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☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Roller-coaster

2010-03-14 | Script

Good morning, George. I'm gonna sleep 5 more minutes, okay?

Yes, siree!
This here roller-coaster whips and snaps you around hair-pin turns at 70 miles per hour!
So come on down to Zany Island and ride the Turbo Python 3000.
That's captain's orders! Arghhh!

Well, that looks uh, very exciting, George.
Anyway we have a lot of errands to run today. I got, You know....

Like I was saying, I'll get dressed so we can spend a fun day at Zany Island, riding the Turbo Python 3000.

Now don't eat all that licorice at once, okay George?

Hi, Steve, Betsy.

Hi, George.
Hey, have you guys been on the Turbo Python 3000?
We've been on nine times already.
That's the record!
Is it [uh] fun?
He screamed his head off nine times.
We're gonna ride it all day. Wanna come?

Everyone was excited about riding the Turbo Python 3000,
except the man with the yellow hat.
He was afraid of roller-coasters and remembered the first and last time he rode a roller-coaster.
It was so long ago he was just the boy with the yellow hat.
And since that day roller-coasters upset him.
Okay, I'm a grown man. I have no reason to fear a roller-coaster.
Enjoy the ride, George. I am thirsty.

Excuse me. I'm sorry but you can't ride the Turbo Python 3000.
I have to be as tall as this sign to ride, and you're not.
Sorry pal.
That goes for you, too, Son.
Do you mind if we ride without you?

Sorry, I measure to the top of a head, not the top of a hat.
You're gonna have to really grow before you can ride there, little fella.
George wondered exactly how much he had to grow.
But when he measured with his hand, he was the same height as the sign.
He must've grown already.

You're not measuring right.
I wish I had a ruler or something.
Let's see, one two three four five.
The sign is five licorice whips tall,
and you're one two three four licorice whips tall.
You can come back, when you're grown one more licorice whip tall.
Until then, enjoy the rest of the park.

The man with the yellow hat decided that before today was over, he was going to ride that Turbo Python 3000 somehow.

Well, this is a start anyway.
Uh-oh. I can't do it. Oh, boy. I am thirsty.

The petting zoo was fun, but George had one-thing on his mind (and that's the Turbo Python 3000.).
I betcha if we eat what giraffes eat, we'll be tall, too.
George imagined how great it would be to be tall enough to ride the Turbo Python 3000.
(It) Tastes that bad?
I wonder if growing up always tastes bad.

George wondered how the man got so big.
Exercise, of course!
So you wanna grow big and strong like me, huh?
Great. I'll show you the proper work-out, and you can be as big as me in five years.
George couldn't wait five years, not today.

One, two, three, four and half!
George had grown half licorice whip.
Eating like a giraffe and exercising really helped.
Maybe he could stretch himself the last half a licorice whip.

That's it, honey. Go to sleep. Nothing makes you grow like a good sleep.
And I want you to grow to be big and healthy.

All this growing made George tired; if sleep made you grow, he could do two things at once.

Sleep made George grow a lot! At least in his dream.
I'm sorry, (but) you can't ride the Turbo Python 3000. You are too big.
George didn't grow as big as he had his dream, but he grew enough to be five licorice whips tall.

My hat! I lost my hat!
Seeing Betsy lose her hat, reminded the man with the yellow hat of the fateful day.
My hat! I lost my hat!
That's it. I'm not afraid of roller-coasters. I'm afraid of losing my yellow hat!
Your hat is safe, Betsy.

One two three four five. You've grown already?
Any change you've been nibblin' on those licorice whips, George?
When you were first measured the licorice whips were longer, so it took four of them to measure you, but every time you took a bite, you made it smaller, so now it takes five to measure you.

So you didn't grow at all. Sorry.

What's with all these sour faces. I don't like sour faces at me park, you know.
Hi, there, Captain Zany. You see this monkey is too short to ride the Turbo Python 3000.
Too short? Baahh. He's not too short. Monkeys don't grow very big. That's why we have the "You must be this tall if you're a monkey" side.

You can ride, George. And I'm coming with you. But first give me all your licorice.

