
MY DICTIONARY (B) 3333: ride high

2012-11-30 08:25:34 | Weblog
3333: ride high ー success  好調である

*baking ~ aid = yeast cake:open mitt: ~ chamber = oven:
:~ need = cookie sheet:pie pan:oven:yeast: ~ pan = roaster:
:~ spice = nutmeg: *Baklava = honey rich dessert: ~ ingredient = honey:
*balaam  ~ ‘s beast = ass   
*balance = rest: ~ sheet = accountant’s page:
~ sheet fig = AMT: social ~ = poise:
*balanced = even:sane: complete and ~ = rounded: more ~ = saner:
*balancer book ~ = CPA:
*balboa = Panama coin:Panama explorer:
*bald = hairless:like Mr. Clean:like some eagles:some eagles:
:undisguised: “ bold eagle” : ~ beginning = pie:
:~ spot cover = toupee: ~ spot hider = comb over:
*Balder ~ dash = rot:tripe: ~ ‘s father = Odin :
*Baldrige etiquette ~ = Letitia:
*Baldwin   Alec(x):  Guinness or ~ = Alec:  a ~brother = Alec:   
:one of the ~ s = Alec: ~ of “ Beetle juice “[“30 Rook”] = Alec:   
*balder dash rot: *bale = bundles:cotton:cotton measure:
:do hay work:hay bundle:hay unit:
*Balearics    largest of the ~ = Majorca:   *baler farm machine:
*Bali Indonesia isle:island east of Java::South Seas isle: “ ~ Hai” :
*Balin ~ or Coolbrith = Ina: *baling ~ need = twine:
*balk = jib:pitcher’s no-no:refuse to go on:    ~ Scots = Reest:
*Balkan    ~capital = Sofia:   ~ nation = Albania:
~ region = Kosovo:  ~s native = Serb:
*ball Cinderella ‘s party:(society) dance:golfneed:orb:prom:sphere: 
:“ Belle of the ball “:  b ~ = hoops:
:bouncing ~ game=Jacks: chase base ~ = shag:
:drew up intoa ~ = curl: eye ~ = ogle:  formal ~ = cotillion:
:fly ~ = fungo: game with a ~ = jacks:  get into a ~ = curl up:
:Los Angeles ~ player = Dodger: inaugural ~ , e.g. = gala:   
:one kind of ~ = screw: on the ~ = alert: 
:ready for the ~ = gowned: in the ~ park = close to correct: 
:retrieve fly ~ s = shag: roll into a ~ = wad up:
:short fly ~ = bloop(er): squashed ~ = spheroid:
:sweet ~ = donut hole: ~ attire[dress:wear] = gown: 
:~ caller = ump(ire): ~carrier = rusher: ~ club = bat:
:~ ,e.g. = toy: ~ for one = dance:
:~ gazer = seer: ~ girl = deb: ~ holder = tee:
:~ joint = It allows rotary movement: ~ on YV = Lucille:
:~ paerticipant = dancer: ~ park = diamond setting:
:~ park buy = program: ~ park figure = stat: ~ park souvenir = cap: 
:~ park worker = ump: ~ play = triple: ~ point = tee:
:~ point ,e.g. = pen: ~ point fluid = ink: ~ propping gadget = tee:
:~ room = dance (site): ~ room dance = one step:two step:
:~room pro = dancer: ~ room maneuver = dip:
:~ star Williams = Ted: ~ two = part of count: ~ wear = mask(s):
*Ball ~’s beau[husband] = Arnaz:

○ ヤフーブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」月、木、土
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
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○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!

MY DICTIONARY (B) 3322: ride

2012-11-29 07:27:53 | Weblog
3322: ride ー needle 悩ます
*Baghdad  “ The Thief of ~ “: ~ citizen = Iraki: ~ nation = Iraq:
~ native = Iraqi:Iraki:   *bag-job = illegal search in slang:
*Bagnold   literary ~ = Enid: :
*Bago’bones = nag:bagpipe:musical instrument:Scottish Screecher:
*bagpipe = Scottish instrument :  *bag-piper  ~’s garment = kilt:
*bah = derisive cry:scrooge art:scrooge cry[ exclamation]:
:response from scrooge: contemptuous sound:   “ Bah! Humbug! “
*Bahama  Freeport setting:  
*Bahamas = Caribbean island chain:Islander:
*Bahamian ~ island = Abaco: ~ port = Nassau:
*Bahrain ~ export = oil: *baht tical:
*bail free money:get-out-of-jail money: release money:ladle:
:man the buckets::security for small bar on field:
:try to save a sinking boat: ~ out = leave a bad situation: 
:~ rock = abscond in a way: *Bailewick = area:
*bait = angler’s need:allure:badger:cheese, for nice:chum:
:court security:enticement:fish hook lure:fishing need:goad:
:load traps:lure:prepare hook:taunt:torment: エサで誘惑されやべいと思う
:fish with bobbing ~ = dib: let ~bob and dip = dap:
:rise to the ~ = give in to entice: some ~ = worms:  
:take the~ = bite:
*Baja  :~ buddy = amigo: ~ boy = nino: ~ bye = adios:  
:~ California = Mexicali: ~ resort familliary = Cabo:
*bake = make cookies[strudel]:make pop over:make brownies:
:prepare cookies:prepare in oven:  “bake in a pie “ :
:~ sale = PTA foundraiser:
~ sale sponsor = PTA: ~ sale gp. = PTA:
*baked   potato choice:   ~ dessert = pie:   ~ treat = pie:
*baker cookie creator:patisserie worker:culinary worker: “ Chet “ : 
:“ Able, Baker, Charlie” : ~ buy = bun:cake:éclair:pie:tart:dozen:   
:~ gadget = sifter: ~ need = flour:oven:yeast:  ~ offering = pie:
:~ ‘s ingredient = yeast: ~’s (baker) ~ ‘s 13 ,abbr. = doz: 
:~’s dozen = eggs: ~’s topping = icing: ~ ‘s verb = knead:
:Atokins or ~ = Chet: apple pie ~ = mom: bulldog ~ = Eli:
:box for a ~ = cake mix: Keebler “ ~ “ = elf:         
*bakering potato Idaho
*bakery ~ buy = roll:bun(s): cake:éclairs:loaf:pie:tart:
:~ buys = loaves: ~ come on = aroma: ~ cover = icing: 
:~ finisher = icer: ~ holder = pie-tin: ~ hot spot = oven:
:~ item = baba:pie:roll:tart: ~ need = sugar:yeast:
:~ offering =bun: tart: ~ out put = aroma:bread:
:~ product = pie: ~ purchase = pie: ~ supply item = yeast:
:~ treat = éclair:pastry:sticky bun:sweet roll: ~ worker = icer:

○ ヤフーブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」月、木、土
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 E:

○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!

