江口昇次 名大名誉教授Shoji Eguchi, Nagoya Univ., Prof.em., Today!


複素環化学国際雑誌最新号「Heterocyclic Communications」vol.24,(issue 3), 2018

2018-07-02 | 学術誌

複素環化学国際雑誌最新号「Heterocyclic Communications」 vol. 24, (issue 3), 2018 appeared online on June, 2018, that includes two preliminary communications (on the microwave-assisted synthesis) and seven research articles on heterocyclic compounds. This unique international journal founded 1964 by the late Prof. Radha Raman Gupta (1941-2008) had been published as "Heterocyclic Communications" by the Publishing House Ltd. and the publication has been succeeded by De Gruyter. For details please cf. the web site: Heterocyclic Communications of De Gruyter (https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/hc.2018. 24.issue-3/issue-files/hc.2018.24.issue-3.xml).

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2018-07-02 14:44:28
Heterocyclic Communications 24(3), 2018は昨年23巻(3)より早く出版され、私の準備不足もあって紹介が遅れたことをお詫びします。
