臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

SCRIPT [The Reacue] 4/7

2008-10-19 | Script
今日は、「Fun in the Sun」の「The Reacue」のスクリプトです~



1 2 3 WEE! 1 2 3 WEE!1 2 3 WEE!
We're going, Arnold.
Ready? 1 2 3 WEE!
What is it, Arnold? What's that...Oh, I see. Yes, it's a lovely boat Arnold. Careful. There you are.
Does it want to go for a ride.
He's too small. You can't Arnold. You won't be able to reach the pedales.
Never mind, Arnold. I've got an idea. Come on. I'll race you back to Tiger. You starter is, Pig.
Ready, steady, go!

You won, Arnold. Come on, Tiger. We've got work to do.
Have we? What kind of work?
We're going to build a boat.
Why are we going to do that?
You know, a sand boat, for Arnold to have a riding.
One of those, right.
How many is it for then?
Just us for.

Here we'll do.
Here goes.
You bulid up this a bit Arnold, like this.
Hello. What are you doing?
There is a spade over there.
What are you making?
A motor boat, for Arnold.
Seats next.

We need your bucket and spade, Arnold. And some shells.
It's Brilliant! Right. All aboard! You drive, Arnold.
Start the engine, Arnold. Press this button.
Chug chug chug....
Right, Arnold. Off we go. Push that forward.
Faster, Arnold.
Hey, Arnold!
Oh, no. He wants to go to that pedal boat again. Alright Arnold. You could look at it, but you can't have a ride, okay?
Shall we go rock pooling?

What have you got?
A seaweed.
Look, Tiger. A starfish. Got it! Great, isn't it?
Yes. A prawn. Let's see. They like seaweed.

What have you got?
I've got 2 prawns and a fish.
I've got.... Wow! The tide's coming in.
We are trapped. We are going to be washed away.
No, we're not, Tiger. The tide won't come up this high. We'll be alright. Wow! You can see for miles up here.
Hey, there is Arnold. Arnold!(x5) Oh.
Now we'll have to stay here or not, we'll get cold, we'll get wet. We'll get wet.
We've got nothing to eat. We haven't got anything to drink, either. We're going to be really really boring. It will probably pour with rain. We'll get soaked to the skin. We'll both catch cold.
Look, Tiger. Over there. Look. It's Pig and Arnold. Hurray! He did see us.
Hurray! Over here!(x2)
Shall we put them back now, Arnold?
Now the starfish. You've got your boat trip, then?