MY DICTIONARY (B) 3321: ride

2012-11-28 06:34:49 | Weblog
3321: ride ー tease  悩ます

*bacteriologist Sabin:
*bad = disobedient:evil:ill-behaved:harmful:
:naughty:rotten:prone to misbehaving:rancid:scoundrel:wicked:
:worthless:” ~,~ Leroy Brown”: ~ actor = ham:
:~ back = reason to avoid lifting: ~ boxer = Palooka: ~ boy = imp:
:~ bag = staph: ~ day = downtime: ~ deed = sin:
:~ dog = biter: 
:~ egg[hat :lot] = bounder:nasty one:scoundrel:troublemaker:
:~ grade = DEE: ~ guy(man) = meanie:villain: ~ habit = vice:
:~ lighting = arson: ~ luck = hoodoo: ~ man Shaw = Artie:
:~ mood = snit: ~ off = poor: ~ news = trouble: ~ point = demerit: 
:~ review = pan: ~ situation = no win: ~ tempered = nasty:surly:
:~ tempered goddess = Eros: ~ thing to lose = temper:
:~ time for Caesar = ides: be ~ = act up:  
:be a ~ bunk mate = snare: extremely ~ = evil:  feel ~ about = rue:
:feel ~ for = regret: go ~ = rot:spoil: leave a ~ situation = bail out:
 :not ~ = impressive: not too ~ = ok:  source of ~ luck = jinx:   
;too ~ = alas:what a pity[shame]: Too ~ for you ! = Tough !:
:turn ~ = rot: very ~ = abysmal:
*Badems    spa:German spa:   Baden Eems or ~ = spa :
*badge = police ID:sheriff’s emblem[symbol]:tin star: sheriff’s ~ = star: 
~ of authority = star:   ~ make-up [material] = tin:
*badger    bait:harass:irk:nag:needle:  ~ like animal = ratel:
*Badger State  Madison (eponymous city ):  *badly = ill:very much:    
*badminton ~ need = net:  *bad tempered surly: ~ goddess = Eris:
*Baer Carnera’s successsor:    *baffle    stump:vex:
*baffled  a-sea:at sea:at a loss:    completely ~ = a-sea:
*baffling ~ question = poser :
*bag = catch:chips buy:do a checkout chore:do a supermarket job:
groceries holder:porter’s[redcap’s]:pouch:burden:sack:snare:
supermarket haul[unit]:valise: “tea ~ “ : black sheep’s ~ = wool:
canvas ~ = tote: carry ~ = porter: grab ~ = assortment:
let the cat out of the ~ = tell: mixed ~ = assortment:
put back in the zip-lock ~ = reseal: starter for ~ ,bar or bank = sand:    
They tote ~s = caddie: ubiquitous ~ = tote:
~ boy = supermarket worker:  ~ it = give up: knock off:  
~ man = money collector: ~ s = luggage:
*bagatelle    mere trifle:    “ a mere ~ “ :
*bagel = bread ring: ~ choice = sesame: ~ extra = lox:
:~ future = hole: ~ s = doughy ring: edible ring: ~ topper = lox:  
:~ topping = schmeer:   *bugful = wool amount in rhyme:
*baggage = luggage:traveler’s burden: ~ porter = redcap:
*Baggala Eastern trading vessel:  *baggy  like some jeans:loose:

○ ヤフーブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」月、木、土
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 E:

○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!

MY DICTIONARY (B) 3320: ride

2012-11-27 08:12:28 | Weblog
3320: ride ー annoy  悩ます

*baby carriage(buggy)  buggy: pram:  *baby fat = plumpness of youth:
*Babylon ancient (Asian) city on the Euphrates:
*Babylonia  Aralu: ~ hero = Etana : Southern part of ~ = Chaldea:
*baby sit tend the tots::  
*babysitter ~ bane = brat: ~ , often = teen:
Bacall = Bogie’s love:  ~ ‘s love = Bogie:   毒害破滅でやべいんだ
*baccalaureate degree: *Bacchanalian ~ bush = orgy: ~ cry = evoe::
*Bach German composer: ~ creation = cantata:sonata: 
:~ piece = fugue:sonata:toccata: ~ work = sonata:
*bachelor Parisian :man: “ ~ pad “ ~ ‘s home = pad: 
:~ party = stag: an ending to ~ hood = wedding:   
:give up ~ hood = wed:
*bachelorette  miss:   Versailles ~ ,abbr. = MLLE:
*back  = ago:aid:endorse:football position:footballer:fund:rear:
:stake:subsidize an effort:support:“Back in a minute!” : “ I take it ~ .” :
:“ ~ in the Saddle Again “:~ biter ? = molar:
:~ board = It’s behind a hoop: ~ field exchange = hand-off: 
:~ of the Bulldogs = Yalie: ~ and forth = to-and-fro: ~ muscle = lat: 
:~ on a boat = aft: ~ out = withdraw from a commitmen:
:~ pack = student’s carrier: 
:~ pack material = nylon: ~ pact part = strap:
:~ piece = sonata: ~ section = rear: ~ side = duff:fanny:
:~ stab = betray: ~ street = alley: ~ tooth = molar:
:~ wards = in reverse: ~ woe = ache:pain: ~ wood = remote area:    
:~ work = sonata: chance to win ~ a title = rematch: 
:defensive ~ = safety: get ~ = recover:recoup:retrieve:  
:go ~ to base = tag up: in ~ = to rear: in the ~ = a rear:
:of the lower ~ = lumbar: pat on the ~ = burp: take ~ = recant: 
:team ~ er = fan:toward the ~ = aft :a rear:
*back bone = fortitude:grit:seine:spine: having less ~ = limper:
;Hollywood ~ = set: of the ~ = spinal:   *back comb = tease :
*back drop   stage setting:   Santiago ~ = Andes:
*backer   :play ~ = angle:  pol[rich:wealthy] ~ = fatcat: 
 :~ of the Bulldogs = Yalie: 
*back-gammon ~ need = dice ~ cube[piece]: = die:
*backing ~ up = computer safe guard:in reverse:
 :supply ~ for = finance:   *back log = accumulated work:     
*back-slide = regress:  *back-sliding instance of ~ = relapse:
*back stage ~ waiting spot = green room:  
*back talk   sass:lip:   *Backus  ~ , Belushi or Nobors = Jim :
*back yard  play area, perhaps::   ~ game = catch:
*back water ~ burg = cow town:
*bacon  rasher:   ham or ~ = pork: portion of ~ = rasher:
~ from “Diner” = Kevin: ~ serving = rasher: ~ slice = rasher:
*baconcert   Sir Francis performance ? :
*bacteria = a health risk ?:full ~ = germy: oxygen-dependent ~ = aerobe:

○ ヤフーブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」月、木、土
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 E:

○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!

MY DICTIONARY (A) 3319: ridddle

2012-11-26 09:36:20 | Weblog
3319 : riddle ー enigma  謎

*b  ~ movie = low-budget film:  ~ sound like = C flat:
:~vitamin = folicacid:niacin: Boeotian ~ = Beta:
:“ Susan B Anthony “:
*baa   bleat:herd sound:meadow noise:lea sound:pasture sound:
ram’s sound(call) : rural sound: sheep sound : sheep’s cry :
*baabaa   black sheep comment: nursery rhyme start
*Baal   Semitic deity :    *baar   fertility deity :
*baba    babery item: rum cake: “Ali Baba”:
*B-ball = sport for short:  annual ~ tourney = Nit: ~ bush = prune :
*Babar    De Brunhoff elephant:elephant book:story book elephant :
*babble    chatter : jabber : prate:
*babe (Paul)Bunyan’s ox:coopers town VIP:fabulous[fabled blue] ox:
:infant:innocent one:ox of myth:toddler:small child:
:”I got your ~.”:~ of baseball = Ruth :
*babel = biblical tower:a confusion of sounds:
*Baberuth = The Bambino:     *Babes   Ruth, et al. :    
*Babi    Persian sect:   *babies half the ~ = boys:
*Babka = glazed [sponge] cake:
*baboon = African monkey:large primate:mandrill ,for one :
 :~ for example = ape:
*Babs = Streisand in fanzines:SFフアンジンと来る雑誌*Babushka Bandanna :
*baby = cradle[crib] occupant:new born:nursery resident:
:pampered one:
:pamper:coddle:infant: “from a ~” : “ B ~ it’s you ! “ :
: “~ I need you love”   ~ bed = crib : cradle: ~ blue = eye:
:~ boy = son: ~ boxer = pup : ~ buggy = pram: ~ bull = calf:
:~ call = mama: ~ carriage = pram: ~ cry = mama: 
:~ complaint = colic: ~ doctor of note = spock: ~dog = pup: 
:~ down time = nap: ~ expert = Spock: ~ first word = mama:
:~food = pap: ~food buy = jar: ~ food choice = carrots: peas:   
:~ food container = jar: ~ fox = kit:   
:~ grad canyon = small piano for “Grofe’s Suite”: ~ holder = crib:   
:~ in blue = son: ~mealtime wear = bib: ~ ‘s outcry = bawl:   
:~’s place = crib: ~ powder = talc: ~ rocker = cradle:
:~ room = nursery: ~ rose = bud: ~ signal = cry: ~ sock = bootee:   
:~ sound = gurgle: ~ toy = rattle: ~ wipe additive = aloe:
:bossy ~ = calf: Billy’s ~ = Kid: cry like a ~ = bawl: 
:doe’s ~ = fawn: Don’t be ~ = Grow up: farm ~ = kid:
:“Friend” ~ = Emma: London ~ buggy = pram: July ~ = Leo: 
:June ~ = Gemini: make ~ food may be = puree: mare’s ~ = colt:
:mooing ~ = calf:  move like a ~ =crawl:noted:
:October ~ = Libra:  
:react to a ~ = aah: some ~s = boys:daughters:girls:sons:
:September ~ = Virgo: Siamese ~ = kitten: 
:some summer ~ ies = Leos: striped ~ = tiger cub:
:woodland ~ = fawn:

○ ヤフーブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」月、木、土
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 E:

○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!

MY DICTIONARY (A) 3318: riddle

2012-11-25 09:57:03 | Weblog
3318: riddle ー conundrum

 MY DICTIONARY (A)  axolot ~ azure
*axolotl = lizard:axon:never part : *axon of ~s and dendrites = neural:
*ay(e) = affirmative vote: “ all in favor “ follower;ensign’s ok:ever:
:nautical assent [yes]:Popeye’s yes:positive [yes] vote:
:sailor’s affirmative [assent:yes]:seaman’s answear:supporter vote:
:voice vote:vote for:Yeoman’s yes:yes captain:   
:~ s = some voters: ~ ‘s opposite = nay :
*aye-aye response , at sea : *Aykroyd ~ or Rather = Dan:
*Ayn Rand’s Shruggter =   Atlas : *Ayr = country in Scotland :
*azalea = flowery [flora] shrub:flowering bush:honey suckle:May bloomer:
:showy bush : *Azkaban Prison in the Harry Potter books :
*Azores = Atlantic island : *Aztec = Mexican native :
*azure = blue(hue):bright blue:shade [sky] color:sky hue[tint] :
 :~ mineral = lapis:
○ ヤフーブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」月、木、土
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 E:

○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!

MY DICTIONARY (A) 3317: ridicule

2012-11-24 08:35:39 | Weblog
3317: ridicule ー scorn  嘲る

*a-weather = alee:opposite :
*awed = amazed:blown away:in wonder:stunned:
:~ exclamation = wow :
*a-weight = at rip:off the bottom :
*awesome 恐ろしいほどおお寒 impressive:remarkable:terrific ;
:~ in surf talk = Rad:    ~ ! = Oh wow !:
*awful appalling:dreadly : horrible:terrible: be ~ = be deaply contrite:
 :most ~ = worst: *a-while = some time: ~ ago = some time back:
*awkward = clumsy:inapt :  *awkwardly  ~ tall = lanky:
*awl = book binding tool:boring tool:cobbler’s gear[ tool ]:
carpenter’s tool:leather piercer[punch:tool]:pointy tool:
scaddle tool:shoe maker’s tool:   ~ ,adz(e) or ax = tool :
*awn = (barley) bread:bread of grain: *awning = shade:sunshade:
*AWOL = absent without leave:army deserter:being sought by MPs:
:deserter’s designation [letters]:evading army duty , abbr.:leave:
:military male factor::MP’s prey:off-base:on the lam military style:
: go ~ = desert:
*awry = amiss:askew:crooked:skew:wrong :
go [run] ~ = doesn’t work out; err: :~ ,Scots = Agee :
*axe(e) = Bunya tool [prop]:chopping [cutting:fireman] tool:fell:forest feller:
:forestry tool:hack:hatchet kin:hewing tool:let go:logger’s tool:
:log chopper:lumbering tool:lumber jack tool [prop]:reduce drastically:
:sack:tin man prop: fellow with an ~ = fire man: give the ~ = can:
:light ~ = tomahawk: small ~ = Tomahawk:
:~ man = corporate firer:saxophone player :
*axel = skater’s jump [move]:skating spin: ~ gunk = grease: 
:~ performer = skater:*axer = personnel head , at times :
*axil angle between leaf and branch : *axilla = arm pit:under arm:   
*axillary = alar :  
*axiom = adage:established rule:obvious truth:principle:saw:
:self-evident truth:truism:
*axis globe spindle:line of rotation [symmetry] :
:~ foe = ally: revolve as an ~ = gyrate :  *Axl = Rocker Roce:
*axle bar on cars:car bar [wagon:part]:wheel bearer [shaft]:
~ gunk = grease: spot for ~ s = rink :

○ ヤフーブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」月、木、土
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 E:

○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!

MY DICTIONARY (A) 3316 : ridicule

2012-11-23 08:41:23 | Weblog
3316: ridicule ー scoff  嘲る
*avoid   bypass:dodge:elude:escape:keep away from:
:steer clear of:sidestep:skirt: ~ adroitly = elude:
;~ captors = elude: ~ the diner = eat in: ~ embarrassment = safe force:
:~ honesty = lie: ~ responsibility = cop out:
:~ restaurants = eat in: ~ the truth = lie: 
:~with”of” = steer clear (of): ~ work = loaf:   
:reason to ~ lifting = bad back :
*avoir   have , in Le Havre :
*Avon avocet:Eden:Mary Kay’s competition:long legged shore bird:
:Shekespeare’s [Stratford’s ] river:
*avow   accept applause:acknowledge:admit:assert:
attest:declare assuredly[openly ]:oath:profess:promise:
swear:take a vow :   *Avril Mai: ~ follower = Mai:
*aw   Aw shucks ! = Gee ! :
*await = anticipate:be patient for:bide(time):expect:look for:
:look forward to:pend:wait for:watch for: ~ a decision = pend:
~ judgment = pend:   ~settlement = pend :
*awaite   count on :
*awake [awaken]   come alive:come to: conscious:
gain consciousness:leave dreamland:not dozing:
not napping:not out:rouse:sleepless:stir:
wide ~ = alert :   
*awakened =roused :
*award = bestow:cup:(give a)prize:Oscar:trophy:
academy ~ = Oscar: drama [theater] ~ = Obie : Tony:
adman’s[commercial] ~ = Clio: commercial =clio:  contest ~ = prize:
feature of some military ~s = oak leaves: lawsuit ~ = damage:
military ~ = medal: Off-B’way ~ = Obie: sci-fi ~ = Hugo:
soprano’s [TV] ~ = Emmy:  stage ~ = Obie:Tony:
univ. ~ = mas.: ~ hung on the wall = plaque:
*aware = alert:cognizant:conscious:in the know:knowing:mindful:
:not obvious:on to:turned in: ~ of = not obvious to:on to: be ~ = know:
:become ~ = realize:wise up : *awash = flooded:over flowing :
*away = absent:gone:not at home:not present:not there:on the road:
:on vacation:out of town:removed:traveling:  temporarily ~ = on loan:
:~ from one’s desk = at lunch: ~ from the wind = leeward:
*awe = amaze:amazement:astonish:astonishment:astound;dazzle:
:dumbfound:flabbergast:holy fear:impress:inspire wonder:intimidate:really:
:impress:reverence:reverent:dread[fear] make speechless:sense of wonder:
:solemn fear[wonder]:overwhelm:sound of mock sympathy:stupefied:
:veneration:wonder:wonderment:wondrous fear:wow:
:in ~ of = wowed by: 
:in ~ = amazed:blown away:greatly[really] impressed:wowed:
:A~ heck ! = Dang !: ~ man = company firer: regard with ~ = adore :

○ ヤフーブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」月、木、土
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 E:

○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!

MY DICTIONARY (A) 3315: ridicule

2012-11-22 08:11:06 | Weblog
3315: ridicule ー mock  嘲る

 MY DICTIONARY (A)  a-vast ~ avocado
*a-vast   cry from the deck:deck shout:nautical cry[call]:
pirate’s cry:sailor’s cry:
*Avatar (James)Cameron film:cyber-space icon:Hindu incarnation:
:on line icon:virtual reality image: ~ of Vishnu = Rama :
*Ave = address, abbr.:bird(to biologist):blvd. kin:
:forum cry[greeting]:hail (to Caesar ):L:Madison or Park:
:road way:salutation:salute:st:street , abbr. :street sign:
:wild rdwy:    ~ crosser = ST ;     
*Ave Maria bird :    *avec not sons:opposite of sons:
*avenge = make up for:redress:retaliate: ~ oneself = get even :
*avenger = nemesis:score evener:
*avenue =broad-street:city way:fifth , for one:thorough fare:
wide street: ~ liner = elm: ~ in Monopoly = Ventnor:   
:~ shader = elm tree: ~ tree = elm :
Monopoly ~ = Baltic :
*aver   affirm confidently:allege:assert:
declare (firmly:positively:with confidence ) :
say[state] (confidently:firmly ): verify(L):
*average   even up:mean:ordinary:par:so-so :
“ Dow Jones ~ “  ~ citizen = Johnq public:
~ grade = CEE : ~ related = medial :
*averse   disinclined:loath:reluctant :
*aversion   dislike:   have an ~ to = detest :
*avert   prevent:side step:stave off :ward off:
*avian   bird like:bird related:of bird:
~ appendages = alae:   ~ shore denizen = ern :
extinct ~ = dodo :
*aviary = bird abode:  ~ group[resident] = bird: ~ sound = tweet :
*aviate   fly (high):pilot( a plane ):soar:
*aviation = flying:ward off:    first name in ~ = Ameria :
*aviator ace , e.g.[for one ]:flier:Howard Hughes , e.g.:
Lindberg , for one:pilot: ~ agcy = FAA: ~earhart = Amelia:
:expert ~ = ace: top ~ = ace :
*avid   ardent:craving eagerly:eager:greedy:
greedily(ardently) eager:gung-ho:keen:lacking humility:
raring to go :     *Avila   Spanish province :
*Avion   word on a French postcard :
*“ (Rara) Avis “ = bird to Brutus: *Aviso   dispatch boat :
*“ (Tel) Aviv “     *Avo Macao coin :
*avocado = alligator pear:gree hue:Guacamole base :

○ ヤフーブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」月、木、土
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 E:

○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!

MY DICTIONARY (A) 3314: ridicule

2012-11-21 06:45:32 | Weblog
3314: ridicule ー jeer  嘲る

*authority = license:say so: badge of ~ = star: defy ~ = rebel:  
:“ On what ~ ? “ = says so : say why : possession of ~ = power:  
:symbol of ~ = mace :
*authorize = agree (to):allow:empower:ok:okay :
*authorized   ~ report = release :
*auto car:Detroit product:highway sight:GM[Ford] product:jalopy:
:passenger car:sedan: antique [by-gone:early:old:vintage ] ~= Desoto:
:big name in ~ racing = Unser: city ~ = cab : early ~ maker = Olds:
:fancy[long] ~ = limo: flashy ~ = sportscar:  foreign ~ = Saab :
:handle an ~ = drive: Indy ~ = racer: infamous ~ = Edsel:
:Martin’s ~ making partner = Aston: start an old ~ = crank:
:Where stolen ~ s are taken a part = chop-shop: ~ body worry = rust:
:~ buyer ‘s concern = MPG: ~ emporium = lot : ~ flop = edsel:
:~ imperfection = dent: ~ instrument panels = dashboard:
:~ mat = coin-op eatery: ~ mishap = crash: ~ need = oil:
:~ option = cruise control: ~ part = axle:seatbelt: 
:~ pioneer = Olds: ~ race = grand Prix: ~ racer = Kevin:
:~ race sight = Lemans: ~ safety feature = airbag:
:~ shop job = tune up: ~ type = hatchback:Sedan:
:~ wheel part = tire: ~ with a meter = cab:taxi:
*autobiography  ~ bit = confession:
*auto-cade procession of cars :   *autocracy tin-gods:tyrant :
*autocrat czar:depot:    “ Terrible “ ~ = Ivan :
*autograph = ink:sign: ~ implement = pen:
:~ requester[seeker] = fan: ~ ing need = pen : write an ~ = sign:
*automated = like some assembly lines :
*automation = robot:  *automotive ~ buy = tire :
*Autry   “ Singing Cowboy “ ~ = Gene :
*autumn = fall:   ~ implement = rake:  ~ quaff = cider :
*Ava = Frankie’s second:Gardner of “ the Killers “:Gardner namesake:
:one Mrs. Sinatra:pepper plant: “ Ava Gardner “ :
*avail =(take) advantage:benefit:do:make use of:be of use:profit:
:serve:use:   “ to no ~ “ : ~ oneself of = use:
*available = at hand:in reserve:near:on call:on hand:on tap:
:ready: ~ as a room = to let: ~ at the café = on the menu:
:~ from the publisher = in print: ~ for emergencies = on call:  
:~ for reference = on file: ~ for rent = to let: make ~ = free up:open:
:not ~ = in use:  readily ~ = on tap :
*Aval   co-singer’s commitment :
*Avalon = Arthur’s final destination:Arthurian isle:
:Frankie of “ Beach Blanket Bingo “ :
*avarice = greed:sin:    *avaricious =greedy:
*avant = before in Brest: *Avant Garde = innovative:
:more ~ = edgier: French ~ = Marceldu champ:

○ ヤフーブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」月、木、土
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 E:

○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!