
MY DICTIONARY 44: 今日の語呂合わせ arrest ー nab

2007-11-30 11:44:43 | Weblog
44: 今日の語呂合わせ
arrest ー nab  逮捕する

*brat = imp:insufferable child:nauty child:pest:rotted kid:
  :little ~ = imp:   real ~ = terror:   
:~ ‘s opposite = angel: 
*brava = cheer for a diva:
*brave = Atlanta baseballer:bold:intrpid:valiant:
  :Home of B~s= Atlanta:   ~ s legend = Aaron:
  :~ one(s) = hero(es):   ~ persom = hero:
  :~ pitcher = Sain:   ~ soldier = hero:
*Bravery : Brinker’s ~ courage = Dutch courage:
*bravo = applauder’s shout:cry from the audience:
  :crying encouragement:opera cheer:
:praise-worthy exclamation:   “ Rio ~ “:
:Barcelona [bullfight] ~ = ole:   ~ ‘s kin = ole:
*brawl = fight:fray:melee:set to:
*brawn = muscle:
*bray = burro sound:donkey sound:  ~ ing beast = ass:
*brazen = shameless:bold:    *Brawne =Dick:
*Brazil [Braz.] = Amazon:Rio setting:
  :~ dance = bossanova:samba:   ~ neighbor = URU:
  :~ neb. = Peru:   ~ Chilex = SA:
*Brazilian   :~ resort = Rio:  ~ river = Amazon:Ica:
  :~ tree = apa:
*breach = contract violation:gap:
*bread = bakery out-put:moolah:sandwich start: 
:“Rye ~ “   :~ basket waste = crumbs:
:~ buy = loaf:   ~ choice = rye:   
:~ letttus , tin etc. = moolah:  ~ making need = yeast:
:~ into pieces = shatter:   ~ pocket = pita:
:~ ring = bagel:   ~ spread = jam:oleo:

:~ type [variety] = rye:   ~ unit = loaf:
:~ winner = earner:   ~ with = pita:
:afternoon ~ = rye:   break ~ = eat:dine:
:brown ~ = toast:   corn meal ~ = pone:
:deli ~ = rye:   flat ~ of India = nan:
:gyro ~ = pita:   kind of ~ = pita:  
:like ~ = sliced:   like some ~s = yeasty:
:make ~ = bake:   Mideast ~ = pita:   
:piece of ~ = slice:   pocket ~ = pita:
:portion of ~ = loaf:   Rueben ~ = rye:
:round roll of ~ = bun:   seeded ~ = rye:
:some ~s = ryes:   sweet,yeasty ~ = stollen:
*break = decode:fracture:gap:respite:rest:shatter:tame:
  :take-ten:       “ give me a ~ “:
  :afternoon ~ = nap:siesta:   base ~ = leave:
  :British ~ = tea:   kid afternoon ~ = nap time:
  :mid-day ~ = lunch:siesta:   racing ~ = pit-stop:
  :refueling ~ = pit-stop:   shake it or ~ it = a-leg:
  :surprise school ~ = snow day:   take a ~ = rest:
  :traveler’s ~ = lay over:   temporary ~ = hiatus:
  :without ~ = on end:   without ~ing a sweat = easily:
  :~ away = secede:   ~ away group = sect:
  :~ the engagement = jilt:   ~ a fast = eat:
  :~ for a bit = take-ten:   ~ in the action = lull:
  :~ in a way = decode:   ~ into = open:
  :~ off = end:secede:sever:   ~ out = erupt:
  :~ quickly = snap:   ~ the rule = cheat:
  :~ sharply [suddenly] = snap:   
:~ up = divorce:end romance:

