もの想う鷲 (A thinking eagle)


7月05日 (July 05) 食前の祈り (Pre-meal prayer)

2011-07-05 16:39:28 | 日記
7月05日 (July 05) 食前の祈り (Pre-meal prayer)

忘るまじ  生の源 祈りなり
I shall not forget prayers are the source of living.

日本人の生活から、殆ど 祈り が消えている。 お金だけが関心事となり、生活の全ての行動は、お金に基づいて決定されている、と言っても誇張ではないと思う。



Almost all prayers disappear from the living of the Japanese people. I don’t think It is an exaggeration to say that they are interested only in money and all the activities in their living are decided based on money.

We should be grateful to the fact that we are now alive and we have to find out what is the purpose of our own lives. So I recommend Buddhists to say the following pre-meal prayer, which Buddha started (and his disiples followed him) and Zen-priests have been practising since Zen-Buddhism founder Dharma, before each meal.

For One, I appreciate the efforts of many people who are involved to have produced this meal and the great blessing of the Great Mother Nature that have produced each gradient of this meal.
For Two, I have this meal reflecting whether or not my every day mental and physical activities are worthy of this meal of which almost all is attributable to what is offered by the devotees.
For Three, my motto is not to have wicked minds, and to be aloof from mistake, avarice, etc.
For Four, I cure my body, that may be ailing, by this medicine the Great Mother Nature gives me.
For Five, I have this meal to consummate my human being.

I thank AMIDA BUDDHA and SHAKA BUDDHA and vow to preach the gospel of Buddhism.
南無阿弥陀仏 南無阿弥陀仏

The end
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