy? The sound was similar to that of HARUMI, however, this guy didn't make the sound of opening the door in the main room, thus, not HARUMI.

In the case of her father, he is accustomed to lock the door of the entrance, and not so persistent to close the windows or remain the windows semi-opened.

Anyway, some soft walking, soundless guy, who prefers semi-opened windows, and closed doors, as much as possible. It didn't want to enter into the office room, where Miyuki was drinking her first drinking Royal Milk Tea job. Medioclous, it was. Who? HARUMI, who lost the sould effect of opening and clothing the door of the main house, Miyuki thought. And SAKUMA took the advantage of her Alzheimer skin bag situation, and controled her by way of wifi wave. However, SAKUMA did it in the middle. SAKUMA themselves are Alzheimer, already, thus, in the middle like situation happened, presumably.

Approaching to the office needs the sound of shaking of the pebbles. Now, Miyuki's father came to the office, in the softest mode, and even with this less sound mode, Miyuki could hear the sound of walking on the pebbles, and he didn't touch the windows at all, and just used the toilet. Thus, he was not the suspect. The guy above written used the toilet, and closed the window of it up to 90% and left 10% open.

HARUMI or YUKARI, in the softest mode, in short. Both are replaceable, and SAKUMA are the user of them both today. Probably, already yesterday, they were controled by SAKUMA, thus, so unusual ridiculous conversation happened.

Miyuki remembered universal joke on stupid guy. The theme is bucket. it claimed to others because the bucket he gained has no bottom part however with unnecessary disturbing tap. He just has it in the top on the bottom position, and stupidly accused the bucket because of its own faults. Just HARUMI and YUKARI's way. And SAKUMA are also.

三太郎 or SANTAROU, or 与太郎 or YOTAROU, or 吾作 or GOSAKU, or so. Some certain so so stupid impression put names were given to the guy in RAKUGO world. Always they fail and it was fated from the begining type.

LSD users LEAGUE, probably. Thus, no choice at all. They can hold common dream and share their conducts. Thus, SAKUMA, as power holders of YAOYA-chou, and from the front, they provided LSD including air. Thus, HARUMI's skin bag remained the window of the office room kept open, and closed the glass sliding door of the room. It wanted Miyuki to be effected by LSD.

From the back of the office, another smell of burnt something. Better than LSD. Miyuki now recognized the MIMIZUNA, or dorpamine accelarated situation. LSD effected like that. Thus, moving dangerous mode for the two Alzheimer ladies in Sato Family was planned by SAKUMA. The conversation was done by SAKUMA related. Morning meating, the bosses liked to do, and the yesterday's early bird cleaning up service was one of them.

Miyuki, after recognition, closed the window of the officee room, and kept the other windows open. Better than closed window system. And HARUMI always wanted to open the door for the monitoring others from the main house.

Now, YUKARI came, and she closed the window of the toilet only, and left the door unlocked, and she came back to the main house in soundless mode on the pebbles. Soft mode YUKARI, today, at least, for now.

She didn't touch the glass sliding door, at all. Chiken mode, YUKARI now is in. She is afraid of making mistakes, so shameless. The window of the toilet is semi-opened, in HARUMI's way, and with total soundless mode, YUKARI closed the window of the corredor and remained it semi-open. HARUMI's mode as standard. Anyway, in the middle, not radical nor violent, YUKARI, was today's srandard mode for YUKARI.

- TV sensorship: Bath heating

- 300 times more for ISHIGURO KAZUO:

- every convenience store earns US$5 thousand per day.

"Convenience Store" is the general name of Total Consumption of the regional residents"???
Who can spend such amount of money for Convenience Stores? Where is the money? Bit coin's price, it is. 1Bit Coint is used for one Convenience store per day, probably. Pulp fiction or only on the figure of the notebook exists the dream.

Miyuki did her persimon wine making attempt, and then, she did her first "keeping sufficient distance between others" job in the pasly field, and other farming jobs.

It's a cold cloudy Sunday, and so dark. At 8:00 almost, Miyuki started the job in the courtyard, and, suddenly, an old super perfectly rural bitch fashioned guy, popped out from the north side of the courtyard! Oh, HARUMI, in perfect rural agricultural lady like wear as if she were KOJIMA wife!!! Miyuki got astonished at her recent fashion mode changes, almost weekly unit, from modest plain usual HARUMI, via psychederic HARUMI, to actual Rural Farmer's wife HARUMI. This rural farmer's wife fashion was the most disliked by HARUMI up to now. What happened on HARUMI? Miyuki got so in wonder!

She posed to do her picking up job, and Miyuki ignored her completely, and she vanished. Then, Miyuki's father popped out from the back house to open the rain protection windows of the back house, and then, he checked the red car, and recognized that it was unlocked, thus, he locked it immediately.

HARUMI, recently, popped out from the south west corner of the courtyard. When Miyuki didn't recognize her existance, she popped out from the same site. 3D printer's result appearing corner, there? DOKODEMO DOOR corner or Door to everywhere corner???

Probably system change happened. Miyuki's audacious electricity attacking effects. Thus, they made the combination of Kojima wife with HARUMI, thinking as if HARUMI were like that, and they failed. Any guy perceives HARUMI's unusual wearing as agricultural inclinated guy. Agriculture, HARUMI hated so much. Now, why?

And Miyuki recognized that SHIBUKI male boss was go and flo between north side and south one in their site. Probably, now, he managed her, and failed. He himself is Alzheimer confirmed type.

He soon left the site witn his light pick up track with せ 47-xx, and after several minutes he returned to the site.

Probably, he wanted to drive in our red car, thus, he used HARUMI for the purpose to steal the car, and she was replaced with KOJIMA type, thus, it caused Miyuki's confusional feeling. No HARUMI any more except her skin bag. Bucket like life, she spent, and the result, skin bag provider, she turned.

No kindness at all, and only illogical accusation agaist others, consecutively. They are satans, yes, and neighbours, also. The same. All neighbours are satans, in short.

And this morning, Miyuki found two bunches of keys in the suitable site. Oh, new bunch was made by their 3D printer skill? Not at all. It was used type. Thus, some guy returned it there. Who?

Thus, this new neighbour only HARUMI is easily to attack others' belongings. Even trash, she wanted to dispose by her own judgement. New keys were her adoration. Thus, HARUMI's skin bag should be disposed immediately. Dirty, nasty, ugly old bag, thus, it's easy to abandon! Smoke, it should turn to be! Cut and lit, and then, distrization, and purification.

Miyuki took the picture of two bunched in the main house. New proof of HARUMI's kinkiest opinion. "Some guy would have another bunch, however, you shall pay for my own key copying!" was her yell toward Miyuki. And Miyuki ignored her appearance and voice, entirely. Non addictive HARUMI, now she turned.

She was laught at by Alex on her strange appearance. Just like rural bitch, Alex said it clearly to her, and HARUMI regretted her choice. YUKARI should play the role, Alex deeply thought of it.

YUKARI took all of her cosmetics from the windowsil of the washing room. Good grief. She did invide the washing room, again and again, using her own super technics. Necessity for change, they caught from their religious bosses, per each. And they did it in common. Non working, however, costmetics put for her own satisfaction.

Probably, brush like hair means "There are much amphetamine here and there" thus, Miyuki's hair was so brush like when Miyuki was 11 years old or so. Inside the house and inside the school, both. Probably, absorbing amphetamine was already so common in Shirakawa. For Miyuki, nasty hair style remained every day, and she didn't know the effect of Rinse. Rinsing came to be necessary for our hear washing, from this period.

Amphetamine was provided by drugstores under different commercial names. Pain killers, they were categorized, and unnecessrily they were stocked in the house, and Domestic wives trapped their family, by way of abusing reliance given by others. Witches, they were, evilest type. Not west witch or Samantha.

Miyuki did pasley arrangement job today. They wanted to gain sufficient patch to grow as they like, thus, Miyuki put them almost at 10 cm per each on the hill top of the field.

Why persley didn't appear? And the reason was the avalanshe, caused by Miyuki. Miyuki mixed their patch unintentionally during her cultivation job. She needed to plants other seeds in the same patch, and it was quick job necessarily. Thus, the soil avalanshe happened, and some seeds deeply put inside the soil. As a matter of fact, just the good distance, they popped out. Not exactly, however, 10 cm per each, almost. And in some places, they popped out in bunch. Thus, after talking with them, Miyuki moved some parts of them into another hill top, at 10 cm per each. She considers the value of one shoot at one YUKICHI or US$100 per shoot. Thus, so so precious for her, Miyuki the thrifty. Thus, 5 pieces of bunch const US$500, already. Thus, Miyuki did this detailed job, in her whole delicacy. With YUKICHI money, she feels pain so much. Loss of YUKICHI is so big damage for her, actually. Thus, one piece of persely shoot costs one YUKICHI, ADACHI yelled, and Miyuki felt so so painful of having lost so many tiny shoots earlier, however, she started positively so soon. Anyway, I could ommit the nasty process of picking. Miyuki didn't want to pick out to abandon any of seeds nor shoots at all. Thus, now, only selective long long roots type persely popped out. And then, the others would come. Good Grief!

Paramount Persely, they are called, and whole year round type. Thus, forever green garden type, Miyuki really imaged, and then, the big loss, so soon. And now, Miyuki gained a lot of promissive persely gardens, thus, in case of next shooting, just she move them to the suitable place at 10 cm of distance per each.

Persely's suitable distance. Despite of their tiny appearance, they are individual inclinated guys, thus, suitable arrange is necessity. Thus, they themselves taught the distance, and Miyuki caught the sign, and did the arrangement, according to their voice. And standing pose, they required. Thus, Miyuki did, as they liked. And Miyuki imaged to pick up so small amount of persely, each time, she cooks for the dishes. Garnishes, they turn, yes, however, in other countries, including inside the air planes, garnishes means "Added vegitables, to the main products, mainly meat one", not decoration only like in Japan. Thus, persely should be edible, and Miyuki ate them, as much as possible, in the house, and outside. Delicious, and decolative use, also! Egg sandwitches are good combination with them. And tomatoes Farsche, Mr.SEKI cooked for Platinum Tribe. Only a few shredded persely made the tomato salad different. Thus, Miyuki imitated this dish of salada in her house, and offered it to the kids, also.

And Miyuki encountered with it, in TSUBAME Grill, in Shibuya and Shinjku. The kids like to eat hunburgs there, and sometimes, different dishes, they tried. Miyuki paid so much, however, Miyuki wanted them to behave correctly in public, in case of eating meals. Thus, they learned? No! Clare ate with knife, using it as fork. Miyuki stopped, however, she used. Thus, your choice, the kids, both. I said it were impolite, and you did as you liked. Impolite, at the same time, dangerous. Thus, your choice, the kids.

Thus, Miyuki gained so many medals. In her case, "Don't do that" means "It would be dangerous for you, kids". Not only impoliteness at all. Just impoliteness is OK for any guy. Just they would think that this guy would be stupid. However, in case of safety purpose, Miyuki should behave correctly as their protector. However, even though, they are not infants. Thus, just suggestion is enough. Thus, Miyuki warned, and they, as their judgement, used the knives as forks or chopsticks. Thus, in case of ingery, your choice, not my responsibility.

The contrary is satanic behavour mannor. In case of necessity, no assistance, while in case of unnecessity, they force terrible godamnit service to others. Muck Selling Business, Japanese DDMs did, in short. HARUMI and YUKARI were just some examples. They were kinkiest, however, they believe that they were standard model of Japanese authentic domestic workers.

YUKARI likes to make a package of intimate wears in a box for the kids of 15 years old and 14. Terrible torture combined with monitoring service, or Peeping Tom activities. And she likes to wash intimate wears of the kids by hands in plastic gloves. Unusual inclination. Erotic satans, they both are, HARUMI and YUKARI. However, they can't stop the wrongdoing, even after Miyuki's requirement to stop it. They abuse the super power holding called threatening with Alzheimer League's power. Idiocracy was their team mate itself. Thus, no real police world is fatal for their existance. No more threatening effects, it means. Thus, they fake the fact, and provide the faked police to catch Miyuki. No Man's LAnd, the faked police cars are wandering under the name of patrol. Miyuki got chilled with the appearance of the faked police motor cycle riders, three, they were.

Now, the realization of the cathing of HARUMI and YUKARI. Alex did say that "I don't want you two to enter into my chamber without any accordance. It is against privacy protection. I don't want you to cook for us all. Your dishes are dirty trash in short. You can eat, however we not. Thus, go to trash with your goddamnit foods, YUKARI and HARUMI! Miyuki said clearly that we have right to cook for us two. She admitts to pay for us on behalf of living costs, including foods'. Thus, I requre you two to pay for us the indemnization, because you damaged so much on our sense of tongue. Sense of tongue is so precious, and Miyuki prefers eating independently far from your nasty trash like anti-hygine foods. Pay for now, immediately! We lost so much by your kinkiest Alzheimer behaviours!!! Who are you, HARUMI? You wear like agricultural worker's wife, which was so disliked by you, yourself. You turned to be wearer of the rural wife only clothings. Just like KOJIMA wife. Who are you, HARUMI? Say your exact name? You are not HARUMI anymore, just like her skin bag. "

Miyuki does know the answer. She is satan!!!

