Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (313)

2017-11-23 17:32:34 | 日記
23/11/2017, Thursdat, cold, rainy ⇒ fine

Miyuki was obliged to change her plan again. Too too windy, and any sticks would not put up with the pressure of wind. Thus, another plan, she started to think of. Now, insecisive, however, probably, no stick type, or low wooden stick type, it should be. Forever Green, for what? For her comfort desk work, was Miyuki's reply, and the soldiers got in wonder her character...Thus, you should think practically, OK, the president. And the result...Probably, we should think of the hours of sun shine taking. Thus, the south side of third patch would be tree seeds planting place. Probably, walnuts would put up with the coldness.

And she would make some stepping lanes in the theird patch. It's difficult to walk inside the patch, without stomping any soldiers. Thus, probably, onne broad lane in the southern side of the third patch, and a amall lane in the east side of the third patch. And all of the actual collective pot type seeds would be moved for the place, without exception.

Thus, the end of the patch series. Miyuki made three pyramid model green forts, yes. And tried to make the big vinil house for us all, or rather, her winter working. Thus...claim and claim, from the soldiers' side. Especially, KIWI type. She ignored water, and so many guys got damaged so much, and she decided so easily to move the pyramid from the south to the north part of the south courtyard. And she got in good mood, thinking of the possibility of KIWI fruits cultivation in Shirakawa. So so rare to be cold in this damage!!! Sorry, yes, however, some guys exist and probably MANBOU type, thus, the selective worriers would grow up to be so big to produce delicious KIWI fruits!!!

Thus, tomorrow, she needs to go to the bank to drow some deposit to gain invest money to kiwis. And she also tried to buy some figs at Banimaru-Yokomachi, however, today, the packages of figs vanished.

Oh, the same as Mayer Lemon at Beisia. Nasty, however, their vanishing process, in short, with idiocratic selection. They could vanish as they like, and for torturing us all, the liked ones were errased earlier than others. Thus, Mayer's Lamon, Big Vinil Packages, at Beisia, and Figs at Benimaru-Yokomachi, and so on. When Miyuki tried to gain in a certain place the targetted product, it happened as usual. Thus, for Miyuki, "Oh, Again, DADAmerdas?", like, De Je Vieu like impression, she gained.

Thus, Oh, again, it happened. Even now, they are so sly and jealous, and evil, even as the residue of fass.

This evening, Miyuki had so nasty experience at Benimaru-Yokomachi. A long long line on front of 6 cashing machines. Why they try to disturb us? They are prisonners, and they are so so arrogant!

The last two female DADAmerdas were so so smelly, and the smell was that of the female bottom part one, which Miyuki dislikes entirely!!! Because of it, she can't do it with any female!!! BUSU Bitch smell, and Miyuki hates so much at the smell! The last females ejected the smell, thus, Miyuki, to avoid the smell, faced in the different direction, and put her hand to disturb the attacking smell from their side.

They were too too slow in movement, and despite of the vacancy of the cashing machine, they continued to make a conversation in the same place. Thus, Miyuki calculated them as "No intention to use the vacant machine", and Miyuki dashed to use it. She started to use it, than, the shopkeeper BUSU dashed to Miyuki, and with her dirty nasty hands, she disturbed Miyuki's usage, saying, "Consumer, the ladies first, you are the second!" in a loud voice. Miyuki got in rage, of course! Thus, how she behaved? Of course, Ralf Neader tactics. She left all of the pasket on the cashing machine, and left the place without buying any of the products. The BUSU clerk continued to yell, "Consumer, Consumer!", in vain, in loud voice.

For Miyuki, terrible nasty experience, yes. The shopkeeper BUSU selected the smelly DADAmerdas as their precious partners, and expulsed Miyuki from the vacant cashing machine. Too too slow, and disturbed us to do owr busy job, however, the shop's preference is the slow smelly DADA bitches. Thus, the end of BENIMARU-Yokomachi, again.

Vacant, thus, the quick guy came to use it, and the shop keeper stopped the usage, and invited the BUSU slow stupid idiots to use it at priority. Their preference, and they were DADAmerdas, all in a body, was revealed.

Miyuki thought of the role of HARUMI in her life, after starting to work at Kyorin Versity. Oh, she existed just to errase her question on the spooky village called Shirakawa, probably.

Miyuki remembered that almost 10 years ago, a big guy were lying on the road of YAOYA-chou, in front of TAMURA closed cigarette shop. Miyuki thought that he were drunken, and dashed to her house, and informed it to the father, and he called the police, and Miyuki and her father waited the arrival of the police, because they worried about how was the guy. Cold winter night, at 22:00, almost. In November, probably. Miyuki came back from HACHIOUJI, and she got off at JR Shirakawa station, and walked toward the house.

And so many residents came to see the drunken guy. More than 6, Miyuki remembered. How they got to know the incident? And so so not unusual case, it is, Miyuki categorized. However, they came to see the guy, however, they didn't help him to go back to his house, at all. Enough, two guys to bring him to the suitable place. However, then, the police came, and the two police men did bring him to his house, in front of the ex-Tabbaco shop, and they came back to the police. Only 30 minutes, in all.

The residents came to watch the scene, however, didn't help anything at all, was Miyuki's impression. Who is he?, The police men asked, and some residents responded, "Oh, he lives there", pointing the house, thus, the police brought him to the house. Just it. The residents refrained from the scene to their own houses.

Then, almost one year later, HARUMI said to Miyuki, "The drunken guy died, and the vacant house, now, his sister lives in. He was working for Municipality, thus, public servant."

For Miyuki, oh, is he so clever? Alchoolic public servant, he was! Now in Shirakawa, being public servant is so easy, probably. Miyuki thought of like that, from HARUMI's remarks.

And for HARUMI, SUZUKI, the family beside Shibuki's west, was also public servant. The big guy yes, however, he looked dumb, however, public servant...So many public servants in YAOYA-cho area...

And TAMURA was the congressman of FUKUSHIMA prefecture, and his son was killed by School torture, according to HARUMI, almost 15 years ago, and the guy was ASAHI SHIMBUN delivery service guy, up to recently, and now, turned to be a manager combined with owner of Ramen Restaurant near Gym Park. ??????

Always, when Miyuki said, "Oh, unusual, it is!", HARUMI denied, and explained with some more and more unusual remarks. A big liar, she is, yes. And always, to distinguishing the fire of Miyuki's questions, Miyuki now really thought of.

This afternoon, YUKARI bowed to Miyuki, again, when she passed beside Miyuki in the north courtyard. Oh, she forgot how she did on me!, Miyuki got surprised. Sometimes, YUKARI bows, yes. Stupid Alzheimer Bow, Miyuki categorized it!

Always, too too skewed answers from HARUMI's mouth. Miyuki pointed that in Shirakawa, so many vacant allies and houses, here and there. And HARUMI replied, "Oh, of course. It's normal, in every where!"

And in Tokyo, Miyuki refered to the vacant situation, in the bus from HASEGAWA Hospital to the JR station called MUSASHI-KOGANEI. "The same in Shirakawa", HARUMI said, as usual.

Always, when Miyuki said, "I found an unusual fact!" to HARUMI, HARUMI reponded, "Oh, it's so common here, you, stupid!" No Man's Land, here in Shirakawa, Miyuki informed, however, HARUMI, the DADAmerda, replied, "Oh, as usual, you stupid!"

When she said at first the same thing, "Oh, no! You stupid! You made a big mistake!" and then, when she informed it in the end, "Oh, of course! We did knot it so well, you, stupid! you recognized now? So so lack of perception!"

Thus, a kind of Status Quo supporting machine, HARUMI was. Always Miyuki's discovery is strange or out of date, in vain. Thus, Japanese Domestic DaDamerdas, they are, Japanese mothers!!!

