徒然なる日々(A Monotonous Life in Japan)

日々の出来事や想い、喜びや悲しみ(Daily happenings, feelings, joys & griefs)

商店街の夏祭り(Summer festival of the local shopping street)

2017-07-29 15:19:06 | 雑感



We had a summer festival of the near-by local shopping street on the last Saturday. Years ago, it was a small, hand-made type summer festival of a small shopping avenue. The festival, however, has grown year by year, attracting greater number of visitors with increasing number of participating shops and organizations. Last year, a local news announced that 40,000 people have participated/visited the festival.

The festival started at 2:30 in the afternoon, after the preparation on the street by blocking the street from 11:00 in the morning. Then the street became busy with a lot of performances including the marching of brass band and contemporary and traditional dances. Both sides of the street were filled with various kind of street shops designed for the festival, and the street was filled with the visitors, making it very difficult to walk through the street.

I have joined into the street together with my wife in the late afternoon when it has cooled down a little. We enjoyed strolling the street, drinking draft beer and eating pan-fried noodles, sausages and fried chickens among others. We were a bit surprised by the greater number of visitors, but enjoyed the summer festival not commonly held in the neighborhood, and the smell of the real summer.

商店街の夏祭りの人込み(A crowd of people at the festival)

太鼓の演奏(Beating TAIKO drums)

色々な売店(Various street shops)

子供も大興奮(Children are excited, too.)

誕生日 (Birthday)

2017-07-19 23:52:51 | 雑感


来年の誕生日にはどんな生活をしているのだろうか? フリーランスの翻訳者として仕事ができているのだろうかと心配になる。このままどんな仕事もしないで、年金生活者として生活しているのだろうか?心配の種は尽きない。


The other day, I have reached my seventieth, if rounded, birthday. My first birthday since I have retired from my work and started my living off a pension. In the past, I didn’t think much of my birthday, being preoccupied by my busy daily works. This time, however, I have reached my birthday with somewhat sentimental mode as I have a plenty of time but without clear directionality of my future life.

I thought of having a lunch with my wife at a restaurant in the department store we visit together occasionally, but as my wife was not in a perfect condition under the prolonged hot weather, we have decided, finally in the evening, to dine at a near-by pizza restaurant. We celebrated my birthday with beer followed by red wine, chef salads, German sausages and cheese dishes. I am thankful for being able to spend enjoyable life together with my wife. I truly wish my wife to be healthy and active going forward.

What will I be doing at my next birthday? I feel worried if I may be doing well as a freelance translator as I intend to be, or living as a pensioner without doing any kind of work. There are endless anxieties.

I would like to think carefully, by taking some more time, what I really would like to do in my life from now on. I would like to establish my new way of like before the winter this year.

近所で人気のピザハウス(A popular pizza restaurant in my neighborhood)

サングラス (Sunglass)

2017-07-16 12:04:27 | 雑感



I bought a pair of sunglasses the other day. As my eyes are relatively sensitive, I need some type of protection (especially on sunny days). For many years, I have been settled for wearing regular bifocals with UV screening function and partial darkening coating, without wearing full function sunglasses.

A few weeks ago, when I was walking around a shopping center together with my wife, I encountered with interesting sunglasses, displayed with a caption, “truly eye-friendly sunglasses”, with polarized lens made by sandwiching 0.03mm thick glaring light screening film with 2 optical glasses from a polarized lens manufacturer called TALEX. I put on a couple of sunglasses displayed at the store, and found them attractive. The price tag indicated, however, over 30 thousand yen, which was beyond my consideration. When I talked with a sales person, he explained that I may be able to obtain a pair of the sunglasses at 10 thousand yen if I have a frame of glasses that can be used for that sunglasses. The frame must have edges all around the lenses and not string-supported as the lenses are sandwich structured. He assured me that they will check and see if the frame can be used for the sunglasses if I bring in. I brought back a pamphlet and a sample lens provided.

As I have become attracted and determined to purchase the sunglasses, I visited the same glasses shop in the shopping center again, with a pair of bifocals I purchased more than 20 years ago and have not used for many years, and purchased a pair of sunglasses. In view of the frequency of use, I have selected the lens named Easy-Green with the light transmittance ratio of 40 percent, which can be used on cloudy days as well in addition to sunny days. It may become easier and happier to go out walking on sunny days in this summer.

古いフレームを再利用したサングラス (Sunglasses with old and recycled frame)