Thus, good girl prize for Miyuki's side. Trimming is necessity for mashed potatoes, in case of shooting. However, they used shoots for the dish, saying, "Miyuki's specialite" and forced them to eat. Not bumboos, and Miyuki was totally indifference of the dish. Poison called soranine, the shoots of potatoes. Thus, the end. They tried to use them again and again, and we prohibitted them to do so, however, they repeated. How poisoneous! For them, cooking is killing. They should refrain from the kitchen entirely.

Unnecessarily long occupation was done by HARUMI and YUKARI, and always, "Oooops, I made a mistake! Sorry, I am not good at thinking. I am feeble minded" was excuse. However, recently, they pretended to be superior to others, and now, in rage, they attack others, usually. Thus, No Man's Land again and again.

They lost spirit, already.

YUKARI took all of her cosmetics products from washing room. Good grief. Clare yelled like that:

Your products. Not mine, nor Miyuki's. She doesn't make up recently. And YUKARI, why you smell with chemical products? You don't feel it at all, however, we smell. You failed to be prettier, thus, you concealed the fact of make up. However, you left the cosmetics on the windowsil of the washing room, and Miyuki took the proof. And you said, "My products not at all. Probably Miyuki's. She forgot them there, because she is so flamboyant. Miyuki will have some boyfriends, thus, she made up, using it. I think...BLA-BLA-BLA..."

Refusal, in every sense. YUKARI doesn't admit any of wrongdoings at all, and put ugliest names on others' back. In Miyuki's case, not her line, every guy did know it. Cheek, so reddish. Hot flashed cheek only, and so much powder to use to make Japan Elekitel League or 日本エレキテル連合 or Ken SHIMURA or 志村けん?

 Miyuki put up with some nasty nicknames given by HARUMI and YUKARI, yes. バカ殿 or Stupid King, also. They liked to say so, and I looked so for them, and I do know well that they look so stupider than I and they are really stupid objectively. Thus, Miyuki ignored their way of saying. No guy believes such their remarks. And if the guy believes it, it means that it is really stupid also.

It doesn't work in Shirakawa. It means that all Shirakawans are stupid objectively in fact. All Alzheimers, they are, in reality.

Satans wanted to put nasty name to Miyuki and they thought that they could do it. Mentally illed, by satanic side. However, now, so clear, which is mentally illed.

Eu sou louco, sou Napoleon ♫
Mas eles sao mais louco que eu, pois eu sou feliz, e que eles nao sao.♫

 Which is better, happy idiot and unhappy idiot? Too too easy question. And satan chose to be unhappy idiots, while we chose the contrary. Not so different, probably, however, we prefer happiness rather than unhappiness.

Thus, if unhappiness the guy chooses, it means that this guy would be Alzheimer patient. Suicide bomb in short. And Japanese wives are suicide bombers. Golden?

Yellow skin coloured suicide bombers. Thus, 女々しくて or "I am messy sissy guy" was a big hit among them, almost 5 years ago in Japan. The group was called Golden Bomber. Miyuki disliked this sobstory like Good Bye song.

Miyuki prefers Kiyohiko OZAKI's Good bye song. "Oh, I can't get along with you any more. Oh, U2? Then split, OK! Oh U2 think so! Good!" Win-Win, and Cheers for our departure and new life!!!

Why not?


 We will close the door together, we will erase the names from the official register, and then, we will smile each other for our result. ♫

 Happy divorcing song. Miyuki likes this departure. Divorcio Amigavel. ex-partners turns Friends. Common, abroad, as far as she knows. Why not? Yes, they did it, during so many period, however, not, not at all. Want to do it with others, OK?

Japan was so cheerful at that moment. Almost Miyuki was 10 years old or so. 1973 was targetted year as the revolutional change in Japanese society. 逆コース, it was called. On the contrary, satans started to run the country, was the reality, and OMANKO journalism again concealed the fact, and participated into the enemy again. No choice for journalists at all.

Why now in Japan, over US$200 per each, is the official price of stock market? No sufficient explanation. North Korean attackings caused the foreigners to buy the stocks. ????

Unusual. In case, the foreigners avoid to buy them, rather, they try to sell them. Thus, the price down happens. However, in Japan, the contrary. Mr.Turvey's situation is informed by OMANKO journalists. harmful satans, they are!!!

Informing tools are almost ZERO like situation now in Shirakawa. And e-mails received from others by Miyuki are mainly advertisement of Viagra and Calis, the medicine against ED problem. Why?