When Miyuki was kid, she already recognized that HARUMI is really feeble minded, Thus, no expectation on Harumi at all, from the begining. Just she stays, Kid Miyuki thought. And she didn't know that HARUMI was the real attacker inside the house.

Why the Alzheimer twins use so many slippers in the corredor in the office?, Miyuki thought. And at night, in the dark, it worked so much, Miyuki recognized now. Disturbing and slippery. Thus, attacking tool for the guy, who can't see them in the dark. The guy would fail with the slippery slippers, Miyuki felt, and got chilled with the soup dish in her hands. Nasty harmful attakers, they both are, and they are categorized 5th grade Alzheimer disease holders, both, yes!!!

No way to attack them both. Just total vanishing! They tried to attack Miyuki, also. And this evening, YUKARI tried to gain Miyuki's affection, and she failed, again. She, dashed into the toilet, while Miyuki was using it. And she refrained from it, on the etrance of the office, to showup that she was so kind to wait to use it, and turned back to the main house.

And then, after 5 minutes, she came back, and then, she enterned into the office, and tried to arrange towels in the boxes of kids' intimate wears, on the back of Miyuki, who were waiting for her soup, in front of the microwave oven. Soon she entered into the washing room, and got out immediately, then, she entered into the toilet, without making BUM! sould, whish was so common standard for YUKARI. Why she shut the toilet door so softly, in front of me, unusually?, Miyuki got in wonder.

Probably, actually, YUKARI is in the softest mode. No attacking violent mode, any more! No affection on her, at all. Thus, just VANISH! DDMs!!!

Strange Twins, who existed just to attack others. Double DDMs, complete mode. Two generation type, and Miyuki was attacked by both sides. However, she could survive, anyway.

At WASHIO, so many guys approached to her, just say, "Excuse me!" near her. Stupid! We don't forgive you, at all!!!

Miyuki would survive because she got stronger. Miyuki gained the power, because it is necessity for us all. This afternoon, after comming back from farming job in the south courtyard, Miyuki smelled insecticide in the office room, on the side of Alex's desk. YUKARI put it!, Miyuki felt nasty, and immediately, she opened the windows to change the air. It worked. At least, 5 minutes of opening window, would effect so much, to put up with the nasty chemical attacking!

Unnecessarily, YUKARI popped out into the office room, this week, and she loved to stay beside Alex, especially, in the heated up room by the oil heater. YUKARI dropped the match stick on the entrance, so near the plastic tanks, kept in the entrance, and she didn't recognize it at all.

YUKARI wants to lit the fire of the oil heater, saying, "Alex, you stupid! You can't lit the fire correctly. I can do it! See my way, you stupid!" MISAE, YUKARI is. Alex can lit the fire, yes. However, YUKARI likes to show up that she could lit the fire in front of the kids.

Stupid feeble minded Auntie, she is. However, at least, she would be kind, and the same as HARUMI, the kids believed, and failed. Recently, they attack the kids, so directly. No name tag at all in our bags, Clare yelled, however, HARUMI wrote the letters in the big scale. Oh, you want to tell our privacy toward erotic satans here and there, probably, Alex and Clare claimed. Thus, the end of the stories.

HARUMI is so stupid, because she is so old. And she learns not at all, because she is suffering from Alzheimer disease. And YUKARI also. No shocking at all for Miyuki's side. However, for the kids, oh, we believed that they were just stupid, not evil, however...Oh, we both failed.

Thus, the end. For the kids, out of mind, the named tags put bags in the large scale. However, HARUMI did it, saying, "I want to show up your name in front of reliable guys, because they would protect you both, kids!"

Who are reliable guys?, Alex and Clare asked, and then, YUKARI decisively told the truth. Only one guy. I, of course!