MY DICTIONARY 43: 今日の語呂合わせ aroma ー odor

2007-11-29 09:40:12 | Weblog
 aroma ー odor  香り

*brag = boast:be boastful:cow:crow:show off:
  : toot one’s own horn:
*Bragh :“ Erin go ~ “:  *Bragg = general at Shiloh:
*Brahman :~ e.g. = Hindu:
*Brahms = famed lullaby composer: ~ pieces = sonata:
*braid = intertwine fabric [the hair]:interweave:
:make pigtaols [a rug]:pigtail:weave:
:ornamental ~ = lace:
*braille :~ make –up = dots: ~ unit = dot:
*brain = intellectual power:neuron:
  :~ bit = neuron:   ~ case [holder] = cranium (pl. crania):
  :~ chart , briefly = eeg:   ~ creation = idea:
  ;~ openings = Laura:  ~ part = lobe:  ~ scan = eeg:
  :~ stem = spinal cord connection:   ~ storm = idea:
  :~ storm for Descartes = idea: 
:~ storming whiz = ideaman:   ~ wave = idea:
:like ~s = lobed:   like a ~ storm = mental:
:major part of the ~ = cerebra:
*brain-freeze = slushie drinking pain:
*brainiac(s) = genius:    ~ typically = nerds:
*brainy = smart:
*brake = bracken:bush:thicket:
  :apple the ~s = slow:   kind of ~s = antilock:
  :sound of ~s = screech:   ~ e.g. = pedal:
  :~ shape = disc:   ~ type = disc:
*bamble = prikly bush:

*bran = fiber source:grain coating [for flakes:part]:
:muffin (make-up):oat: “ oat bran “
:~ base [bit] = oat:   ~ choice = oat:
:~ source [type] = oat:
*branch = arm:limb:rame:river:tree part:
  :~ abbr. = anat:   ~ of the service abbr. = USA:
  :chemistry ~ = organic:   church ~ = sect:
  :tree ~ = limb:   tiny ~ = twig:   union ~ = local:
*brand = mark cattle:stock maker:trade mark:
  :bug spray ~ = raid:   clothing ~ = label:
  :cooking spray ~ = pan:   scouring pad ~ = brillo:
  :tooth past ~ = aim:   ~ of spandex = Lycra:
*Brando : ~ or Mineo = Sal:
*brandy = cognac:    ~ base = pear:
  :~ cocktail = side-car:   ~ gr. = V.S.O.:
  :French ~ = cognac:
*brant(s) = goose (geese):
*brash = hasty and reckless:impetuous:nervy:
*brashness = cheek:
*brass = army [military] big-wig [VIP]:door knob metal:
  :kind of band:VIPs:
  :~ band member = tuba(s):    ~ and bronze = alloys:
  :~ instrument for Phineas = fogg horn:
  :~ section member = tuba(s):   ~ silencer = mute:
  :member of the ~ = cornettist:tuba:
*brasserie :go to the ~ = dine out:
*Brassie = golf club:

MY DICTIONARY 42: 今日の語呂合わせ ariseー happen ー occur

2007-11-28 10:27:40 | Weblog
42: 今日の語呂合わせ
 arise ー happen ー occur 起こる

:~ maneuver = jab: ~ Mike = Tyson:
:~ Muhammad = Ali: ~ Norton = Ken:
:~ s Max or Buddy = Baer:   ~ problem = flea:
:~ ‘s punch = blow: ~ result abbr. = TKO:
:~ shorts = under wear choice : ~Spinks = Leon:
:~ Sugar Ray = Leonard: ~ Trinidad = Felix:
:~ weakness = glass jaw: ~ wear = robe:
:~ Willard = Jess:
:baby ~ = pup: bad ~ = Palooka:
*boxes : like some ~ = nested: pack in ~ = case:
  :stable ~ = manager:
*boxing = ring sport: ~ abbr. = TKO:
:~ blow = jab:     :~ champ 1978 = Spinks:
:~ combo = one-two:   ~ contest = bout:
:~ great[ legend] = Ali: :~ locale = arena:
:~ move = jab: ~ ploy = one-two: ~ poke = jab:
:~ punch = jab: ~ ring boader = ropes:
:~ score = TKO: ~ sight = ring:
:~ term[ win ]= TKO: late ~ champ = Louis:
:King of ~ = Don: prectice ~ = spar:
*box-office = where hits are made: ~ sales to Variety = Tix:
*box-seat = good stadium spot:stadium feature:
*boxy = like some cars:
*boy = half the boby:lad:nino(sp.):Tarzan’s word:
:young fellow: youth:     Boy ! = Gee !
: “Bas in ~ “ :” I’m a bad ~ . “:   Atta ~ ! = Yo wie !:
:bad ~ = imp: Baja [Barrio] ~ = nino:
:beautiful ~ = Adonis: big ~ = man:
:“ Brinker “ ~ = Hans:    the Cratchit ~ = Tom:

 * boy
:Egyptian ~ king = Tut:    former [grown] ~ = man:  
:It’s a ~ ! = Yo wie !:      Highland ~ = laddie:
:the Jetson ~ = Elroy:   little ~ =nino:nipper:
:” Little Women “ ~ = Laurie:  mama’s ~ = son:
:Mayberry ~ = Opie: Oh., ~ ! = Goody !:Yo wie !:
:Scottish ~ = lad:   small ~ = nino:nipper:tad:
:tall , thin ~ (sl.) = beanpole: that ~ = him:
:young ~ = tad:     ~s and men = males:
:~ friend = beau:  ~ George’s group = culture club:
:~ long = tut: ~’s nickname = Ned:
:~ , slangly = kiddo: ~ , Sp.= nino:
:~ wizard Potter ~ = Harry: ~ wonder = Robin:
*boycot = consumer action:
*bozo = buffoon:doofus:guy:nincompoop:
*BPOE :part of ~ = order: ~ member = elk:
*B pulas = good grade:
*bra = lingerie item: ~ part = strap:
*brac “ bric a ~ “:
*brace = metal clamp:support:suspender:
*bracelet = bangle:lover’s loot: ~ setting = ankle:
*bracer = stiff drink:
*bracing = tonic: ~ drink = belt:
*brad = nail:pitt:slender wire nail:small nail:sprig:
  :~ of “Troy” = Pitt: ~ of “The Client “ = Renfro:
  :letters to ~ = fan mail:
*Bradley = Ed:Omar: General ~= Omar:
  :~ or Begley , McMahon , Sullivan = Ed:
*Brady = Alice:Jan:     “ ~ Bunch “ maid = Alice:
*brae = Scottish hillside:   *braff = Zach of “ Scrubs “:

MY DICTIONARY 41:今日の語呂合わせ arid ー barren

2007-11-27 12:22:42 | Weblog
41: 今日の語呂合わせ
arid ー barren  不毛の

:~ maneuver = jab: ~ Mike = Tyson:
:~ Muhammad = Ali: ~ Norton = Ken:
:~ s Max or Buddy = Baer:   ~ problem = flea:
:~ ‘s punch = blow: ~ result abbr. = TKO:
:~ shorts = under wear choice : ~Spinks = Leon:
:~ Sugar Ray = Leonard: ~ Trinidad = Felix:
:~ weakness = glass jaw: ~ wear = robe:
:~ Willard = Jess:
:baby ~ = pup: bad ~ = Palooka:
*boxes : like some ~ = nested: pack in ~ = case:
  :stable ~ = manager:
*boxing = ring sport: ~ abbr. = TKO:
:~ blow = jab:     :~ champ 1978 = Spinks:
:~ combo = one-two:   ~ contest = bout:
:~ great[ legend] = Ali: :~ locale = arena:
:~ move = jab: ~ ploy = one-two: ~ poke = jab:
:~ punch = jab: ~ ring boader = ropes:
:~ score = TKO: ~ sight = ring:
:~ term[ win ]= TKO: late ~ champ = Louis:
:King of ~ = Don: prectice ~ = spar:
*box-office = where hits are made: ~ sales to Variety = Tix:
*box-seat = good stadium spot:stadium feature:
*boxy = like some cars:
*boy = half the boby:lad:nino(sp.):Tarzan’s word:
:young fellow: youth:     Boy ! = Gee !
: “Bas in ~ “ :” I’m a bad ~ . “:   Atta ~ ! = Yo wie !:
:bad ~ = imp: Baja [Barrio] ~ = nino:
:beautiful ~ = Adonis: big ~ = man:
:“ Brinker “ ~ = Hans:    the Cratchit ~ = Tom:

:Egyptian ~ king = Tut:    former [grown] ~ = man:  
:It’s a ~ ! = Yo wie !:      Highland ~ = laddie:
:the Jetson ~ = Elroy:   little ~ =nino:nipper:
:” Little Women “ ~ = Laurie:  mama’s ~ = son:
:Mayberry ~ = Opie: Oh., ~ ! = Goody !:Yo wie !:
:Scottish ~ = lad:   small ~ = nino:nipper:tad:
:tall , thin ~ (sl.) = beanpole: that ~ = him:
:young ~ = tad:     ~s and men = males:
:~ friend = beau:  ~ George’s group = culture club:
:~ long = tut: ~’s nickname = Ned:
:~ , slangly = kiddo: ~ , Sp.= nino:
:~ wizard Potter ~ = Harry: ~ wonder = Robin:
*boycot = consumer action:
*bozo = buffoon:doofus:guy:nincompoop:
*BPOE :part of ~ = order: ~ member = elk:
*B pulas = good grade:
*bra = lingerie item: ~ part = strap:
*brac “ bric a ~ “:
*brace = metal clamp:support:suspender:
*bracelet = bangle:lover’s loot: ~ setting = ankle:
*bracer = stiff drink:
*bracing = tonic: ~ drink = belt:
*brad = nail:pitt:slender wire nail:small nail:sprig:
  :~ of “Troy” = Pitt: ~ of “The Client “ = Renfro:
  :letters to ~ = fan mail:
*Bradley = Ed:Omar: General ~= Omar:
  :~ or Begley , McMahon , Sullivan = Ed:
*Brady = Alice:Jan:     “ ~ Bunch “ maid = Alice:
*brae = Scottish hillside:   *braff = Zach of “ Scrubs “:

MY DICTIONARY 40: 今日の語呂合わせ argue ー bicker

2007-11-26 11:28:19 | Weblog
 argue ー bicker  口論

*botched : ~ situation = snafu: ~ uo = in a mess:
*both = this and that:
*bother = ado:eat at:flub:fuss:harass:irk:nag:pester:
  :doesn’t ~ = lets be: Why ~ ? = What’s the point ?
*bothered = at eat: be ~ by = mind:
*bothersome : ~ noise {soun} = din:
*bottle = cruet:vial: ~ beverage = coloa:
  :~ part = neck: ~ plug = cork: ~ size = liter:
  :~ spirit = genie: ~ top = cap:cork:
  :~ used to hide hooch = flask:   hit the ~ = tope:
  :laboratory ~s = vial: leather ~ = olpe:
  : medicine ~ = vial: misting ~ = sprayer:
  :oil or vinegar ~ = cruet: open a ~ = uncap:
  :perfume counte ~ = tester:
:salad dressing ~ = cruet:   small(glass) ~ = vial:
:wine ~ number = year:
*bottom = foot:    at the ~ of the list = dead last:
:boat ~ = keel:   clock ~ = six: hull ~ = bilge:
:off the ~ = aweigh: skirt ~ = hem:
:put on a new ~ = resole: river ~ = bed:
:search the ~ = dredge: ship ~ = keel:
:~ of the barrel = dregs:
*bottomless :~ gulf = abysm:
*bottom-line = net:toral:    ~ pro = accountant:
*bough = limb:
*boulder = rock:stone: ~ , for one = dam:
  :~ setting = rockies:
*bounce = carom:dribble a basketball:oust:
  :~ back = echo:recoil: ~ off = carom:

*bouncer :~ fooler = Fakied: ~’s post = door:
  :~ ‘s question = age: ~ ‘s report = out of joint:
:court ~ = handball:
*bouncing : ~ ballgame = Jacks: ~ turn = lilt:
*bouncey = exuberant:
*bound = delimit:edge:hop:jamp:leap:limit:
  :least ~ = freest: river ~ = bank:
*bounding :~ gait = lope: ~ main = sea:
*boundary = limit:mere: common ~ = interface:
  :race track ~ = rail: set ~ = demark:
  :~ line = limit: ~ mark = line:
*bounder = bad egg [hat:lot]:cad:heel:
*boundless = vast:
*bountiful : “ The Trip to ~ “:
*bounty = rerward: ~ event = mutiny:
  :~ letter = HM:
*bouquet = aroma:garni:nose gay:odor:scent:
  :~ fixture = rack: ~ make-up = roses:
  :~ staple = daisy: small ~ = spray:
*bourn(e) = two-time role for Domon:
*bourse = European stock exchange:
*bout = boxing contest:match:ring attraction:
:wrestling event:   go ~ = box:
:good seat at the ~ = ringside:
:practice for a ~ = shadow box:spar:
:prepare for a ~ = spar:   ~ locale = arena:
:~ outcome = decision:TKO: ~ sight = ring:

MY DICTIONARY  39:今日の語呂合わせ arcane ー covert ー veil

2007-11-25 08:25:56 | Weblog
 arcane ー covert ー veil 秘密の

*bore = drill:dull folk:fill with ennui:longwinded fellow:
  :make hole:tedious folk:tiresome person:weary:
  :~ holes = drill: show signs of ~ = yarn:
*boreal = of the north wind:  *boreas = north wind:
*bored = yawning: act ~ = yawn:
:It may be ~ = hole:
*boredom = ennui:tedium:yawn cause:
:exclamation of ~ = Hohum:
*borer = beetle:crop pest:
*Borg = Bjorn: what came between ~ and Connors = Net:
*Borge :victor ~ = Dane:
*boric = acid: “ ~ acid “:
*boring = drill:dry as dust:dull:hohum:humdrum:use a drill:
  :leading a ~life = in a rut: ~ life = rut:
  :~ tool = auger:awl:bit:
*Bolis = Karloff:
*born = brought in the world:created:nee:
  :“ Born on the Fourth of July “:” A star Is Born “:
  :~ as = nee: ~ in France [the USA] = nee:
  :”~ free” lioness = Elsa: first ~ = oldest:
  :first ~ of two = elder: prefix brow or ~ = low:
*Borneo = third largest island:
*boron = fifth element:element number 5:
*borough :~work = blue boy: London ~ = Ealing:
*borrow   =take , for a time :
*Bosch(t) = beet: ~ base = beets: found in ~ = beats
*Bort = Diamonds:industrial diamond:
*bosc[bosk] = Bartlett’s kin:pear (type):variety of pear
*Bosh ! = nonsence:Rot !:

*Bosn (boatswain) = hull worker:
*Bosom :Cleo’s ~ companion = asp:
*boss = leader:hirer or firer:Hsnchobe in charge:
:one in charge:stud:super intendent:title for tweed:
:business ~ = CEO: Col’s ~ = Gen:
;comand from the ~ = “ See to it ! “: crime ~ = Capo:
:dancer ~ = Santa: literary ~ = editor:
:Mary’s ~ = Lou: message from the ~ = See me !:
:mob ~ = Capo(s): place for ~ = cowshed:
:private’s ~ = sarge:     :veep’s ~ = prez:
:~’s impatien abbr. = asap:   ~ on a shield = umbo:
:~ on the movie set = director: ~ to Alice and Flo = Mel:
bossanova = Brazilian dance:samba’s kin:
*bossy = domineering:inclined to be masteryly:over bearing:
  :~ baby = calf: ~ chow = cud: ~ stooge = Moe:
*Boston = Massachusetts:metropolis:
  :” ~ pops “:” ~ fern “:
  :~ air port = Logan; ~ cooking vessel = beanpot:
  :~ entrée = scrod: ~ fish = scrod:
  :~ harbor jetsam = tea: ~ nickname = Beanstown:
  :~ player = Pop: ~ staple = beans:
  :~ suburb = Quincy: ~ symphony = pop:
  :~ team = Redsox: ~ team abbr. = Red:
  :~ team familiarly = Sox: ~’s time = EST:
*Bosun = ship officer , informally:
*bot = paracite fly larva:
*botanist :~ ‘s field = flora:  
*botany = florist study:
*botch =bollix:err:foul up:mess (up):mis-do:screw up:

MY DICTIONARY  38:今日の語呂合わせ ardor ー elan

2007-11-24 12:03:41 | Weblog
 ardor ー elan 熱心
Non wizard in the Harry Potter ~s = Muggle:
Old Testament ~ = Hosea:Kings: OT ~ = Amos:
Peter Benchley ~ = The Deep:
Prison in the Harry Potter  ~ = Azkaban:
Sammy Davis Jr. ~ = Yes,I can:
Stephen King ~ = Cujo:The Stand:
Tarkington ~ = Penrod:    Uris ~ = exodus:
*boo-hoo = sobbing sound:
*bookie = bet: ~ concern = odds: ~ term= odds:
  NBA ~ of the Year = Oneal:
*bookish = nerdy: ~ group = nerds:
~ one = nerdy:    ~ sort = nerd:
*boola –boola ~ college = Yale:
*boom = detonation [explosion] sound:period of growth [prosperity]:
:prosperous time:       kind of ~ = sonic:
:~ town = thriving burg: ~ type = sonic:
*boomer : big ~ = A bomb: ~s = population group:
*boomerange = react:
*booming : ~ stuff = TNT:
*boon = advantage:blessing:favor:godsen:
:~ dock = the stick:
*Boone = American pioneer:Debbie or Daniel:
:Wilderness Road blazer:first Kentuckian:noted trail blazer:
:How ~ carved his name. = Danl:
*boor = churlish one:lout:rude fellow:rustic:Vulgarian:
*boorish = crass:
*boost = amp:bet:hoke:increase:leg up:lift:steal:
:give a ~ = help up:

*boosted = stole:
*booster = ardent supporter: guitar [music] ~ = amp:
*boot = car trank in London:expel:Italy shape:winter’s shoe:
  :Wellington , for one: “Bas Boot”:”Boot Camp”:
  :~ attsachment = spur: ~ a lawyer = disbar:
  :~ nation = Italy: ~ out = evict:   
:~ part = heel:sole:   ~ up = start , as a computer:
:European ~ , prefix = Itaro: high ~ = wader:
:get[give] the ~ = axe:eject:evict:expel:fire:oust:sack:
:like go-go ~ s = mod: Mediterranean ~ = Italy:
:tall ~ = wader: to ~ = besides:also:
*booth = diner choice: “ Clare Booth Luce”:
  : ~ or knight = skirley:    elevetor ~ = car:
*bootie = baby’s [tot’s] sock: make ~s=knit:
*bootleg = produce illegally:
*booty = loot:prize:swag: pirate’s ~ = loot:
*booze = hard stuff: cheap ~ = rot gut:
*bop [bebop] = jazz (style): ~ on the bean = conk:
*bopeep = shepherdness of rhyme:
*Bop Hope :~ ‘s org. = USO:
*bopper : kind of ~ = teeny:
*borax = (water) softener:
*Bordeaux : ~ buddy = ami: ~ bunch = grapes:
  : ~ export = red: being , in ~ = etre:
*Borden = Lizzie:   ~ animal[cow] = Elisie:
*border =brim:edge:flame:frontier district:hem in:rim:
  = side:verge:          architectual ~ = orle:
  :block ~ = srtreet: colorful ~ plant = pansy:
  :heraldic ~ = orle: skirt ~ = hem:
  :~ city = Elpaso:Laredo: ~on =abut:

MY DICTIONARY  37: 今日の語呂合わせ arbor ー gazebo

2007-11-23 13:44:50 | Weblog
 arbor ー gazebo  あずまや

Non wizard in the Harry Potter ~s = Muggle:
Old Testament ~ = Hosea:Kings: OT ~ = Amos:
Peter Benchley ~ = The Deep:
Prison in the Harry Potter  ~ = Azkaban:
Sammy Davis Jr. ~ = Yes,I can:
Stephen King ~ = Cujo:The Stand:
Tarkington ~ = Penrod:    Uris ~ = exodus:
*boo-hoo = sobbing sound:
*bookie = bet: ~ concern = odds: ~ term= odds:
  NBA ~ of the Year = Oneal:
*bookish = nerdy: ~ group = nerds:
~ one = nerdy:    ~ sort = nerd:
*boola –boola ~ college = Yale:
*boom = detonation [explosion] sound:period of growth [prosperity]:
:prosperous time:       kind of ~ = sonic:
:~ town = thriving burg: ~ type = sonic:
*boomer : big ~ = A bomb: ~s = population group:
*boomerange = react:
*booming : ~ stuff = TNT:
*boon = advantage:blessing:favor:godsen:
:~ dock = the stick:
*Boone = American pioneer:Debbie or Daniel:
:Wilderness Road blazer:first Kentuckian:noted trail blazer:
:How ~ carved his name. = Danl:
*boor = churlish one:lout:rude fellow:rustic:Vulgarian:
*boorish = crass:
*boost = amp:bet:hoke:increase:leg up:lift:steal:
:give a ~ = help up:

