臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Clock

2010-08-01 | Script

George liked visiting professor Wiseman,
because she was the only person he knew who worked under a whale.

I know those knocks. Come on in, guys!

Wow! What's that?
My hobby. Working on complex things relaxes me.

Have you ever seen such a beautiful clock, George?
If you like it now, watch what happens every hour.

So, what do you think?
(It's) Very impress(ive)...
I'm glad (that) you liked it, George.
Oh, we should go. The rocket presentation is starting soon.
Are you coming with us, George?
Or do you wanna stay here and watch the clock?
Oh, well. If it's okay with Professor Wiseman, it's okay with me.

If you want to see the little people play again,
move the minute hand once around to twelve.
Have fun!

How long does it take to build a clock like that?
Oh, about three years.
Oh, that reminds me, eh. I'll be right back.
George, be a good little monkey.

George wanted to see the little people again.
That looked like George's friend Compass, the almost homing pigeon.
Because when all the other homing pigeons homed in on the statue, he almost made it.
It was Compass alright.

George was happy to see his friend pigeon,
and Compass was happy to see his friend uh .....
well, whatever George was.

George wanted Compass to see Professor Wiseman's clock in action.
He couldn't fix the minute hand, and that's what made the little people play.
He knew they were in there somewhere.
George remembered there was another way into the clock. The back.

When you take something apart, it's a good idea to pay attention to what went where.

Where could George find out how a clock's parts go together?
The library! Of course.

The library's full of helpful books,
and they've got a really big clock on top.

He hoped studying the big clock would show him exactly what to do with a little clock.

George was glad that noise had stopped,
but maybe it was time to pack up and go home.

That clock has never stopped ever.

The big clock on the library stopped.
Well, let's go!
Wait, Stuart. What are we supposed to do?
We're the fire department. We'll figure it out.

Mr. Reloj. The big clock stopped.
(Is it) The big library clock that the whole city depends upon?
Oh, that clock has never stopped ever.
We must move like lightning.

He was sure he had all the tools, but George still felt like he was missing something.

Okay, Miss. Thank you. Hey, please step outside. I must listen.

Whose tools are these?
What's a little monkey like you doing in a huge clock like this?
Wait. Would you like me to help you?

Okay, and this goes there. Now you see?
Wow, what a beautiful clock! Did you make it?
I know everything about clocks, but not one thing about understanding monkey.
Well, be more careful in future, eh?
Time is a precious thing.

Compass. What have we said about bringing pigeons indoors, George?
Oh, it's alright. Are you showing him my clock?
Well, go ahead.
George, how did this heavy metal tool box get so (dented)?