Thus, no name tags would be necessary. Thus, the end of their stupid world. Clare wanted to get out of this goddamnit village, yes. However, she changed her mind. Any place is the same. Thus, she continues to be junior high frequenter. And then, junior high is always in recess. Thus, just frequent to the public library with Alex. Oh, Business School also? Earlier than Junior High. And Miyuki? I am devoting toward my life, including professional one. Farmer, yes. Borrowed type. Effective, however, erroneous. As beginer, she is better than averege. And she is so sly! However, they attack so many times, and she escaped from the worst, even today. Thus, understandable.

Changing plan would be fine, because she should be more pragmatic. And at the same time, more idealist, she is. Thus, winter KIWI garden, she wants to make. Anyway, in Shirakawa, KIWIs are produced in this season. Thus, winter is fine to plant their seeds, anyway.

Sun Shine, she should calculate. And now, the final result is breaking all of nasty empty buildings, in the third directions!!! SHIBUKI, Gym Hall of SHIRAKAWA III, TAMAYA-NAKAJIMA apartment and OOTAKA House!!! All!!!

And ISHIKAWA house, also! YAOYA-Chou should be Plain Land, or Pyong Young!

私の好きな草原! ♫ 

  The prairie that I love! ♫

  Agnes CHANG, sang the song. Her second hit. Better than confusional song of Poppy or Daisy.

平原 is pronounced as HEIGUEN in Japanese, while in Korean, Pyong Yang. Thus, Pyong Yang Tribe, we are...Ummm...Preirie would be better to call it!!!

Preirie is a rat tribe, and they live in USA. Preirie mormots, their name is! They are kins of moles. Adrean MOLE, the writer of journal, a predicessor of Wimpy Kid. Miyuki bought a book, English version. And the end, so so nasty reality. Not amusing. Torture! Just TOHOHO, he was, however, after doint it with PANDRA, his life degraded...up to the hell...

With their kid, they turned to be jobless young parents, with no possiblity to gain money. However, only his mother was happy. Reason unknown...

Miyuki encontered with British Torture, in the end. No laughing story, any more. She ommitted to read it, because the story was so so tough for her.

And the BBC broadcast the end, with so cold narration. No laugh, no smile at all. The reality. The baby should be treated as jewel, however, for both of the parents, it is nasty existance, the seed of unhappiness.

No future at all, in short. So early pregnancy and birth giving causes the absolute poverty. Only one, Adrian did it with her, and the result...the worst for all of them!

Probably, they, DADAmerdas are a kind of Solaris type general existance, thus, no individual conception at all. Thus, for example, some guy feel nasty at a certain targetted guy like Miyuki, their hatred concentrates on Miyuki, and as a whole, they attack Miyuki all in a body. Thus, at each supermarket, Miyuki is disliked by faked consumers and faked shopkeepers, and the result is the worst attacking by the cashing service BUSU bitches. They want to take advantage of the cashing place, and sometimes, the targetted guys turn into panic, and lose the wallet or precious things by their consecutive attackings. Thus, DADAmerdas expect the scene of lost precious things.

For them, no conception of difference of each person, thus, they know some news on the targetted guy, and already others do know well on this point. Thus, a kind of cloud like creature, they are. Vague, and makes rain and snow.

Thus, no gain at all for their side. They ommit the information system, and just they feel by some instinct or its substitute. And they start to attack again and again, by impulse.

Thus, toilet use is up to only 5 minutes for Miyuki fenomenum was adopted by HARUMI and YUKARI, and to check the effect, they dash into the office, to warn to Miyuki.

Oh, red peppers! Miyuki should make in the field. Only few would be enough for the patch. Thus, TAKA-no-TSUME would be fine. US$1, and so many. Needs to dry up, and then, only one piece would be fine for the cultivation. The rest, probably, she should use for her cooking.

