


2011-07-28 02:49:49 | 日記



Here is the latest on the major seismic event originally foreseen to occur around the July 23-24-25 time period.
On Saturday afternoon there was 1) a sizeable 6.4-magnitude quake which occurred (1:34 pm, Japan time) near Sendai, Japan
On Sunday (Monday-Japan time), four additional earthquakes of size occurred yesterday:
2) a 5.1 magnitude quake right after midnight (Japan time Monday ), July 25, 2011 at 12:07 am (the original time the Big One was foreseen to strike);
3) a 6.2 magnitude quake at 03:51:25 AM ( Monday Japan time );
4) a 6.2 magnitude earthquake which occurred at 6:52 pm Monday, Japan time; and
5) an additional (fifth) 4.9 earthquake which occurred at 8:04 pm (Japan time) Monday evening. (Additional lesser quakes also occurred. See below*. )
These all really can be seen as a set, and the sum of those energy releases may have substituted, at least temporarily, for the expected 9.5 earthquake event.
Taken as a whole, Mother Earth may have had an at-least temporary dissipation of the tremendous force of a potentially-looming 9.5 Mega-Quake into a set of several more-moderate quake events.
The dissipation of that foreseen 9.5 Mega-Quake into a series of five moderate quakes would temporarily forestall additional destruction to the Fukushima and other nuclear plants in Japan, and thus for now avoids even more radioactive pollution of land, sea, and atmosphere, and those who dwell there .
The breaking of the Mega-Quake into five smaller quakes was NOT the doing of Gaia .
Rather, it was human interference by the Cabal for their own devious power-and-profit purposes facilitated by their "earthquake-engineering" .
And thus we can expect the built-up pressure at the contact point of the Pacific Plate and the Okhotsk Plate (that Japan rests on) still remains to be dealt with, and will sooner or later have to be released anyway in an even-more-major seismic event, perhaps 9.7, in the not-too-distant future.


“これらの地震は一連のものとして見なすことが出来、M9.5 地震の代わりとなって一時的にエネルギーを解放したと言えるのではないか。
全体として見ると、母なる地球は、M9.5 級の大地震の強大なパワーを、一時的に中規模地震として分散したということになるかも知れない。
M9.5 級の大地震が5つの中規模地震に分散されたことによって、福島や他の原発の更なる破壊を防ぎ、土地、海、大気やそこに住む人々への更なる放射能汚染を防いでいるということになる。
従って、太平洋プレートと(日本が乗っている)オホーツクプレートの接触地点において、引き続き圧力が蓄積されていることを考えると、それ程遠くない将来に、多分M9.7級の 更に大きな地震となってその力が解放されるのではないかと予想する。”


7月23日 13時34分 宮城県沖    M6.5    深さ約40km   最大震度5強
7月25日 3時 51分   福島県沖     M5.2   深さ約40km   最大震度5弱
7月25日 20時55分 千葉県東方沖  M5.7     深さ約30km     最大震度3


