Tomorrow is another day!

~My memory to live in the U.S. & after back to Japan~

Washington DC extra1 ~アメリカの首都へ 番外編1~

2006-05-31 | trip
 ワシントンまでは州間高速道路(こちらではほとんど無料)で行きました。こちらでも、休憩所があります。休憩所があるだけでも驚きでしたし、ほとんどの休憩所はきれいです。もちろんトイレも。 休憩所でトイレに入った時のことです。日本のどこかで見かけたような風景。 高校生くらいかわからないけど,彼女たちはメイクしたり、服を着替えていたりして楽しそうにおしゃべりしていました。(ココ、、、トイレなんですけど)  私が手を洗おうとした時、長くストレートでほとんどブロンドと言ってもいいくらい綺麗な髪の毛で、顔もとても可愛い女の子から「I like your hair.」と言われました。 私は、「Oh,Thanks.」しか言えなかった。大したことではないし、しかも彼女の本意はわからない. でも、こういう時に何かもっと話せたら会話のやりとりが楽しいだろうなあ。

 I drove over to Washington DC an interstate highway(It is almost free fee).
 There are some rest area here also. I was surprised even for it. And Those rest area are clean,some bathrooms also.
 When I went to the bathroom,it seemed some views at somewhere in Japan. I don't know how their old but they were making up,changing their clothes and having fun to talking.(but,,,this is bathroom.)
 When I wash my hands,one girl who has long and straight almost blond hair,even face is cute said me`I like your hair´ I said just only`Oh,thanks´.
 It matters little her talking and I don't know her real intention.
 But I think I will be able to have a fun to conversation if I can talk a lot even this situation.

Washington DC2 ~アメリカの首都へ2~

2006-05-30 | trip
まずは、ホワイトハウス。ホワイトハウスの前でテレビリポーターがいますよね。って今日は何にもなかったのか(当たり前か。この日は日曜日)観光客だけ。私も、写真を撮りました。やはり、何かあってはいけないためでしょうね、一応大統領のおうちですから、屋根の上では黒い服の人たちが銃らしきものをもって警備していました。  ワシントン記念塔。とっても大きい!その塔の影で休憩した後、アメリカ歴史博物館へ。入ったところすぐにペンタゴンにあった国旗が飾られていました。あの9.11の事件の翌日ここの博物館の建物の外側に掛けられたそうです。ちょっと、すすか何かで汚れていました。あの事件の衝撃は忘れられないです。  ここまできてお昼が過ぎていたので、外の売店でホットドックを食べました。ちょっと休憩して、遠くの方から国会議事堂の建物を眺め、国立航空宇宙博物館、ハーシュホーン美術館、ホロコースト記念博物館、最後はかなり頑張って、リンカーン記念館へ行きました。やはりここは、英語の授業でならった、「the government of the people by the people for the people」の人のところだからね、行っておきたかったの。像は大きかった!もちろんその文章を探してきました。ちゃんと見つけてきましたよ。でも、全文を訳してくるのはできませんでした。いつか必ずね。 何処へ行ってももちろん英語のパンフレットしかないので、毎回パンフレットとにらめっこでした。アメリカ歴史博物館には、少しだけ現地に日本語の訳がついていました。まあ、今回行ったところは全て無料で入れるところだったからパンフレットがあるだけでもありがたいと思わなくてはね!  暑い中、たくさん歩いた一日でした。

 First,I went to White House. Some TV reporter are in front of this bulding,aren't they?
 It seemed nothing special here(Was it natural?! It was Sunday on this day)
 There were only a lot of tourists. I took a photo too. I thought it was a for security. Because this house is president's house. Some guys who wear black clothes and gun(I was not sure) were on the roof. Washington Monument.
 It was so tall! I went to National Museum of American History after I had a little bit break and sat in the shade of this Monument.
 There was an American flag which Pentagon had. This flag was hung on this outside bulding on day after9.11. It was a little bit soil by soot or something.
 I cannot forget that affair.
 It has passed a lunch time here. So I ate a hotdog at a refreshment shop. I had a little bit break again and then I saw U.S.Capitol far.
 I went to National Air & Space Museum,Hirshhorn Museum, U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum,at the last Lincoln Memorial It was so hard for me.
 But I wanted to go here. Because when I was a student I had studied `the government of the people by the people for the people´with picture of his statue. It was a so big! Of course,I looked for that sentence and I found it!
 But I couldn't understand all sentence. Someday,I think I want to try to read it all.
 There was a leaflet only by English. So I againsted it every time. National Museum of American History had a little bit Japanese. Well,these building were free fee.
 So I thought I have to appreciate about they have a leaflet!  
 It was hot day and I walked a lot!

Washington DC1 ~アメリカの首都へ1~

2006-05-29 | trip
月曜日がメモリアルデーという祝日だったので、三連休でした。ワシントンDCまで車で約8時間かけて行ってきました。もちろんKevinが運転。私は隣でおとなしくひたすらお昼寝していました。  土曜日、月曜日は移動日ということで一日だけの観光でした。 日曜日、とてもいい天気。  なぜかアメリカは日差しが強く感じます。サングラスが、こちらでは大活躍です。 地下鉄。間違えると何回も乗らないといけなくなると思って、一応一日乗車券を買いました。ワシントンの地下鉄は綺麗で安全でした。誰でも乗れる!間違えずに目的地までたどり着けました。 泊まったところはヴァージニア州で地下鉄の乗り場はRosslyn。そこからFarragut westまで数分で到着しました。 ここから長い歩きの観光の始まりでした。  この続きは明日。

 It was three holidays in a row from Saturday to Monday. Monday is Memorial day.
 We went to Washington DC by a car for about 8hours.Of course,Kevin drove it.
  I was sleeping very silently beside him while he was driving. Saturday and Monday were for transfer.
 So it was one day sight seeing. It was a beautiful on Sunday!
 I feel the beating sun in U.S.A. So I can put my sunglasses to use enough. 
  The subway,,.I thought pahaps I may miss a train.
  So I bought an one day pass ticket.It was a clear and safety in Washington's subway.
  Everyone can take this train easy! So I didn't miss the train.
  I stayed in Virginia State. I took the train at from Rosslyn to Farragut west for a few minutes.
  It started a long way by walk,,.
  To be continue tomorrow.

potluck party ~ポットラック・パーティー~

2006-05-24 | Weblog
今日はインターナショナル・ウーマンズクラブに行きました。 2つの教会でそれぞれ月に2回ずつあるのですが、一つの協会のほうは既に夏休みになりました。もう一つのほうも夏休み前ということで、ポットラックパーティをしました。  インターナショナルウーマンズクラブって?  ポットラックって? だよね・・・。 インターナショナル・ウーマンズクラブは、その名の通りいろいろな国の主婦の方々が集まって、いろいろな手芸(クラフト)をするのです。コーヒーなど飲み物を飲んだり、お菓子などを食べたり,近くにいる人とおしゃべりしながら手芸します。しかも全て無料なんです。びっくりでした。  ポットラックパーティーは、ひとりひとりが料理を持ち寄って来て皆で分け合って食べることです。 日本人?私はこういうことに慣れていなくて最初は何を作ろうと一生懸命考えていたけれど、買ってくる人もいて、気軽に考えてよかったようです。最近は、炊き込みご飯を丸おにぎりにして持って行っています。  今回はポットラックがメインだったので、クラフトはなくておしゃべりを沢山しました。写真はそのときの料理です美味しそうでしょ

I went to an International Women's Club today. There are two clubs each church in Knoxville. The one of church has been closed for summer vacation. We had a potluck party before the summer vacation. The International Women's Club? The Potluck party? Do you think so? The International Women's Club is women of around of the world who live in here gathering in church and making a craftwork. We drink a coffee or tea and eat some snack,and make a craftwork as talking next friends. It is a free price all of them.I was surprised it. The potluck party is eating share food which bring one food per each person with everyone. Japanese? In my case,I was not used to have this party. So I was thinking of food so hard. But someone buy something Food.So it is easy. I bring a rice ball with cooked chiken,mashroom,carrot,egg(we call it`takikomigohan´) when there is the potluck party. It main event was Potluck. So there wasn´t craftwork. So we were talking a lot. This photo is some foods at that time.mmmm,,,yummy,,,

doughnuts ~ドーナツ~

2006-05-21 | Weblog
 今日は、ドーナツ屋さん(Krispy Krem)へ行きました。 スーパーにあるドーナツはいろいろな色のアイシングがかかっていたりしてとっても甘そうなんですなので、一度も買ったことがなかったのです。 でも、このドーナツ屋さんは美味しいと、友だちに聞いたので行ってみました。 気のいいおばちゃんの店員さんが、笑顔で出迎えてくれました。ドーナツを頼むときに、「数を言うときは何て言うの?」と尋ねてきたので、「1個、2個、、、。」と伝えると、私が品物を指差す度に「1個?」と日本語で聞いてくれていって、全部で12個。  なぜ2人暮らしなのに12個かというと、クーポンで``どんな種類のドーナツ12個(1ダース)買うとオリジナルドーナツのみ1ダースを99¢で買えます´´というものなのです。しかも最初の1ダースでも(私はアソートで頼んだので)$5ちょっとなんです。  明日お友だちに、おもてなしに出したいと思います。
 I went to a doughnuts shop(Krispy Kreme).
 It seems too sweet doughnuts with colorful iceing which are sold at some grocery store for me.
 So I had never bought it. But I heard this shop's doughnuts are good taste.
 So I tryed to go. A saleslady who is a good natured welcomed us.
 When I ordered a doughnut, she asked me`How doy you say to count by Japanese?´I told her`IKKO NIKO,,,.´
 So whenever I point a doughnut,she asked me `IKKO?´.It total is dozen.
 You may think why it is dozen even we are 2people.
 Because I use a coupon which I can buy ¢99 dozen original doughnuts when I buy any dozen doughnuts at regular price.
 And then first one dozen doughnuts is about $5(I ordered an asort) 
 I will entertain some friends for these doughnuts tomorrow.

mishearing 2 ~聞き違え 2~

2006-05-20 | Weblog
 最初のウェイターさんではなく、ご年配のウェイトレスさんがテーブルにやって来ました。そして、私のコップを見て、「Would you like to ○■△?」私は聞き取れなかったので「Pardon?」と。そしておばあちゃんは一言「アス。」・・・私には``おしり´´に聞こえたのです。またまた私は動揺したのです。おしりがどうしたの??と、自分のおしりをチラッと見たりしているうちに、おばあちゃんは伝わっていないのを理解したようで、ドリンクの置いてあるところからスコップを持ってきて「アース」とゆっくり言ってくれて見せてくれたのは「氷」でした。

I cannot hearing to Englsih smooth still now.So I couldn't hearing it I was new,,,.
I ordered unsweet tea without ice at a buffe style restaulant.I ate which like food only,I tryed a dessert.I was enjoying the meal.
An elderly waitress came my table.At first waiter came here.
She look at my glass and she said`Would you like to○■△?´I couldn't hear.So I said`Pardon?´.She said one word`ass(I heard like it)´So,her saying rocked me.I thought`What is my ass??´and then I a little bit looked at my hip.It seemed she understood I couldn't understand her saying.So she brought a scoop from corner that put on some juices.And then she said slowly `・・・´(still I could hear ``ass´´)and showed me it.
That was an ``ICE´´.
I talked an American(from Ohio)who works with Kevin about this story.He said `I have experienced it too´.Was it a southern accent??

mishearing 1 ~聞き違え~

2006-05-19 | Weblog
 ぎゃああ。下着やらパジャマやら洗濯物がベッドの上に!と思い出しても時は遅しどうしようとオロオロしていると、お兄さんは、「●△@■☆?」なぬ?!早口でわからん。「Pardon?」と聞き返すと「Do you have a trouble ●△@sex?」と聞こえた私はさらに大パニック。タイミングが悪いことにお兄さんは寝室から出てきていたからね・・・。

 I live in an apartment in Knoxville at Tennessee.The one of the apartment's service is a pest control at once per month.
 I began acclimate American life on that day.I have forgotten the pest control day.When I backed home,I saw some keys on my apartment's door.I was wondering.(I had never seen an exterminator)I entered there horror of horrors.He came out from my master bed room.I understood who he is.At the moment,`in master room...´
`oh, noooo.´I remembered there are some shirts and linens which I brought those from a dryer on my bed.It was too late.I was thinking`What do I do?´and upsetting.He said something.But I couldn't understand it.I said`pardon?´He said it again.`Do you have ●△@sex?´But I could hear like that.So I paniced more and more.He came out from my master room by bad timing...
He understood I haven't understood his English and then he said one word`worm´.yeah,yeah,I know that word!!You mean `Are there some worm?´,don' you?There are a lot of spiders in here in last summer.So I told him `here and here...´
I was expecting what he do.He just pusshed a splay which seems can get some shops. whishhhh...That's it?!
I can do it by myself...
Latter day,I told K about this story.It was to be clear readily.It word was (you knew)`insects´which I mistook hearing. 
I was so embarrassed.

the orthodontics ~歯科矯正~

2006-05-18 | Weblog

I was interested in an orthodontics.I was thinking that cost is cheaper than Japan.But I didn't know how to get it and cannot understand English.So I was thinking It is an impossible.
But I met K who she has braces already.I dicided to have braces since I came to U.S.A.for 2months.Kindly K took me and she trancelated English for me at my first braces day.I was very glad.Now also,we go to there for fixing our braces.
I had braces my upper teeth at first.I had braces my lower teeth today.I remembered I felt strange and sore when I had braces at first time.oooh,ouch.

My birthday2

2006-05-16 | Weblog

It was too late night yesterday.So I just introduced about why I make this weblog.I tell about what I did on my yesterday now.(I wanted to record my birthday.)
I went to ESL(free English class at church),after that I had a lunch with my friends.(I will tell you about some meal in here after.)
My friends gave me some presents.I was so glad.Thanks for MrsT&MrsN!!!
At night,I had a dinner with Kevin(my husband's nickname.of course he is Japanese.).It restaulant a little bit popular.So I ordered full course.I was a very greedy yesterday.But it was my birthday!!
After dinner,Kevin gave me a present!!!That present was bag which I was seeing for a long time.He knew about I couldn't decide at that time.
Thank you,Kevin.I was so happy on first my birthday in U.S.A.

My happy birthday!!!! ~私の誕生日~

2006-05-15 | Weblog

I live in Ameriga almost one year.I wanted to tell my family and my friens about my American life,but I could not.Because I wanted to try to make this brog by Japanese & English for my study.I decided to make this brog from on my birthday for like a commemoration.I make some mistake even Japanese sometimes.So pahaps you may think `are you sure?Can you make this brog by English?´.But I want to try it for my study.So if I make a mistake,please turn a blind eye or tell me secretly.I think I want to try to enjoy American life as being struggling but the ups and downs of life,no hurry.
(I feel so hard to make those sentence.So you will know about my English level.Do my best...)