*boosted = stole:
*booster = ardent supporter: guitar [music] ~ = amp:
*boot = car trank in London:expel:Italy shape:winter’s shoe:
  :Wellington , for one: “Bas Boot”:”Boot Camp”:
  :~ attsachment = spur: ~ a lawyer = disbar:
  :~ nation = Italy: ~ out = evict:   
:~ part = heel:sole:   ~ up = start , as a computer:
:European ~ , prefix = Itaro: high ~ = wader:
:get[give] the ~ = axe:eject:evict:expel:fire:oust:sack:
:like go-go ~ s = mod: Mediterranean ~ = Italy:
:tall ~ = wader: to ~ = besides:also:
*booth = diner choice: “ Clare Booth Luce”:
  : ~ or knight = skirley:    elevetor ~ = car:
*bootie = baby’s [tot’s] sock: make ~s=knit:
*bootleg = produce illegally:
*booty = loot:prize:swag: pirate’s ~ = loot:
*booze = hard stuff: cheap ~ = rot gut:
*bop [bebop] = jazz (style): ~ on the bean = conk:
*bopeep = shepherdness of rhyme:
*Bop Hope :~ ‘s org. = USO:
*bopper : kind of ~ = teeny:
*borax = (water) softener:
*Bordeaux : ~ buddy = ami: ~ bunch = grapes:
  : ~ export = red: being , in ~ = etre:
*Borden = Lizzie:   ~ animal[cow] = Elisie:
*border =brim:edge:flame:frontier district:hem in:rim:
  = side:verge:          architectual ~ = orle:
  :block ~ = srtreet: colorful ~ plant = pansy:
  :heraldic ~ = orle: skirt ~ = hem:
  :~ city = Elpaso:Laredo: ~on =abut:

MY DICTIONARY  36: 今日の語呂合わせ ardent ー eager

2007-11-22 10:52:12 | Weblog
 ardent ー eager  熱心な

*Bond      ~’s drink = martini: ~ e.g. = spy:
  ~ foe = Dr. No: ~ for one = agent:spy:  
~ girl = Andress:    ~ s man of yore = Esue:
~ portrayer = Moore:
*bandage = slavery: one held in ~ = slave:
*bone = dog’s treat:femur or ulna:Fido’s dessert:incus or   stapes:
  radius:skeleton:study:tibia:treat for fido:ulna e.g.:
  “ dry as a ~ “:” Bad to the Bone “:
  ankle ~ = tarsal: arm ~ = ulna: chest ~ = rib;
  cook with a ham ~ = pea soup: heal ,as a ~ = knit:
  pelvis ~s = iria: saw ~s = doc:
second longest ~ = tibia: thigh ~ = femur:
  zygomatic ~ = malar: ~ comb form = osteo:
  ~ cover = flesh:   ~ doc [pref] = osteo:
~ dry = arid:like the Sahara:Saharan:
~ :pref = osteo: ~ s = ossa:
*boner = boo-boo:      *bongo ~ player = beatnik:   
*Bonin = Ogasawara Island:
*Bonn ~ south , in ~ = Sud:
*Bonne = maid , in Marseilles:
*bonnet = hat:sun hat: “ have a bee in one’s ~ “:
  big ~ = sunhat: ~ buzzer = bee: ~ occupant = bee:
  ~ partner = Clyde:
*Bonnie   ~ and Clyde , e.g. = out laws:
“ Dorothy or ~ “ = Parker: ~ ‘s partner = Clyde:
*Bono = lead singer of U2: ~ namesake = Sonny:
*Bonsai = dwarf tree:      *Bonton high society:
*bonus = salary extra:year end: cabbies ~ = tip:
  waiter[waiting] ~ = tip:

