
MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ890: fondle  891: foofaraw

2009-06-30 09:46:12 | Weblog
890: fondle ー caress  愛撫する
891: foofaraw ー ado  騒動

*kid-napper ~’s mailing = ransom note:
*kidney 例なる木戸に腎臓の種類書いてある = renal:“~ bean “:
 :~ related = renal:  ~ shaped treat = cashew:
 :of the ~s = renal:
*Kiel  = ear:canal:  *Kier = bleaching vat:large boiler:
*Kierkegaard = Soren:   *Kil = metric meas:
*Kilauea = Hawaiian volcano:  ~ flow [out-put] = lava:
 :~ for one = volcano 頑張る系の火山:
*kill = veto否決した恋人切る:    ~ or joy lead-in = over:
 :~ time = goof off出来るたい無理して偶夫おふざけブラブラ過ごす:
*Killarney = It’s famous for its lakes:着る田
*killer   ~ whale = Orca:   banned bug ~ = DDT;
 :hired ~ = hit man:  political career ~ = scandal:
*Kilmer “ Lain snow has ~ “: 
 :~ of “The Doors”[Thunder heart] = Val:
 :~ classic [poem:subject] = tree(s):
*kiln オウブンの窯の中で切るんだ = oven: hop ~ = oast: 
 :~ (var) = ost:
*kilo = dealer’s unit:drug unit:metric amount[mass:unit]:
 :1000 grams:thousand comb.form:   ~ ton = bomb:
*kilometer     16093 ~s = mile:
*kilt スカートからげて着ると良い = highlander attire[garment]:
 :magpiper’s garment:Scot’s garb [skirt]:tartan garment:
 :~ e.g. = skirt:  ~ kin = skirt: ~ make-up[material] = tartan:
 :~ pattern = plaid肩掛けしぷらど出かける:
 :~ wearer = Scot:  ~ wearer’s cap = tam手向ける帽子:  
*kilter off ~ = amissあミスし間違えた: out of ~ = askew
*kilties = dagger:dirk婦人が抱く短剣だがー鋭い:
*Kim = Basinger of “L.A. confidential”:Kipling tale[work];
 :Novak or Hunter:    ~ of “Vertigo” = Novak:
*Kimono ~ closer [sash] = Obi:  *Kin PDQ’s ~ = asap:
*kin = aunts , cousins etc.[e,g,]:family (reunion guest):
 :Kith’s partner:
 :one’s relatives:relative:reunion group:  “ Kith and ~”:
 :401 (k) ~ = ira:  next of ~ = closest relative:
 :~’s partner = Kith:
*kind = caring:compassionate慈悲深いカンパしょうねいと思う:
 :good:manner:nice:sort:type:warm hearted:
 :” a la ~ “:” one [three] of a ~ “:  
 :~ of admiral or guard = rear:  ~ of finger print = latent:
 :~ of labor or drive = slave:  ~ of page or role = title:
 :~ of silk or sugar = spun:
 :in ~ = one way to repay:  one of ~ = unique:
*kind-a = in a way informally:ish:suffix:
 :relative of “~” = sort-a:
*kindergarten 幼稚園付近だ合点気をつける “~ Cop “:
 :~ goo = paste模造宝石いっぺいすうとのりで貼る:  
 :~ kin = day-care:
*kindergartener ~’s glue = paste:
*kindle 現金ドルで払いビッグな糸で点火 = arouseアラうずうずして点火
 :ignite:light:        *kindled = afire:
*kindling = tinder何やてんだ燃え易いほくち:
*kindly = benevolent慈愛を比べなばれんと思う:
*kindness “ We’ll tak’a cup o’ ~ “:

MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ888:foment 889: fond

2009-06-29 10:04:15 | Weblog
888: foment ー incite  助長する
889: fond ー into  好きで

*keyboard ~ again = retype:  ~ goof = typo:
 :~ instrument = organ: ~ key = enter:tab: ~ wood = ebony:
 :use a ~ = type:
*keyed  ~ up = hyper:tense:  *key lime = Florida fruit:
*key puncher = old computer worker:
*key stone = arch part:  “ The ~ Kops”:  
 :~ chain = custodian’s need:   ~ character [figure] = kop:  
*KGB = Soviet police:   formerly ~ = OGPU:
 :~ foe [rival] = CIA:  ~ home = USSR:
*khaki = uniform color:
*Khan = Asian chieftain:“A Ga ~ “:” Aly ~”:” Genghis ~ “:  :~ home = Xanadu:  ~’s people = Tatars:
 :infamous ~ = Genghis:  Mongol ~ et al. = Batus:
*Khartoum’s land = Sudan:   *Khayyam ~ et al. = Omars:
*Khrush chev premier = Nikita:
*Kibbles  ~ consumer = dog:  
*kibitz 要らんお節介機微潰える = offer an unwanted advice:
*kick = puntパンパンと平底船叩く:Rockette’s maneuver:soccer move:
 :” drop kicks”:” I get a kick out of you ! “:
 :~ back = relax:  ~ in = start:  ~ in a way = knee:
 :~ like a mule = pack a wallet:~ off [out] = exile:expel:evict:
 :~ off = begin:start:  ~ off aid [device] = tee:  
 :~ off the throne = depose免職でぽーずとる: 
 :~ out of office = unseat:
 :~ up = provokeプロボウクして怒らせる:   football ~ = punt:  
 :involuntary ~ = knee-jerk:
 :just for ~s = on a lark落葉樹の中ひばりが潜む:on a whim
 :like some ~s = on side:        
*kicker = hidden catch:   ~’s aid [prop] = tee:
 :football ~ = punter:
*kicking  ~ up = provoking:
*kid = child:farm baby:goat baby [off-spring]:
 :nanny’s baby[off-spring]:
 :young one:young goat:youngster:jeer 爺や助手からかう
 :jest (with)何故すーと冗談いえるの:joke:josh:make fun of:
 :pull one’s leg:
 :“The Cisco ~”:
 :~’s afternoon break = nap time :~’s bed = bunk:  
 :~’s book = pop-up:  
 :~’s card game = war:  ~’s convertible = toy car:  
 :~’s game = tag:  
 :~’s (summer) get-away = camp:  
 :~ glove = aid for delicate handling:
 :~ play place = sand box:  ~’s racer = slot car:
 :~’s reservation = dibs:  ~’s shooter = Bb-gun:cap gun:
 ;~ spinner = top:  ~ transport = go-cart: 
 :~ transporting = wagon:  gift for ~s = toy: 
 :intolerable ~ = terror:  kanga’a ~ = roo:
 :not suitable for ~ = R rated:  rotten ~ = brat:
 :”Spy ~s” = 2001 movie:
*Kidd = pirate captain:Scottish pirate:
 :~ glove = Mitt for Captain William:
*Kidder = Margot of “Super Man”:
*kiddie = tot:wee one:   
*kidding “ Who am I ~ ? “:  I’m not ~ ! = Trust me !
 :not ~ = serious:
*kid-nap = abduct:shanghai:
 :~ cost [demand] = ransom動乱寒空の中身代金渡す:
*kid napped Paris ~ her = Helen:

MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ886: follow 887: folly

2009-06-28 09:55:36 | Weblog
886: follow ー pursue  追跡する
887: folly ー lunacy  愚行

*Keitel = Harvey of The Piano:    *Keller “ Helen Keller “
*kelp 海藻蹴るプット香る磯の香り = seaweed海藻干し憂い怒鳴る:
 :~ component = iodideああ嫌だ井戸内ヨウ化物:
 :~ product com form: = nod:
*Kelly gene or green : green shade : “ Gene Kelly “
:bush ranger ~ = Ned : Hoofer ~ = Gene:  MGM star ~ = Gene:
 : outlaw ~ = Ned:  ~ co-host = Regis:  ~ or Autry = Gene
*kelp seaweed : ~ component = iodide :
 :~ product comb form = iod
*Ken = Berry:documentary maker Burns:Kercheval of “Dallas”:
 :Mattel male:Olin:  2007 ~ Burns document = The War:
*ken 家具に残数いくつか認識の見解示す
 := barbie’s beau [beam:ex]:cognizance:
 :understanding:   man of ~ = seer:
*Kennedy  ~ designer = Olegcassini:  ~ or Knight[Koppel] = Ted:
 :~ Patrearch = Joseph:  one of the ~s = Ethel:Ted:
 :Sen. [senator] ~ = Ted:
*kennel 犬疲れけなるく犬小屋にはいる = box’s home:dog’s dig:
 :hound holder: 
 :where to lead a dog’s life:   ~ or Keppled = Ted:  
 :~ resident = canineいけないン犬:dog:
*keno 昨日賭博で負けた  = gamble:gambling game: 
 :faro or ~ = game:
*Kent = “Daily Planet” reporter:English county:Superman alter ego:
 :~ cap = paper size:  ~ coworker = Lane:
 ;Devon of ~ = shire:
*Kentish ~ freed man = Laet:
*Kentucky   ~ blue grass = poa: ~ hero = Boone:
*Kentuckian   first ~ ? = Boone:
*Kenya = exporter of caffeinated beans:Lake Turkana setting:
*kepi = visored cap of type:  *kept = one kind of woman:
*kerchief  ~’s kin = scarf:  
*Kercheval  ~ of “Dallas “ = Ken:
*Kermit “ ~ the Frog”:    *Kern = Operatta genius:
*kernel かなり核心に迫る = cob:ear item:popcorn unit:seed:
 :~ locale = cob:
*Kerry   ~’s party = Dem:  *Ket = carrion狩り案外死肉あさる:
*Ketchikan   ~ native = Alaskan:
*ketch-up = tomato:   ~ color = red:
*Ketone = oily cyclic ~ = Irone: *Kett Miss ~ = Etta:
*kettle やかんけっとる = stove top item:(cooking) pot:  
 :~ cover = lid:
 :Barker , Bell or ~ = Ma:     まぶたは目のフタの裏戸
*Kevin = bacon from “Diner”:Spacey or Kline:
 :~Kline movie = Dave:  ~ of The Big Chill” = Kline:
*Kewpie [Kewpy] = (top-knotted) doll:   “ ~ doll “:
*key = crucial重大で困難財政狂う社ある:door opener:ebony
 :fundamental:important:indispensable強引です偏差部類避けれない:    isle:
 :islet(camp spot):It opens door.:jailer’s item:
 :lock opener:piano part (“ivory”):small island:tab for one:tap:
 :type in:vital:  ~ city = port:  ~ group of officers = cadre:
 :~ grip = film-set technician;~ in = enter:~ in text = type set: :~ letter = phi: ~ up = excite: expert with ~s = pianist: 
 :off ~ = out of tune:on ~ = accurately pitched:pitched perfectly:
 :one of the black ~s = B flat:C sharp:  pass ~ = master opener:
 :pc ~ = ESC:  some ~s = ebonies:  
 :start without a ~ = hot wire:  

MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ884: fold 885: fold

2009-06-27 10:15:45 | Weblog
884: fold ー cote  羊小屋
885: fold ー pleet  ひだつける

*Kappa GR. letter : K(10) : “ phi , beta , kappa “
*Kaput all-up : broken : out of order :
*Kara Arctic Sea :  *Karach ~’s region = Sind:
*Karakatoa = Erupter of 1883:   *Karaoke sing-along music :
*karat carat : gilding [ gold purity ] unit : gold measurement :
 :24 ~ stuff = solid されどがっちりした個体gold:
*karate chopping sport [ spree ] : ~ award = (black) belt :
:~ cousin = Kangfu: ~ kin = Judo: ~ level = belt :
:~ move = chop ; leap:  ~ studio = Dojo :
*kareem first name of Lakers fame : Jabbar :
*Karen friend of Will and Grace : “(Anna) Karenina”
*Karl one of the Marxes : ~ of “ On the Water Front” = Malden :
*Karl-off Boris :
*Karma Hindu force : influence of future incarnation :
 :”My Name is Earl” concept
*Karnak Rameses :   *Kasha buck wheat : Mush , Russian style :
*Kat “ Krazy ~ “
:Kate Jackson or Smith : (model) Moss or Capshaw : a singing Smith :
:“ Kate and Allie “ “Kiss me ~ “ : Whitelaw or ~ = Reid :
:~ partner = Allie : ~ ‘s TV buddy [pal] := Allie :
*Katharin Hepburn , ~ e.g. = actress : Heigl :
*Kathmandu ~ ‘s kingdom = Nepal :  
*Kathy ~ of “Misery” = Bates :  *Katy-did grass hopper :
*Kauai ~ souvenir = lei :  *Kay Kyser :  
*kayak = canoe:one man boat:  
*kay-o = deck(in boxing lingo) : ~ count = ten :
*Kazakh(stan) ~or Kirghiz = SSR :  *Kazoo hummer(instrument) :
*kea (large) parrot : New Zealand parrot :
*Keats ode ; odist : John ~ = poet : ~ out-put[work] = ode :
~ “ Odeto Psyche “ :
*Kebab ~ meat = lamb : ~ need = skewer :
*Keebler ~ “ baker “ = elf :
*Keel boat[ship] bottom[part]:   ~over = capsize :
*keen acute先があきゅーと尖って鋭敏 : astute : avid :
: enthusiastic : fine :
:lament:Neato ! : Nifty ! : 緊張したが素敵!皆ニート笑いながら来る
:sharp : ~ quality = bite :   ~ on acting = stage struck:
 :quick and ~ = steel trap:
*keenness edge :
*keep castle(part):data-in : hold onto : maintain : own :
:retain : withhold :
“For keeps “ ~ at it = persist : ~ away from = avoid ; deprive :
~ in = no release : ~ on = continue : ~ pace = don’t fall behind :
~ separate = insulate:   ~ setting = castle :
~ to = follow as a schedule :   fail to ~ = lose:
*keeper    ~ of points = scorer:
*keeping not ~ good hour = palaver :
*keep-sake memento : relic : school ~ = year book :
*keg beer : (beer:small:tavern) barrel :
: beer container [dispenser ; holder ] :
:beer party need:brewery container[cask] : cask : frat party receptacle :
:gun powder holder:hogs head : rocker or Pacino : tun :
:~ need = tap :
*Kegler Alley fan ~ challenge = split :
*keg party frat do :  *Keiller ~’s lake = Webegon:

MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ883: foil

2009-06-26 10:28:27 | Weblog
883: foil ーthwart  裏をかく

*k It sound s like a ~ = hard C :
*Kaa Kipling python : “ The Jungle Book “ snake :
*Kaaba ~ setting = Mecca : *Kaboom explosion sound :
*Kabul Afghan capital : *Kaf Arabic letter :
*Kaf(f)ir infidel : ~ corn = sorghum :
*Kaffiyen ~ wearer = Arab:  *Kahlo artist ~ = Frida :
*Kaiser “ ~ Roll “:   *Kal = Penn of “House”:
*Kalamazoo   ~ female = gal:
*Kalahari ~ setting = Africa : like the ~ = arid :
*Kal El = superman’s Krypton name[real name]:
*Kahn ~ or Grissom = Gus : “ Aga ~ “ : one of the ~ s = Otto :
:song writer ~ = Gus :
*Kale colewort : green vegetable : hardy cabbage :
*Kampala ~’s country[nation] = Uganda : *Kandaha Afghani :
*Kane Carol of “ scrooged “ [“ Taxi “ ]:Welles role:
 :citizen ~ ‘s “ Rose bud “ = sled :  ~ ‘s last word = rose bud :
*Kanga ~ ‘s baby [ kid ] = roo : *Kangfu Karate cousin :
*kangaroo = Aussie animal: “ Tie me ~ down ! “
 :~ for one = marsupial腹に袋ありますPRする有袋動物:
 :~ movement = hop:
*Kansan Dorothy , for one :
*Kansas Jay-Hawker ‘s home:Sunflower State:Topeka ‘s locale :
~ capital{city} = Topeka : ~ city team = Royals : ~ dog = toto :
~ native = Pawnees : senator from ~ = Dole :
*kaoline white clay : Kapital “ Das Kapital “

MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ882 : foggy

2009-06-25 10:20:55 | Weblog
882: foggy ー misty  曖昧な

*juniper = evergreen shrub:   OT ~ = retem:
*Junipero Serra
*junk = Chinese boat:   ~ collecter = pack rat:
 :~ e.g.[for one] = boat:  ~ email = Spam: 
 :~ yard = scrap metal source:  ~ yard’s relative = dump:
*junket 官僚じゃんきっと官費で旅行 = (political) trip
*junkmail = form letter:postal nuesance乳酸過ぎれば害となり厄介:
*Juno = Jupiter wife: くだらん郵便物で治安区滅入る
*junta 自案沢山軍事政権会議 = governing council:military coup group:
*Jupiter 銃ぴたっと木星に合わせたのを山の神爺薄々(zeus)感じた = god:
 :~ e.g. = god:  ~ feature = red spot: 
 :~ or Neptune熱風中うんと暴れる海神 = god: ~ wife = Juno:
 :moon of ~ = Europa:Leda:  Zeus or ~ = god:
*Jurassic  ~ Park beast = Trex:  
 :~ Park critter = Dino:Raptor:
*juridical 裁判で銃ありで軽(ジュアリディカル)くならない 
 :~ garb = robe(s)
*jurist 法学者銃はリストにのせる   ~ Abe = Fortas: 
 :~ Fortas = Abe:
*juror 銃有らー陪審員脅す = panel member:
*jury 銃有り陪審員脅す = panel: 
 :~member [make-up] = peer(s) 
 :facing ~ = panel: form a ~ = impanel: the whole ~ = panel:
*just = barely:equitable:fair:mere:merely:only:
 :” ~ do it ! “ = sneaker’s slogan:  
*justice medieval中世身で威張る court of ~ = curia国王法廷急ありあ:
 :Supreme Court ~David = Souter:  ~ Antonin = Scalia:
 :~ burger = Supreme Court chief:  ~ Fortas = Abe:
 :~ justicer’s place = high court:  ~ Sandra = Oconnor:
 :~ symbol = scales:
*justifier    mean ~s = end:
*jut じゃあ突端を突出させるとステッキ合うと思う = stick out:
*juvenile 少年少女には自由雛いる    ~ music = rap:

MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ880: foe 881: fog

2009-06-24 10:06:43 | Weblog
880: foe ー opponent  敵
881: fog ー haze  霧

*jugular じゃあグラッと来る頚静脈 = neck vein:   ~ et al: = vein:
*juice = health bar order: Like lemon ~ = acidic酸で足どかす:
 :tree ~ = sap弱まりさっぱり樹液でない:  type of ~ = grape:
 :~ source = orange:
*juicer = kitchen appliance:reamer果樹搾り器あります:
*juicy ~ fruit = mango:orange:pear:
*Jujits ~ relative = Judo:
*juju 重々承知魔力経て終了物神 = fetish
*juke-box = nickelodeon: ~ offering = music:
*julep = Southern drink:Bourbon and mint drink:
 :~ need = ice:  way to serve a ~ = over-ice:
*Julia direction from ~ child = stir:
 :~ of State and Main = Stiles:   ~ Ward = Howe:
*julianne 受理あんばい良くみじん切りする   ~ or demi = moore:
*Julie = Andrews or Christie: ~ of Before Sunset = Delpy:
*Juliet    ~ last name = Capulet:  ~’s love = Romeo
 :” ~ and Romeo “:
*Julius “Gius ~ Caesar “: ~ of music = Larosa:  
*July  ~ baby = leo:  ~ e.g. = summer day:
 :~ 4th feature = parade:  ~ stone = ruby:
*jumble ジャムぶるいはゴタマゼニする disorganizes ~ = mess:
 :~ of noise = dinデンデン太鼓の騒音:
*jumbo    ~ smile = grin喘ぐ隣人見てニヤニヤ笑う:
*jump = bound:checker ploy:hop:leap:  
 :“ Go ~ in a lake !”:” ~ ropoe “:
 :bunny ~ = hop: figure skater’s ~ = axel: long ~ = leap:
 :quick ~ = hop:  skater’s ~ = axel:
 :skate boading ~ = ollie: ~ cut = abrupt movietransitioin:
 :~ out of the way = dodge;   ~ rope = double dutch:skip:  
 :~ up = stand quickly:  ~ with a chute (sl.) = hit the silk:
*jumper    ~ cord = bungee:
*jumping    ~ bean = seed of Mexican shrub:
 :~ for joy = elated:  ~ jack = gym exercise:child’s toy:
*jumpy = edgy:  *Junco = American[small] finch:
*junction = seam:    network ~ = nodeのどにこぶが出来た:
*juncture   dress ~ = seam縫い合わせるよう仕向ける:
*june = bride month:flag day mo.:sixth mo.:
 :~ birth stone = pearl:  ~ bug = dor:  ~celebrant = dad:
 :~ honoree = dad:  ~ of The Girl Next Door = Haver:
 :~ 6.1944 = D day:
*Juneau   ~’s glacier 日暮れ車内から氷河見る= Menden Hall:
*Jung-frau = Alp:
*jungle = Tarzan’s home:  ~ animal = ape:
 :~ chopper = macheteからませて切る幅広ナイフ: ~ fly = tsetes:
 :~ group = apes:  ~ sound = roarろうあ者に向かってベロだし吠える:
 :king of ~ = kong:   like ~ at night = aroar:
 :The ~ Book setting = India:
*jungle-gym = play ground sight:
*junior = pop’ namesake:son:   ~ to senior = son:

MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ 878: focal 879: focus

2009-06-23 10:07:28 | Weblog
878: focal ー convergent  集中した
879: focus ー concentrate  集中させる

*journey じゃあねこのまま徒歩取れ苦しい旅 = tour:trek:trip:
 :arduous 骨折れるが果あ樹明日探す[hard:long] ~ = trek:
 :part of ~ = leg:  ~ pan = leg:  ~ segment = leg:
*joust 日が照るとじゃあ臼とやり試合する = tilt:tilter: 
 :~ wear = armorああもう鎧は思い:
*jousting    ~ need [weapon] = lance槍で付き乱数表作る:mace:
*Jove   By ~ ! = Aha !:神に誓ってさあ母倍丈夫
*jowl あごの骨じゃあ売るとする = cheek blood hound feature:
*joy 異例と思えるほど女医さん喜ばす = delight:elatioin:glee:happy:
 :”Is a joy forever.”:  ~ rider = car borrower for short:
 :bring ~ = elate:  fill with ~ = elate: great ~ = glee:
 :jumping for ~ = elated:  killer or ~ lead-in = over:
 :song of ~ = carol:
*joy-buzzer = practical joker’s gadget:    *joyful = glad:
*joyous 女医明日幸せでハッピー = happy:   make ~ = elate:
*JR ~’s home = Dallas:  ~’s mom[mother]= (miss)Ellie:
 :~’s son = III:  last year’s ~ = SR:
*JRE wing = oil man:
*Juan = amorous 好色は女余らすDon:San or Dan:
 : “Don ~ “:Peron Eva “:
 :drink for ~ = aqua:  farewell ~ ! = Adios !:
 :love to ~ = Amor:  one for ~ = uno: water in ~ = aqua:
 :~ of Argentina = Peron: ~’s cheer = ole: ~’s Hurrah = ole:
 :~’s mom = Madre:  ~’s one = uno: 
 :~ Peron’s wife = Evita:Eva:
 :~’s two = dos: ~ wife = Eva:Evita:
*Juanita ~’s friend = amigo: *Juarez city opposite ~ = Elpaso:
*judas 銃出す覗き穴 = peepピーピー泣くのでのぞく hole:
*Jude   = law of the movies: “ Hey ~ “:     
*Judean  ~ king = Herod:
*judge = bench occupant:deem:evaluate:rate:rater:
 :~ again = retry:  ~ attire [gown:wear] = robe:
 :~ bench = banc: ~’s concern = law: ~’s field = law:
 :~ of Israel = Eli: ~’s mallet = gavel
 :~ place = bench: act the ~ = decide: biblical ~ = Eli:
 :field ~ = ref:  Hebrew ~ = Eli:   like ~s = robed:
 :play ~ = ref:  talk with the ~ = side bar:
*judgement   await ~ = pend:
 :good ~ = sense:wisdom:
*judging    “ ~ Amy “:
*Judi = Dench:  ~ of “Chocolat”[“Iris”] = Dench:
*Judicato “ Res ~ “:
*judicial 銃で死有るを許さぬ司法の場 = court-related:
 :~ garb = robe:  ~ place abbr. = CTS:
*judicious 銃で謝すは賢明でない = wise:
*Judo = Jujitsu relattive:Karate kin:martial戦争コマーシャル art:
*Judy = Carne or Garland:  ~ Garland’s daughter = Liza:
*jug = (earthenware)container:ewer:moonshine container[holder]」
 :kind of ~= toby飛び飛びジョッキ置く: 
 :water ~ = ewer湯は入れない水差し:
 :wild mouthed ~ = ollaあらあら水がめ一杯: wine ~ = olpe:
 :~ handle = ear:  ~ head = doltのろのろもどるとは馬鹿だ:
 :~’s friend = archie:  ~ part = handle:
*juggler   ~ collection = balls:   *jug-lug = ear:

MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ876: flurry 877: foam

2009-06-22 09:38:27 | Weblog
876: flurry ー ado  騒動
877: foam ー froth  泡

*joke = comedian’s stock in trade:gag:kid:laugh cause:
 :prank冗談の悪ふざけでプランくちゃくちゃ:put on:tease
 :~ response = Haha:  ~ teller’s question = Get it !:
 :crack ~s = jest何故すっと冗談言えるの: funny ~ = knee slapper:
 :in ~ = group’s gag:It’s funny to small group:  
 :an old ~ = comic rerun:  response to a ~ = I get it !:
 :stage ~ = gag:  young man ~ = one liner:
*joker = It may be wild.:jesture:
 :~ control = rein:   ~ e.g. = card:  ~ enemy = batman:
 :~ Jay = Leno:  ~ patsy ぱちい傀儡政権= sap:
 :~’s rubbish(coming with sign of hesitancy) = chaffer
 :Jack or ~ = card:  practical ~ = japeせいぜいぷっと吹き出す冗談:
 :practical ~’s gadget = joy buzzer:  respond to a ~ = laugh:
 :response to a ~ = I get it !:  
*jokester = wag片っ端(cut-up)から和具振り回すひょうきん者:
*jolly じゃあ理屈なく楽しい = like St.Nick: “For(hes) a ~ “:
 :~ boat = yawl夜は危ない小型帆船:
*jolt じゃあ端じ寄ると揺れて動揺する = bump:jar:shake:(sudden)shock:
 :cup without a ~ = decaf: remove with jerks and ~s = bump:
*Jolson    ~ et al: = Als:
 :~ , Gore , Hirt or Unser = Al:
*Jonah = biblical prophet利益は予言者のプロ一声:bringer of bad luck:
 :Jones’ “From Here to Entity”:
*Jonathan     Shelley or ~ = Winters:
 :~ of Evita = Psyce:   ~ swift specialty = satire皮肉の沙汰嫌:
*Jones  ~ or Stengel = Casey:  architect ~ = Inigo:
*jonquil 黄水仙じゃんじゃん切る = yellow flower: 
*Jonson   ~ work = ode:
*Joplin = rag time: ~ creatioin[opus:tune]= rag:  
*Jordan  ~ capital = Amman:
*josh 気取った助手の太り部分をからかう = kid:rib:
*Joshua tree
*Jose = opera’s Carreras:  “ San Jose “:
 :colleague of ~ and Placido = Luciano: Hand to ~ = Mano:
 :muralist ~ = Orozco: Noway ~ ! = Uhuh !: ~’s home = Casa:
 :~of the Mets = Reyes:  ~ Phine for one = Empress:
*Josie model ~ = Maran:   *Josip Broz = Tito:
*joss 偶像は除する = idol:  Hall-of-Famer ~ = Addie:
*jostle 端寄ると突いて排除する = bump:elbowヒジ支える棒で突く:jar:
*jot = iotaわずかに合いおうた:least bit:note:scribble (down):whit:
 :write hastily[quickly]:不意と思うがざっとノートに書き留める:
 :~ down = note:  ~ material = cartilge:
 :~ part = tenon手なんとかほぞ作る: finger ~ = knuckle:
 :low ~ = ankle:  spot to ~ = pad:
*jotter ~ need = pad:
*jotting = note:   class ~ = note: diary ~ = entry: 
 :spot to ~ = pad:  ~ need [site:spot] = (memo) pad:
*joule エネルギー単位を十売る = work unit:
*journal じゃあなるたけ日記つける = report: 
 :potential ~ = blank book:
*journalist  記者としてじゃあなリストにのせる arts ~ = crit:
 :~ Alistair = Cooke: ~ Carl’s family = Rowans :
 ;~ Ernie = Pyle:  :~ Fallaci = Oriana:  
 :~ Greeley = Horace:~ Lane = Lois:

MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ874: fluff 875: flume

2009-06-21 09:57:39 | Weblog
874: fluff ー lint  けば
875: flume ー sluice  用水路

*Joel = bible book:Macrea or Grey:Piano man Billy:
 :~ of “Cabaret” = Grey:
*joey 子カンガルーが上位 = Friend spinoff:humolist Adams:
 :emulate a ~絵馬例として張り合う = hop:
*jog = go running:(brisk活発ぶり少なくとも元気) run:
 :run for exercise:trotとろとろっと小走りに走る:use the track:
 :~ the memory = remind:
*jogging sound after ~ = pant:  ~ gait走るのも芸当 = trot:
*John = Paul’s collaborator:real name of most Jacks:
 :Ritter , Travelta or Wayne: “~ Dos Passos”:
 :“ ~ Foster Dulles”:
 :”~ Jacob Astor”:”~ Nance Garner”:“ Sir Elton ~ “:
 :anonymous ~匿名で穴にいます = Doe:  
 :Bo or ~ = Dereck:   operetta star ~ = Raitt:
 :philosopher哲学者心の広さは大切 ~ = Locke:  
 :pilgrim ~ = Alden:  pop star ~ = Elton:
 :~ Clayton’s alias = Tarzan: ~ Glenn for one = Ohioan:  
 :~ in Aberdeen = Ian: ~ or Jane = Doe: ~ or Paul = Beatle:
 :~ Keats = poet:   ~ major = Tory:  
 :~ Mortimer’s barrister 法廷で頑張りスターのような弁護士= Rumpole:
 :~ “Pulp Fiction” costar = Uma:  ~ to Ringo = Loo:
 :~ running mate = Sarah:
 :~ Ritter’s dad = Tex:  ~ Wayne’s = Duke:
*John Boy ~ and the gang = Waltons:  ~’s mom = Olivia:
*John Paul Ⅱ Pius X and ~ = popes:
*John Q public = average citizen:the voter:
*Johnny announcer ~ = Olsen:  quarterback ~ = Unitas:
 :2007 film role for ~ = Sweeney:
 :~ apple seed’s real name = Chapman: ~ of the CSA = Reb:
*Johnson  “ Dan ~ “:” Lyndon ~ Baines”:”Lady Bire ~”:   
 :A ~ = Arte: arctic explorer ~ = Rae:  explorer ~ = Osa:
 :magic ~ e.g. = Lalaker:  ~ of “Lough in” = Arte:
 :~ ‘s middle name = Baines:   
*Joie de vivre = elan:
*join = abut:combine:connect:enlist:enter:link (up):
 :put together:unite:wed:
 :~ the army = enlist:  ~ as one = unite:  
 :~ the big leagues = go pro:  ~ the crew = oar:row:
 :~ the debate team = argue:  ~ ends = spliceスープライスと結合:
 ;~ forces = ally:team up:unite:  ~ formation = fall in:
 :~ the game = play: ~ in = take part: 
 :~ in a way = weld:  ~ securely = weld:
 :~ together = fuse:merge:piece:wed:weld溶接してから植えるど:
 :~ up= enlist:enrol(l):enter:
*joining  ~ line [place]= seam:
*joint 乗員共に縫い合わせるよう仕向ける = seam:   
 :~ account sharer = spouse: ~ ailment = gout通風がうっとおしい: 
 :~ finger = knuckle:  ~ low = ankle:  ~ jeans = seam:
 :~ material = cartilage:  ~ part = tenon使い手何とかほぞ作る:
 :~ partaker = sharer:  body ~ = hip: gin ~ = bar:
 :knobby ~ドアーのなぶこぶのよう = knee:  leg ~ = knee:  
 :out of ~ = bouncer’s report:   seedy ~ = dive:
 :stem ~ = node咽のこぶ: suffering from stiff ~s = arthritic:
*jointly = co:    表彰どころか召喚受け最低しょんない奴
*jockey   citation’s ~ = Arcaro: