2016-12-17 | 音楽、詩、詞、童謠

なぜめぐり逢うのかを 私たちはなにも知らない

いつめぐり逢うのかを 私たちはいつも知らない

どこにいたの 生きてきたの 遠い空の下 ふたつの物語

縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私

織りなす布は いつか誰かを 暖めうるかもしれない

なぜ生きてゆくのかを 迷った日の跡の ささくれ

夢追いかけ走って ころんだ日の跡の ささくれ

こんな糸が なんになるの 心許なくて ふるえてた風の中

縦の糸はあなた 横の糸はわたし

織りなす布は いつか誰かの 傷をかばうかもしれない

縦の糸はあなた 横の糸はわたし

逢うべき糸に 出逢えることを 人は仕合わせと呼びます



We know nothing about why we meet
We never know when we are going to meet
Where and how have you lived till now
Somewhere so far away from me
You and I have two different histories

And it is as if
Your life is like a vertical thread
Mine is like a horizontal thread
We weave a tapestry together
And it may be used to warm someone else one day

Frayed after being concerned about our future
Frayed after chasing our dreams and falling down
There were some times I wondered
Does the thread do any good
My heart was shivering in the wind of uncertainness

Your life is like a vertical thread
Mine is like a horizontal thread
We weave a tapestry together
And it may be used to hide someone's wounded heart

Your life is like a vertical thread
Mine is like a horizontal thread
When one meets the right thread
We call it meant to be

~ from 「Singles 2000」

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