An exception is OAB-SP's mails. Organization of Advocates in Sao Paulo. Their sites provide so many variety of activities' letters, yes, however, no individual writes to Miyuki. Miyuki wrote so many e-mails to others, including so many academitians in the world. However, no response at all. What happened on them?

And Miyuki's information was stolen by satans, and stupid satans took the significance differently, and made disastrous articles based on Miyuki's discriptions. Thus, no journalists at all in the world, and satanic repetitive loop world now. They are just disturbance in the world. We want to realize fruitful lives, each. They are totalitarians, and idiots also. The residues are also. Thus, Idiocrasy continues in Shirakawa, rural isolated village, the south part of North Eastern main land of Japan.

No choice at all for the Alzheimer twins. No laughing at all among their sturn face. Stone like non facial expression mode. Thus, easy to take in the picture. Sticking is the character of the disease called Alzheimer, found by Dr.Arois Alzheimer, in 1901.

KITANOZONO's skin bag was used is the correct answer, Miyuki! He sold the spirit already! Oh, thus, non moving mode of him? Miyuki thought that he were totally different figure, or unrecognized kin or so!

KITANOZOHO was TATSUYA while the resembling boy, KAZUYA, in Touch by Mitsuru ADACHI. The former is more moving type, quicker, and the latter is non moving type, quiet. And Miyuki refrained from compliment to the boy so similar to KITANOZONO in the bus.

Miyuki wrote the episode on the blog, and the 5000 letters episode was taken and erased. Where it is now?

No Man's Land, like that. Sometimes, taken for precarious use, then, permanent use. Miyuki's neighbours sold the skin bags so many decaded ago, and they are used to gain Miyuki's affection and to kill her sometimes, mainly to monitor her life. True Man Show, in Miyuki version?

Miyuki likes Jim Carry? No. Just plain comedian. Not so laughing type. Just facial expression imitation. Miyuki prefers Shingo KAZAMI, compared with Jim.

And Mr.Bean? I prefer Paddington Bear, rather than this human skin version.

Pee Wee was pederasty, was shocking report! However, in Japan, the discription was so so small. Just as foreigner's trifle episode.

Attitude toward pederasty is totally different from other countries. PEderasty triangle, Japan, Stockholm and Bangkok were. Sometimes, Rome, Bratislava, Amsterdam. Just like ANIME of Ikko KAJIWARA.

And Miyuki read several articles on sindicate of pederasty in the world. International League of PEderasty performers. Fiction like story, however, they were caught by the police, in short. Stockholm connection.

And Rio de Janeiro was also such kind of city. Salvador, also. So many towns were already occupied by satans.

It's rainy and cold. Thus, so short trip would be fine for Miyuki and she would move the berries in the patches. Probably, for them, patches are the suitable place. To be better, with some stronger body would be fine for her. Thus, a bit harder task on Miyuki. Rain drop protection agaist rain attacking????

For Miyuki, umbrella. And for others? Boots, rain wear, called Macintosh and so on. And for Miyuki, eating enough before the task is the best answer. Thus, Carbados would be fine for fruits winery. Various fruits skins are waiting for being drunken for us all! Natural fermentation, they do, and young wine also is good. Thus, drunken monky, Guts turned. And Sylop???

Figs also would be fine to drink it. And variety of wines, they prefer. Good friends to drink variety of small amount of fruits wine, so few alchool type. Thus, Win-Win for Miyuki. Only few patches should be allowed to use, was idiots' order. The reason? They were jealous!!!

Devastation means frustration of happiness of the promissive guys. Jealousy kills all of us. And now, new present from us all! M&A office, now in work! Chestnut hill department works now. Probably, onfine days, Miyuki visit the hut.

Magpie likes to be protector of the NANKO range. Oh, the meeting for it! Congratulations!!! Thus, Tin-Tin with Magpie also. Thus, a bit of wine and cheese dinner, we will have. Oh, luxurious! And the cost should be paid as necessity!!!

We should take advantage of the role. Thus, OKINI would come to the site, probably! Oh, Conte's seeds provider couple would come!!! We are waiting for you!!!! Welcome!, previously!!!

OOSAKAn situation is the same. Not so good, as we expected. Satanic world, in short. BOCHI-BOCHI works yes, however their BOCHI-BOCHI is Shirakawans, in short. Snagnation!!!

Japan is called SnagNation, already. The reality is it.

Deeply sighed by us all. However, be positive. The sun sill rise again!!!

Thus, after eating sufficiently, we will work, OK!!!! See you soon, on our blog! VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly Snags!!!

occupied toilet fenomenum in HARUMI
