徒然なる日々(A Monotonous Life in Japan)

日々の出来事や想い、喜びや悲しみ(Daily happenings, feelings, joys & griefs)

痛風の発症 (Attack of gout) (2)

2017-06-17 22:37:28 | 日記

I woke up next morning, disturbed by the pain in my left-side knee. I became concerned with the acute pain. I thought I may have to go to an orthopedic clinic next Monday if the situation doesn’t improve on the weekend. Then, I remembered a near-by orthopedic clinic was open on Saturdays. This was the clinic I visited and been treated when I had gout for the first time, developed in my left side heal several years ago, which reminded me of a possibility that gout has developed again. As I had an important meeting to attend in Tokyo on the next Tuesday and therefore needed to recover quickly, I decided it to be the best to go to the clinic immediately. To be continued to (3).