This afternoon, when Miyuki was disposing the snag eggs on the parking lots of Shirakawa III, a guy asked her, "What are you doing here?", in his threatening voice. Alzheimer patient's threatening, Miyuki perceived. Like police man, at the same time, no authority, and he himself used the parking lots, unncessesarily. Thus Miyuki yelled, "Go to INFERNO!" for three times, and said clearly, "Alzheimer, he is! Don't ask such stupid question to us all! Alzheimer attacking, typical case, it is!!! We don't consume any precious time with you, BUSU Alzheimer satans! You are so so stupid!!!"

Why they ask on so so evident thing, without saying type, to us all? Disturbing! HARUMI likes to do it, while Miyuki hates it! Thus, Miyuki splitted from her!!! No time for the losers, of course!!!

Clouds like totalitarians, DADAmerdas are. No individual conception. Thus, always it all depends on the situation. And they have no standard model at all. As they like type society, they constructed, and the result is Shirakawan ridiculous erroneous anti-reasonable world.

Yawning only. Thus, sometimes, they show their nostargy to go back to their birth place. Tokyo, HARUMI refered to. However, rather, INFERNO, she wants to go back. There, so many guys would attend her, without saying.

Thus, the end of the story. HARUMI wants to move now. Miyuki said clearly toward them that we do know well that they are both evident Alzheimer patients, yes. And they heard by their catching ability. Listening like ability, however, no sense at all, as a remark. Just several words would effect type transmission system, they adopted. Thus, "Alzheimer patients" are enough for them. And now, they should know the limit.

Today, the day of thanking for workers. Labour Day substitute. And at the same time, Thanks Giving Day, in USA.
Nasty betrayal, Miyuki felt on the back ground. Indians helped the early pilgrims, however, the latter killed the former. Nasty bladk history of USA. Thus, apatch tribe, should regain the power. Apatch Wild Animals, the name of baseball team, she belongs to. She is a kind of all round player, thus, she hits so many times, and fails so many times, also. She throws also, however, so many fauls, yes, as always. However, sometimes, so many strikes, she gains, and so many icorns are waiting for her arrival!

Probably, tomorrow morning, she would visit there, and would find the really brilliant good guys!!! Black Panthers, they are called. Strongly powerful species. Thus, they want to grow up in the suitable places. However, Miyuki found the nasty fenomenum. All cement covered world, in short. Not good for seeds of trees. Thus, Miyuki should caltivate variety of seeds of trees, in the soil, suitable for any Rightous Brothers!!!

Hard surfice fenomenum, Miyuki recognized. And Miyuki now thought of the plan to cover the Gorrilla hills with so many icorns and chesnuts and walnuts...Too too nasty, however, they devastated the hill in the final stage!!!

Yes, it was already explored, and some shrine like existance was there. Now, bold Gorrilla, with unnecessarily many heavy duty vehicles. Miyuki needs to yell to the hill, Stop the devastation in the loud voice. OK, I will do, as much as possible!

Why now? It stopped so many years ago. And now, after IDIOCRACY, under the name of FUJITA and FUKAYA, the mountain is devastated by the guys, who can't recognize the difference between DOBUTSUKA and EMMYOUJI. Almost 1km distant from each, however, for them, the same. Japanese geography is now in the situation.

In the program of KONYA-mo-YOFUKASHI by MATSUKO, or her substitute, on TV, the narrator said, "Now, OGA peninsula in AKITA prefecture is often ommited on the maps, and the residents are all in rage!" Oh, such a level, the institute of geography and land, national agency, degraded! Miyuki got shocked. Non reliable, in short, any public agencies, in Japan.

No necessity of existance of states, in short, actually. Just to be stupid, they exist. Thus, for us, guys to want to be cleverer, states are nasty fool making machine. Thus, just for DADAmerdas only.

And interesting to say, the star of the program, BUSU MATSUKO Delux was annouced that she were hospitalized in the emergency mode, by an announcer in so calm voice, as if it were not so relevant at all on the TV program. Oh, the star's hospitalization is not cared by any guys related with the production of the programm. Too too cold, and for us, laughing joke!!!

Probably, to absorb the fat or Liposcomia, she did, and died, immediately, because of the shock. It is so easy for some expert, however, for others, too too dangerous. Miyuki remembered a famous actress in Brazil did it, and she got into unconscious stage, and the news reported it in the most hush-hush mode. In her case, the anestesia injection was fatal, and at least, as far as Miyuki knew, she was unconscious for one month.

Thus, Miyuki chose the specialist, when she did anestesy operation, when she gained Alex in Sao Paulo. Miyuki was recommended to do "Painless Birth Giving", because she was so anxious about her first birth giving. And the cost was US$3.5 thousand, however, Miyuki chose it. The cost didn't include the cost of the medical treatment done by the doctor, and the fee for hospitalization for one week, almost. At total, US$7 thousand, or so, and she doesn't regret their treatment. They explained well before the alternatives and the reasons. And Miyuki and Alex were all healthy, as a result. Good to know the system. Yes, expensive, however, for her, a kind of necessity to pay for it.

And in case of Clare, only US$240 at total. Thus, through both cases, probably, the averege payment of Japanese giving birth. Totally different from each, however, both, Miyuki got satisfied with the result, and the process, also. They explained so well, attending to Miyuki's sometimes so so unusual questions. And each time, Miyuki gained the correct answer. Thus, satisfaction only.

Alex and Clare were both Japanese nationality holders, and Alex, Brazilian, and Clare, New Zealander, also. Double nationality holders, they are. And middle name holders, yes. They have right to choose how to be called in public in Japanese public facilities. Thus, each buy chose as it liked, and Miyuki respected it.

Alex chose to be called just AKI Satow, while Clare, Clare Kai SATOW. Thus, different. However, their choice, thus, Miyuki treated them differently at this point.

And now, the old guys require them to be called differently????

Clare should be called Clare KAI, and Alex, AKI only. The same...Thus, the end...Alex wanted to be called differently, however, they refused. He wanted to be called, Alex AKI now, however, the public schools refused...You insisted? or just you thought?

Alex yelled, "My name is Alex AKI SATOW, not AKI SATO. Too short, and as if it were one proper name like AKI-SATO. Thus, he offered the proposal, and they refused.

Oh, they couldn't refuse it. Your choice should be respected. However, for them, too too difficult to change their mind. Non flexible guys, they are! Stupidity no.1. Thus, yes, you have right, and they did wrong. And don't expect their conducts at all, and just ignore their order at all. If they call you to do some nasty task, you can reply like that: "Oh, teacher, I am not AKI-SATO. You didn't determine the name exactly, thus the order was ineffective. Thus, I didn't do it. Your failure, not mine."

And in case of some favoret task, you should say, "Oh, teacher, you failed to call me, however, I, a kindest and considerable guy, I presumed what you wanted to say, thus, I followed, as the expression of all my kindness. OK, teacher?"

It effected so much. Thus, he could regain the power. In case of nasty instruction, just ignorance, because of their failure, and in case of some amusing activities, he does, as he likes.

Thus, he started to enjoy his school life now...However, it ended up already. Thus, public library frequenter, he is now. So many MANGAs are there, because of it. Good to read MANGA books. And you can gain money by way of working in some commercial facilities like BENIMARU-Yokomachi, WASHIO, KOMERI and so on. All so near. Miyuki walks to any of supermarkets in the village. On foot, yes. Gyoumu-super is also OK for Miyuki. Beisia is so near, if you pass HEBIISHI road. MEGA-STAGE, also. BENIMARU-Showamachi, KAWACHI-Showamachi, KAWACHI-ASAHI-chou also so easy to reach. Cainz Home Center, DAIYU-8 Home center, SHOKUHIN-KAN and NITORI, all are Miyuki's walking distance. Oh, JA stores also! So many not yet closed stores here and there. Thus, try to apply to gain sufficient money. And you two would know the reality of Shirakawans!!!