*bony = angular:gaunt:lean:not plump:osseous:
*Bonzo = movie chim:
*boo = cat call:derisive call:express disapproval:
ghost comment [cry:noise:shout]:greet the villain:
  Halloween cry:heckler’s cry:scary sound:
sound from unhappy fan:10/31 shout:  “ I made a ~ “:
~ tube = telly:TV(set):
*boob = block head:goof:idiot:
*boo-boo = boner:mistake: ~ covering = band-aid:
  ~ ‘s pal = Eugi: Yogi or ~ = Bear:
*boob-tube = TV:   British ~ = telly:
*booer = uncool fan:
*book = bible part: “booker T & the Mgs “
~ after Exodus = Lev:
  ~ back (part )= page:spine: ~ part = appendix:
  ~ balance , abbr. = CPA: ~ before Roman = acts:
  ~ binder = end paper: ~ binding tool = awl:
  ~ blunders [boo-boo]= errata: ~ blur = bio:
  ~ buyer = reader: ~ category = genre:
  ~ check = audit: ~ content = front matter
  ~ designer’s choice = type face: ~ end = epilog:spine:
  ~ feature = cover:index:title:
  ~ for stamps or records = album: ~ goof = errata:
  ~ holder = shelf:slipcase: ~ it = hurry , in slang:
  ~ jacket = blurb:sleeve: ~ jacket item = blurb:
  ~ jacket quote = blurb:      ~ keeping entry = debit:
  ~ leaf = folio:    ~ ‘s leave = page: ~( L) = liber:
  ~ maker = Dogear(s):    ~ make up = pages:

MY DICTIONARY 35:今日の語呂合わせ apeーmimic

2007-11-21 11:12:38 | Weblog
 ape ― mimic  真似る

*Bogart ~’s love = Bacall: ~ ‘s role = Samspade:
*boggle = nonplus:stupefy:
*bogie = Bacall’s love:evil spirit:   
*bogus = phony:        *Bohemia(n) = Arty:
*boil = cook cabbage:seethe:simmer:
  at a ~ = seething:very hot:   extract by ~ing = decoct:
  large ~er = kier: one way to ~ = in oil:
  small ~ = sty:
*Boise = Idaho: ~’s locale = Idaho:
~ native = Idahoan: ~ ‘s State , abbr. = Ida:
*boisterous = rowdy: be ~ = raise the roof:
  laugh ~ ly = roar:
*Bok = American editor:   *Bol ~ neighbor = ARG:
*bola = Gaucho’s weapon:
*bole = trunk:
*Boleyn “ Anne ~ “: history’s[queen] ~ = Anne:
*bold = adventurous:brave:brazen:courageous:daring:
  be ~ = dare: in ~ manner = hardily:
not ~ = shy: resist ~ly = defy:
  ~ disrespect = insolence: ~ one = dare:
*boldness = gall:    *Boleen whale bone:
*Bolger ~ sang about her = Amy:
*Bolianeity = Lapaz:
*Bolivia ~ city = Lapaz:Oruro:Sucre:
~ neighbor abbr. = Arg:
*Boll “ ~ Weevil” = cotton pest:

*bollix = botch: *bolo = string tie:
*bologna ~ city [setting] = Italy:
*bologness = Italian sauce:
*Bolshevic ~ leader = Lenin:
*bolt = arrow:fastener:hard ware item:lightning flash:
rivet:shackle part:shut securely:
  ~ partner = nut:t-nut: expansion ~ = widening fastener:
*Bom = Nee:
*bomb = critical disaster:(big [movie])flop:
“ atom ~ “:” neutron[kiloton] ~ “:
bad ~ = dud: big ~ = nuke: Broadway ~ = flop:
defective ~ = dud: depth ~ = ash can:
  faulty ~ = dud: nuclear threat ~ = H bomb:
sit of “ ~s bursting “ = in air:
  ~ part = fuse:timer: ~ unit = megaton:
*bombast = hot air:
*Bombay ~ city = Baroda: ~ wrap = sari:
*bombe = fancy dessert:
*Bombeck = Erma: ~ namesake = Erma:
*bomb shell ~ West = Mae: Spanish ~ = Charo:
*bon = good of Georges:    *bona fide = real:
*bonanza gold mine:Hoss:Nevada:source of prosperity:
  bargain ~ = sale: Blocker of “ ~ “ = Dan:
  Greene of “ ~ “ = Lorene: ~ son = Hoss:
  ~ star = Greene: ~ stuff ore:
*bonbon = sweet treat:
*bond = secure:strong attachment:(strong) tie:
  ~ component = atom: ~ rating[writer] = AAA:
  like some ~s = tax exempt: