
The Oak Treeを地方ことばに訳すことを始めました


2011年04月01日 | 資料

My Dear Beloved Friends of Japan,

I write these words with very thoughtful consideration. I want you to know that although one exact year has past since the very tragic events of the earthquake and tsunami fell upon you, the pain and remembrance of this has not diminished in my heart.

While that day will be remembered as a day of pain and sorrow, we are now witnessing a resurrection of life and strength.

Today, I revived the memory of March 11, 2011, by watching some of the news videos. I was struck by one scene, in particular, where the tsunami wave hit the town of Minamisanriku. There were a number of people who were still trying to flee from the encroaching water, and some appeared to be elderly or unable to walk quickly. Other people quickly bypassed them as they climbed a nearby hillside with stairs. As the wall of debris approached what appeared to be an elderly man who was being overtaken by the water, it seems that the people who had initially passed him stopped to return and help him. With the help of several, it appears that the man was rescued and brought to safety. Watching this scene touched my heart one year ago, just as it did today. I decided to write my words based on my feelings from far away, and apply it to our beloved story of the oak.

The oak tree begins it’s growth by establishing a “tap root,” which is a solitary root that finds it way deep into the soil to acquire water and nutrients. Once the tree is established, however, the lone taproot gives way to a much wider and expansive “network” of roots that spread closer to the soil surface, and can grow well beyond the tree’s canopy to catch the much-needed rain. In addition, this “network” of roots helps the tree to gain stability in the soil and develop a very important relationship with what we call “mycorrhiza,” a specific type of fungus that is adapted to a “symbiotic” relationship with the tree’s roots. Both the tree and fungus benefit from their relationship by providing energy and nutrients to each other. As the tree matures and grows, it uses its nutrients to produce acorns, or the “seeds.” In some cases, a terrible storm, fire, drought or frost can come and destroy the oak trees “buds,” that eventually turn into acorns. But the oak tree is surprisingly resilient, and can often produce new buds even after apparent injury by investing much of its reserve energy into the process. Once the acorns are developed and matured, they drop to the ground and are carried throughout the mountains and valleys by animals and insects that depend on them for food. Many of them are planted in the rich soil, and are able to germinate and grow. Sometimes, the acorns may simply grow near the tree itself, but must grow just outside of its shady canopy because oak trees are “shade-intolerant.” Oak trees can become some of the largest trees on the planet, and in many cases, can grow as old as several hundred years. Eventually, the oak tree will provide food and shade for many creatures, including humans, and along with many other oak trees, will become a great forest.

There are many lessons we can learn from this great tree. One of the most important things we notice is that the oak cannot survive alone. While the Oak Tree Poem gives us the picture of the oak tree’s strength, below the surface we realize that the oak was able to withstand the storm because there was a very strong “support system” below. As you all experienced in the Tsunami, there were many, many acts of valor and sacrifice as you all tried desperately to save one another. Sadly, humans may not demonstrate that kind of dedication to each other on a daily basis, but on that day, the world saw great acts of love and compassion as you pulled people from the waters, rescued them from the debris, and helped the wounded. We cried as we watched you tenderly care for the elderly, and protect the many young children. But while we felt hopeless in our inability to help you, we became full of hope as we watched you overcome and rebuild in the days afterwards.

While many of your youth were injured both spiritually and physically by the great earthquake and tsunami, they are not beyond recovery. Japan, your canopy is large, and under it rests the souls of your lost loved ones. But be sure that they are not forgotten, and their memories continue to nourish us all. But acorns cannot live under the shade of the great tree – they must be planted in the sun. Now it is time to tend to your youth who have need of your strength, but also have need of a bright future. Although you have been injured, I believe you must now invest your energy and nourishment into your youth to ensure that they can move forward and be planted. Their growth depends on the rich foundation of your strength, but their ability to grow also depends on their ability to grow outside the canopy of the past. Your youth are creative, beautiful, and intelligent. They now need your encouragement and support to explore innovative ways to take Japan into a new future.

We hope that you consider us to be part of your “support system,” and we desire to help you recover and gain strength. Because of today’s technology, we witnessed one of the greatest tragedies to be seen by human eyes. However, this can also be Japan’s greatest moment because your own ability to overcome is a sign to the rest of the planet that we can still have hope in the strength that is found in each other.

My prayers are offered up to my God, whom I know looks down upon you with Great Love.

Thank you for allowing me this precious opportunity to express my feelings for you all.







I know it is difficult for you because you are in the middle of the situation, but I must tell you “animo!” You must keep a positive attitude, and know that you are making an impact.

I would like to remind you that it has been SEVEN years since Hurricane Katrina, and yet very little has been done. But too many people are waiting for the government to make then changes. I noticed that those people who are moving forward are those that took action themselves.

I know that it must be a terrible challenge to your government and to your people to try to clean up both the radiation and the damage from the tsunami/earthquake, but you must focus on what has been accomplished, even if it does not seem apparent. Why? Because your positive attitude will encourage others. “Animo” is contagious! You must not allow yourself or others to get despondent, but push forward despite the hardship. Why? Because the oak tree strives to LIVE no matter what. After the fires, I am so amazed that what appeared to be dead oak trees are trying to re-sprout and live.

I believe it is better to live with hope, than to live hopelessly. In the end, you will have suffered less for it, and helped other people persevere. It is SO important that the children and youth believe that there IS hope, and if they cannot get it from their government, then they have only YOU and others who will lead them.

I tell you this as my good friend – do not weaken, but stay strong. If you are frustrated with the government, then rely on yourselves to get GOOD THINGS accomplished, even if they are small. Governments will ALWAYS fail its people if the people put their trust in something that has no soul. I have all confidence that you can make an impact working together...as a people...not as a government.

As always, I am praying for your strength. I have asked all of my friends to pray for you all as well.


ダイアナ (高槻訳)


